Yuri Empire

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Let’s Make a Working Beast


“Hamar, can I ask for a little [clairvoyance]?”

“I’ve acknowledged”

Yuri, who soared high in the sky on the back of the Wyvern, had Hamar, who was riding in the back, cast the magic of [clairvoyance]. Hamar seems to have continued to cast the magic of [clairvoyance] by herself.

This is a spirit magic that borrows the power of the spirit of light, and gives the effect that “the distant scenery can be arbitrarily enlarged and displayed in the field of view” as if using binoculars. The magnification can be adjusted freely to some extent, so it is a magic that is easy to use.

“Everyone is doing their best”

In Yuri, who looked down from the sky, the appearance of everyone in the “Yuri Empire” who was busy moving around the city of Nildea and hunting for monsters was clearly visible thanks to [distant view].

The monster should have just revived when the calendar entered “Natsutsuki”, already disappeared within 5km of the city of Nildea. Farther than that, there are still many monsters. If everyone continues to hunt at this pace, all those monsters will disappear in a few days.

“Well, everyone seems to be working very hard on “destroying”. It became clear that hunting monsters can still grow, so I can understand the feelings that everyone is trying to do. If I’m not in “love duty” tonight, I would have been absorbed in it too.”

“Oh, Is not like I’m going to force you on duty today?”

“Please don’t say anything mean. I’ve been waiting for today’s turn, counting every day. I’m eager to raise my level, but I love Yuri-sama. What I want is just trivial matter.”

Blushing cheeks, Hamar said so with a little embarrassment.

If you say so, you will be satisfied immediately by Yuri with a happy feeling.

“It’s nice to be loved. It might be offensive to say this, but when I was in Leangard, I loved everyone in the Yuri Empire unilaterally. There were a few parts that I thought I was doing. Now, I can’t stand how happy it is for everyone to give back to me. ”

“Oh, that’s… Actually, We were a little wondering on our part. When we were in the previous world “Leangard”, Yuri-sama was so generously loving us. But for some reason we couldn’t respond to that… it’s as if there was a “shackle” about showing affection towards Yuri-sama… we feel that way. ”


Perhaps the restrictions as a “game” warned their hearts in some way. ――― It seemed to Yuri like that. It’s intuitive, so there’s no clear reason to think so.

“It looks like the sweepers aren’t hunting.”


Around the city, not only the figures of everyone in the “Yuri Empire” but also the figures of sweepers who seemed to have come to hunt monsters can be seen.

It was the day when the monsters were resurrected, so she guessed they came to hunt outside the city with a spirit. They couldn’t keep up with the speed of everyone in the Yuri Empire, and the sweeper didn’t seem to be hunting at all.

“Well, there’s no reason to give them the prey.”

“That’s right. Once they point their sword at the Yuri Empire, the sweepers are hostile. There may be reasons to interfere with our activities, but there is no need to consider them.”

It’s been more than 3 weeks ago. The “Yuri Empire” killed not only about 1,400 civilian employees but also about 200 sweeper when they defeated the city of Nildea. This is because there were a certain number of sweepers working in the city of Nildea who tried to participate in the defense battle of the city. They pointed their swords at the “Yuri Empire” that invaded the city — and, of course, they were easily hunted down. After all, they were only small fish for everyone who have level 200 in “Yuri Empire”.

So the sweeper didn’t do any damage to the “Yuri Empire”. However, as Hamar says, the organization called “Sweeper Guild” has come to be recognized as a clear “hostile existence” for Yuri. This is natural because they pointed their swords at the children that Yuri loved.

Regarding this matter, the “Sweeper Guild” explained that “the sweepers who are familiar with the city of Nildea just tried to participate in the defense battle without permission, but  as an organization we did not try to become enemy for the Yuri Empire.”

For the time being, Yuri also accepts this excuse. Rubetta and Ados have reminded them that if the “Sweeper Guild” disappears, it will be difficult to procure escorts, and the number of wagons that travel between Nildea and other cities may decrease.

