Zhan Yue

Chapter 551

Chapter 551: Heading out late at night

“Talk about what?”

Lin Xi rode the horse out, Fallen Frost Blade hung low and her snow white cape fluttered. It was covered in holes and blood and its durability was quite low.

I walked out too with my daggers. My body was covered in blood light. I had killed too many, the 1700+ kills covered my equipment with a blood colored tinge.

“Cough cough…”

He smiled awkwardly, “This battle lasted for too long and it isn’t good for both of us. You should have gotten news that Elements and Winds of Battle have stopped. If we continue we will only lose. So I think we should stop and stop wasting energy and experience.”

Su Xiaohan nodded, “Right, aren’t you two tired after fighting for half a day?”

“A little.”

Lin Xi smiled, “Xiaohan, long time no see.”

“Actually, I saw many times that you tried to kill me, don’t act like you didn’t see me okay?” Su Xiaohan smiled.

Lin Xi’s face flushed red, “It is really a misunderstanding…”

I was speechless, “That is too fake?”

She stared at me, “You don’t have to care!”

I coughed, “Guild Leader Bugong, since you suggested this then give your conditions. If it is good then we wills top, honestly, it is indeed tiring.”


Bugong nodded, “Xiaohan tell them about it.”


Su Xiaohan frowned, “You really want me to say?”

“En, you are most suitable.”


Su Xiaohan walked forwards with her staff and smiled, “With You and Limitless would stop fighting. As a condition, we are willing to hand the north side forest of the Southern Plains to With You. The drop rate is decent and With You will back out of the south. Both sides will stop okay?”


Lin Xi was stunned and didn’t say anything.

I smiled, “No, since you want to stop then this isn’t it. Since With You came then we didn’t think about leaving. I will only accept one condition, we will occupy the land area we have now and not interfere with one another.”

“July Wildfire are you dreaming?”

Yanshi Berserk raged, “Do you think Winter Sun City is yours? You want to split Southern Plains? Does With You have such a big appetite to swallow such a big map?”

I frowned, “Since you don’t want to stop then forget it, let’s continue, we will kill you until Limitless back out of this map!”

Su Xiaohan was stunned, “Lu Li, you… You aren’t giving face at all…”


I frowned, “When Limitless fought us at Hercules Beetle Forest, did you show face? In Corpse King Ridge you attacked Assassin Alliance and With You’s territory, did you show face? Sister Xiaohan, you are being used as a gun. Spirit Realm Battlefield is the most competitive map here, With You is competing with Limitless. If you aren’t willing to talk then let’s go all out. There is no face in this battle!”

“Well said!”

Mundane Slaughter squinted his eyes and smiled, “Limitless really knows how to abuse the situation, not showing mercy when you should fight but when you can’t win you talk about face.”

“Who says can’t win!?”

Yanshi Berserk pointed his blade forwards and raged, “With You thinks you are the best just because you have a small advantage? If you really want to go all out, Limitless will too!”

“Shut up!”

Yanshi Bugong shouted and his eyes were filled with coldness, “Berserk am I the leader or are you? Can a single word from you decide whether we fight or not?”

“Boss… I…” Yanshi Berserk was shocked.

Yanshi Bugong looked at us with a serious expression, “Lin Xi, Lu Li, we accept your proposal. We will follow the area we each occupy now and not disturb one another okay?”


Lin Xi nodded, “Then let’s stop!”


Not long later, Lin Xi told the guild to stop fighting. Yanshi Bugong told Limitless the same thing. We each left some people at the border while the rest spread out to hunt monsters.


Light Lantern said in the guild management channel, “The Night Team is prepared, there are 1800 people that can game from 1am to 7am. At the same time they can help to defend in case other guilds attack us.”


Lin Xi nodded, “The rest of you go and rest and head online tomorrow morning. Today is just the first day of the event, there would probably be more conflicts.”


A bunch of players went offline. The moment I took off my helmet I smelled the crayfish on the table. Not long ago Shen Mingxuan had gone down to pick them up. A full 5 kilograms of them and some side dishes, enough for the four of us.


I wore my gloves and peeled the fragrant crayfish, in my hands was a can of sprite and beside me was Lin Xi. Instantly I felt as if my day of hardwork didn’t go to waste.

“You are saying…”

Lin Xi looked at me, “Limitless and Dragonrider Hall will sneak attack us?”

“Possible but it is okay.”

I smiled, “If they dare then we will attack them tomorrow until they give up. Anyways we are first now so we aren’t afraid.”


She smiled and nodded, “That is good!”

I lowered my head and looked at her snow white legs, “Face the ground and sit or you might drop it on your legs, what a waste…”


Shen Mingxuan looked at me and laughed, “What waste? A bit of soup and it isn’t nice to touch?”

My face flushed red, “You… Stop talking nonsense, I didn’t think that way. Shen Mingxuan your thinking is really problematic, that is so dangerous!”

“Scoff look at how anxious you are, I was right!” She drank her coke happily.

Lin Xi’s face flushed red, “Can’t the two of you just have a good meal, so annoying…”

Gu Ruyi blinked, “Right, I don’t know what all of you are saying at all!”

“Ruyi is slowly evolving…”

This novel is available on Hosted Novel.

Shen Mingxuan said, “Last time she really didn’t understand but not I think she knows right away…”

Gu Ruyi’s cheeks were red, “No, I really don’t!”

I ate the crayfish. People who kept quiet ate more so I would eat the most!


After the four of us finished the crayfish and dishes, we tossed the trash and then I went back to bathe. I hugged my bolster and fell asleep.

Stareye suddenly activated and the hologram showed the map of Suzhou. Above was a red dot descending in the east mountains that were 30 minutes from here. At that moment, Wang Lu sent a group message.

I waved and Wang Lu’s image appeared above my bed, “Did everyone get the message? An other world energy fluctuation appeared, move out! Lu Li, Haotian head over here quickly, our helicopter will fly in 15!”


I nodded and jumped up. I wore a casual shirt and pants and also some sneakers before jumping out from the window. My car had driven itself outside and I said solemnly, “KDA base, head over quickly!”

“Yes Pathfinder!”

Along with engines roaring, the sports car charged out of the district and disappeared into the night sky. It probably woke people up as I saw Lin Xi message, “Lu Li, you headed out?”

“En, I have a matter!”

I sucked in a deep breath, “Sleep well, I will be back soon.”


Shen Mingxuan sent many question marks, “Can I ask what is it you are doing?”

“It isn’t, don’t sprout nonsense, go sleep---”


She smiled, “Lin Xi let’s sleep, this fellow is so mysterious, probably Ah Fei called him to the bar, if he can come back tomorrow morning he is a good guy---”

“En, okay, let’s sleep--”


The lambo sped along the way and when we arrived at the KDA base, three helicopters were in position. Two were armored and one was a transport vehicle with missiles. Wang Lu was on that and it was so loud that I couldn’t hear her. But she waved for me to head over.

I parked the car outside and charged over.


I got up and those in the KDA base were all here. A middle aged man sat beside Qin Feng and he looked like someone with a sotry. His rank looked higher than that of Qinfeng.josei

Wang Lu boarded and said, “We are all here, let’s head out!”

The helicopter shook and left the base, charging into the distance.

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