Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.467 Completing Light of Destruction

CH.467 Completing Light of Destruction

CH.467 Completing Light of Destruction

Today I didn’t have anything major queued up. I was mainly working on the new skill I still want to make, you know the one that would allow you to modify your body using mana.

I was also learning Vampiric Body Modification under Ria and Lua. It is basically what I want the skill to do, except that I don’t want it to modify the body physically, instead coating the body in a layer of mana to act like a modified body.

But it is still good to get firsthand experience with the skill, so I can make my skill idea better.

Other than that, I also had some packs to open and some sets to complete. Starting off with .

I’ve opened 40 packs of Light of Destruction thus far, so I do ten more one by one before I move onto some speedruns.

So without further ado, let’s get to some packs.


Okay. Got a new card from the first pack. That’s a great start.

And Light of Redemption is … fine, I suppose. I do wonder if I can somehow use it to recover people whose souls or whatever have been lost, so that I can resurrect people outside of the 24 hour time limit Monster Reborn has. I need to look into that at some point, but I’m not sure if I can. Not like I can Factory test this sort of thing.

And even if I could find a human test subject, it would have to be someone who had the Light attribute, and even then I’m not sure how ethical it would be. Resurrecting people is already questionable, so resurrecting someone who has been dead for a long time will be even more questionable.

… Let’s open the next pack before these questions break me.


… So Pack Opener is on my side today? I think it doesn’t want a repeat of my showing 100 Pack tokens down its throat.

Arcana Force XXI - The World is kind of nice. Good stats, and the effect to skip your opponents turn. Sure I’ve never tested what it will do in real life, so I’ll have to do that, but still. A great monster to have access to.

Next pack.


Welp. That is the first one with no new cards. No biggie, because the last two packs had awesome stuff.

Next pack.


Nothing new. Next pack.


Nothing new. Next pack.


Nothing new, next.


Nothing new, next.


Nothing new, next.


Still nothing new. I guess the first two packs took all the new cards. One more before the speedruns.


Still nothing new. Well, two out of ten is … I think it is about what is expected. Would have liked to have a few more new cards, but this is where unlimited Pack tokens come into play.

So for the first speedrun, let’s use 50 packs and see what I can get.


Okay. New stuff. But not as many as I was expecting.

Diskblade Rider is a decent LV.4 monster. Having the effect to go up to 2200 attack for a turn is decent. And he has a motorcycle, so he is cool.

Maniacal Servant is … what can I say about him? His effect isn’t terrible, if you could use it during your turn and if it increased his attack. … okay, even if you could do that, it would still be mediocre. But as it stands, Maniacal Servant is trash.

Guardian of Order is a secret rare, so that is nice. It also special summons itself, which is nice, but useless for me. But it does look awesome and resonable stats, so I’ll take it.

Wulf, Lightsworn Beast is a Lightsworn classic. Great effect for the deck, good stats for a LV.4, and he looks cool. Definitely nice to have one.

Gladiator Beast Gyzarus is another classic. One of the better Glad Beast fusions, mainly because of the on summon effect.

Union Attack is an interesting spell, because it allows for the unification of power. It might be useful against fissures to one tap the opposing monsters. 


But still. Only six new cards from 50 packs. That isn’t all that good. So another 50, and then probably a 100 after that. Then I’ll just get the last few manually. 

… actually, let’s just do 100 twice. … or better yet, let’s just do 200 at the same time. What could possibly go wrong with that?


… Yeah. Maybe 200 is 100 too many. But how did I not get Judgment Dragon from 200 packs!?

Whatever. Let’s go over the new stuff.

Honest is nice. The crazy attack boost it can give is so useful in so many situations. Sadly I don’t think it will work on me because I still don’t have an attribute. … actually, maybe I’m all attributes. I can use any attribute specific equip spell after all. So Honest might work. I’ll test it out at some point.

Dark General Freed is okay. A bit creepy looking, but his effect isn’t bad. 

Jinzo - Lord is just an upgraded Jinzo. If I ever need Jinzo, I can just summon Jinzo - Lord instead.

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter is a cute wolf/dog thing. I want to summon it and pet it. And he is a good boy with a good effect, even if his stats aren’t all that amazing.

Vanquishing Light is another counter trap against summoning, but honestly, I’ve not ran into a single situation where a card like that would have been useful. … then again, I’ve never tested if they can prevent the fissures from pooping out monsters. Still, Vanquishing Light isn’t the one I’d use.

Soul Rope isn’t bad, I just don’t need it. Like always, unlimited searching and summoning.

Celestia, Lightsworn Angel, Maximum Six and Ultimate Rare Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem aren’t new, but I didn’t have the ultimate rare versions of them yet.

Destiny End Dragoon is nice. Great attack, great effect. Just an all around great card.

Dangerous Machine Type-6 isn’t good. It is just … a dangerous machine.

And Solar Recharge can make me Pack tokens, so it isn’t bad.


But still. 200 packs, nine new cards. 12 if you count the ones where I didn’t have the card in the higher rarity. Not all that many.

But let’s just set up the capsules to get the cards I’m missing and call it a day. 

And after a quick check, I’m missing just eight cards. Starting off.

Kuraz the Light Monarch is … not the best Monarch. It isn’t terrible, just … not the greatest.

Angel O7 is fine, but I don’t really need the effect it has. 

Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo is great. Good flip effect and prevents special summons. … except that neither of those things actually matter! But whatever. He is cool, so he can stay.

Fog King is cool. It gains the attack of the monster(s) tributed for its summon, so he can get big attack.

Ehren, Lightsworn Monk isn’t the greatest Lightsworn. That is all I’m going to say about that.

Tualatin is … interesting, but a bit too specific.

Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler is good. Either double attack with 4000 attack stat, or suicide bomb everything on death. Both are nice effects.

And last, we have the Judgment Dragon. You know this sucker, and you either hate it, or you play Lightsworns. In which case you love it. There is no in-between with this beast. And I’m glad to have one, even if I’m not the biggest Lightsworn fan.


So yeah. With that, another set is complete. I now have all the ‘pre-Synchro’ era sets completed, so that is nice. Feels like a milestone of sorts. 

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