Therefore, the facility of “Sweeper Guild” still exists in the city of Nildea.

— That doesn’t mean that Yuri has forgotten her grudge.

It has been reported that the organization called “Sweeper Guild” is like a “union” to which those who live in the hunting of monsters belong. Then, if the Yuri Empire hunts monsters from the vicinity of the city of Nildea by “destroyer”, they expect  that the sweepers lost their job and the union will disappear naturally. Yuri hasn’t thought about actively crushing it yet. It was a fact that they were an unpleasant partner for Yuri to the extent that she passively thought, “I wish they disappeared.”

“Well, I don’t care about the sweepers. It’s a story that the children of “Red Rose (Enclase)” are capturing some Axhorns nearby… Is there anything like that from Hamar’s eyes? ”

“Yuri-sama. There seems to be something… the ground is depressed just outside the east gate. Maybe it has something to do with it.”

“Um–oh, I see. There is certainly something. Let’s go.”

Instructing the Wyvern, Yuri glides toward just outside the east gate.

When approaching, Yuri found a pit with a depth of about 40 m created by earth magic. When she got off the Wyvern and walked up to the edge to see what was inside, there were exactly 10 Axhorns and 10 Urigos monsters in the pit.

Yuri expected it to be only Axhorn, but apparently they were carefully catch Urigo as well.

“They made a simple dungeon by digging the ground with magic to catch monsters. As expected of the red roses.”

“If they dig this deep, we don’t have to worry about running away.”

Axhorn is a cow, and Urigo is a monster that imitates a wild boar.

For monsters that can only run on four legs, there is no way they can climb a vertical wall that is as high as 40m.

“Then, I’ll go a little.”

“Yes, please be careful.”

“I’m not the kind of person who needs to be careful though.”

After telling Hamar that way, Yuri throws herself into the pit.

To make a monster your own working beast, you need to “subdue one-on-one”. However, strictly speaking, this means that you must subdue it by “single (solo)” without the help of other “friends” or “working beasts”, even if there are many opponents.

While falling at a height of 40m, Yuri establishes a ” bond” with all monsters by clearly seeing all 20 Axhorns and Urigo inside. Furthermore, Yuri activated the <Revenge Bond> skill just before landing. When this skill is activated, the “disadvantageous effect” suffered by the Yuri can be given to the opponent who ties with the “bond”. The damage received by Yuri will reach Axhorn and Urigo through the “bond”.

Assuming that the gravitational acceleration of this world is the same as that of the earth, an object that freely falls from a height of 40 m will reach a speed of about 100 km/h at the time of landing if resistance is not taken into consideration. Naturally, there will be considerable fall damage. After all, the height that is said to “almost certainly die” when a person jumps and commits suicide is “45m”. If it falls from a height of “40m”, the next level of impact will occur.

In the “Atros Online” game, fall damage could be reduced by “physical defense of armor” and “ability value of [toughness]” in the same way as normal physical damage. However, Yuri is not equipped with any armor that has physical defense. The physical defense of all the clothes and accessories that she wears is “0”.

Furthermore, Yuri wears a ring that has the effect of cursed equipment, which makes all physical ability values “0” instead of increasing the maximum HP extremely significantly. Therefore, the ability value of [Toughness] is “0”, and the physical damage does not decrease at all.josei

Furthermore, Yuri wears a “criminal dress” armor on her body. This armor has the effect of “tripling the [attractiveness] and [protection] of the ability value, but also triples the damage taken”, so the fall damage naturally increases to triple.

The number “225” was displayed in red letters at the edge of the Yuri’s field of view.

This is a feature in the “Atros Online” game, an indicator that is displayed in the player’s field of view when damaged, and the numerical value indicates the “amount of damage taken”.

For Yuri, who has a maximum HP of 100,000 or more, it is a slight damage.

The damage also damages Axhorn and Urigo who are in the same pit through the “bond”. The effect of <Revenge Bond> becomes weaker as the number of enemies connecting “Kizuna” increases, and when the “bond” is connected to 10 or more monsters only 10% damage that Yuri received will be distributed to each monster.

Therefore, the damage done is only “22” points.

Of course, this level of damage cannot defeat Axhorn or Urigo. One of the Axhorns, recognizing that he was attacked and charged at Yuri. It is an assault that makes use of the large, sharp, and splendid horns on the head of the Axhorn.

Yuri’s abdomen was scooped out by that corner, and damaged by “371”.

There is no pain at all. She doesn’t know if her body, which is a game character, doesn’t feel any pain, or if the maximum HP is too high, she can’t feel anything with such a small amount of damage.

(Ah, no — at least it shouldn’t be the former)

Yuri remembers that some of the children were complaining of pain when she loved them as “love duty” at night. Therefore, it does not mean that this body itself does not feel pain.

Then, Yuri continues to accept the rush of Axhorn and Urigo many times. Because the amount of damage was small, even if it was hit with momentum, the body of Yuri would not be blown away and wouldn’t move. It feels a little strange.

Even so, every time Yuri was attacked, about 300 to 400 damage accumulates, and the monsters are also given 30 to 40 damage each. Eventually, after being charged about 20 times, all the monsters on the spot turned into corpses.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Urigo (Lv.21) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Axhorn (Lv.26) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Axhorn (Lv.26) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Axhorn (Lv.26) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Axhorn (Lv.26) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Axhorn (Lv.26) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Axhorn (Lv.26) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Axhorn (Lv.26) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Axhorn (Lv.26) alone and registered as a working beast.

Succeeded in defeating Axhorn (Lv.26) alone and registered as a working beast.

At the edge of Yuri’s field of view, such an action record (action log) is displayed. Apparently, all the monsters could be used as working beasts without any problems.

“Hamar! Please help me strip it off!”

“I’ve acknowledged!”

Call upwards and ask Hamar to come into the hole.

The working beast does not leave a corpse when killed. However, the corpse of the demon that remains there is treated as a corpse just before it is registered as a working beast, so thay can use the <Dismantling> skill to strip the material as usual.

In this world, monsters only repopulate once a month, so it is regrettable to waste meat. It should be properly recovered from all corpses.

“Appear in response to my call — [Working Beast Summon] Axhorn!”

After processing all the corpses, she tried [Summon a Working Beast], and was able to summon the Axhorn without any problems.

“I’d like to see if I can [revive summon] the dead beast, so can I have Axhorn killed?”

“I’ve acknowledged”

Yuri can do damage with “bonds”, but there is no active means of attack.

So she asked Hamar to burn the Axhorn she just called with the magic of [Flame Bullet].

“Mourn and regain your life and become my strength again — [Resuscitation Summon] Axhorn!”

[Revival Summon] is literally the magic of reviving a killed monster and then summoning it. When she actually tried it, this magic also worked without problems.

“… Ah, that. Yuri-sama”

“Yeah? What’s wrong, Hamar?”

“The corpse of the working beast I killed is still here …?”


When she looked at the point where Hamar pointed, there was certainly the corpse of Axhorn, which was burned to death by the magic of the [flame bullet] she had just exercised.

Originally, the “working beast” should not leave a corpse when killed. That was always the case, at least in the Atros Online game. However, in front of Yuri and Hamar, there is a corpse of Axhorn that has been burnt down and an individual of Axhorn that has just been resurrected at the same time.

“… Yuri-sama. Should we try to <disassembling> the corpse?”

“Yes, yeah. Please try it.”

Hamar <disassembles> the corpse of Axhorn that was burned to death.

As soon as <dismantling> was completed 5 seconds later, the corpse of Axhorn disappeared immediately.

“Yu, Yuri-sama. Normally… I got the material normally …”


It is easy for both Yuri and Hamar to imagine how big this means. Most of this was like a sly “cheat” —.

Yuri is no longer in the world of game. Therefore, she can’t hope for bugs to be fixed in this world.

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