
Chapter 315

Chapter 315: Human Sentimen

“In order to study the art of controlling fire, this younger generation junior deliberately consulted the cultivation methods of other attributes. Simply put, this younger generation junior deliberately practiced and experienced it personally.” Yang Chen smiled and replied “I just happened to have a wood attribute magic weapon, and by chance, the spiritual power was absorbed, and then it became like this.”

Strictly speaking, Yang Chen did not lie, but some things were ambiguous. Yang Chen’s deeds of being a disciple in the Ye Xiu Manor, with thousands of disciples and servants, it was impossible for everyone to have the same secrets as the head of the palace, and naturally could be passed outside.

The wood attribute magic weapon was not the most unreliable, but if you really take out the First Wood True Essence Spir​i​tual So​lu​tion, wouldn’t the wood attribute magic weapon be the most powerful?

The explanation could only be explained by this point. Yang Chen would never tell the people of the Blue Cloud Sect that his entire attribute was post​na​tal spirit root full value, and he also intends to fully condense a golden Dan for all of it.

The three predecessors of the Blue Cloud Sect naturally could not ask the question of what Yang Chen was cultivating or what kind of magic weapon it was. It was not that they didn’t care about the younger generation or were not curious, but they couldn’t force the confession.

For Yang Chen’s explanation, Elder Hua was also satisfied for the time being. At least Yang Chen did not conceal too much from her. He even told her that he had practiced the cultivation methods of other attributes. In fact, Elder Hua had already learned from Sun Qingxue that Yang Chen’s wood attribute spirit power was pure, and that it had already reached the foundation stage.

In fact, this question was purely a curious one. The high-level members of the Blue Cloud Sect only cared about Yang Chen’s alchemy ability. As long as he could refine high-grade medicinal pills, or could refine the Questioning Inner Heart Pill, other things didn’t matter much. After all, Yang Chen was not a person of their sect. Even if they were optimistic about this young man, there was no need to pay special attention to it.

On the contrary, for Yang Chen, because Elder Hua asked this question, he remembered a matter regarding a cultivation method. «Eighth Metal True Se​cret Art» was obtained by Yang Chen from the Blue Cloud Sect in a jade slip that recorded a story-telling script. At that time, Wan Qian had copy of it, but not the original one. It must have been in the Blue Cloud Sect’s collection.

In the next few decades, there would be disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect who would be minding their own business, only to discover this piece of merit from the collection, and then make great contributions to the sect. Since then, the Blue Cloud Sect would also possess the original Eighth Metal True Se​cret Art cultivation method.

It was almost impossible to destroy the original from the library of the Blue Cloud Sect and he couldn’t stop the Blue Cloud Sect from discovering this method to strengthen their sect, so why should Yang Chen not push the boat along?

Since this matter would be discovered by a disciple who was not doing sect business, Yang Chen pondered about it for a moment. he could give the Blue Cloud Sect a big favor, then maybe this favour could be exchanged for some unexpected benefits.

For this kind of benefit, with little cost to himself, Yang Chen does not mind, the more the better. The last time he saved Elder Hua under the entanglement of the bloody vines, this Eighth Metal True Se​cret Art was also one of the reasons.

After coming to understand this, Yang Chen’s mind suddenly had no more ex​cuses. Anyways, it was only that the Blue Cloud Sect was getting the Eighth Metal True Se​cret Art several decades earlier and wouldn’t really change anything. He could however make the Blue Cloud Sect owe him a big favour. Yang Chen would definitely not let this opportunity pass.

The cooperation had been finalized. The Sect Master Lu and Elder Shi were planning to leave with a few words, but Yang Chen suddenly had this idea, how could they be allowed to leave; here he said “Several predecessors, this younger generation junior found one thing, I would like to ask the seniors to take a look at it.”

Listening to Yang Chen, Sect Mas​ter Lu and Elder Shi couldn’t just leave without considering it. Elder Shi was straightforward and immediately ask “What is it?”

Yang Chen’s face showed a hint of hesitation, but after all, he said it, “This is one of the books that this younger generation acquired from the Blue Cloud Sect last time. I also ask Sect Master Lu to find this piece of jade in the sect library. Take a look, this younger generation junior has something to say.”

As he said, Yang Chen handed over the piece of jade he had in hand. Sect Master Lu was very puzzled and took it and explored it with spiritual awareness, and immediately knew the contents inside.

In this novel of millions of words, it was of course impossible for Sect Master Lu to read it all at a time, but probably explored the beginning, looked at the title, and then handed it to Elder Shi Yanhe.

Elder Shi took it, and her spiritual awareness swept through it, and her brow immediately wrinkled: „«Mar​tial Arts Uni​verse»? What does this mean?” After asking this sentence, she directly handed the jade slip to Elder Hua next to her.

Hua Wanting took it, and also had a glimpse of it with her spiritual awareness. She laughed when she saw it “This is actually called «Mar​tial Arts Uni​verse», huh, huh.” Looking up, looking at Yang Chen, she was also very confused and asked “Why did you let us see this book?”

“This younger generation junior has made some important discoveries.” Yang Chen looked serious and didn’t seem to be joking. He just insisted on his own requirements: “I also want to ask the seniors to bring the original jade slips, so I can compare them.”

Seeing that Yang Chen’s performance was very serious, the three of them looked at each other. After Sect Master Lu made her decision and decided to believe Yang Chen’s words and nodded to Elder Shi.

Elder Shi went directly to the sect and told a disciple who accompanied them to go to the library to bring this jade slip of the «Mar​tial Arts Uni​verse».

The disciple was going to do it right away, but Elder Shi thought about it, and ultimately decided to do it personally. The disciple was not insured after all. Once there was any trouble, it would be hard to say.

The reason why it was treated so solemnly was still because of Yang Chen. The last time Yang

Chen and Sun Qingxue went to explore the secret land, the content on the secret key was learned by Yang Chen through reading some miscellaneous books, and it was the same with Shi Shanshan when finding the Howl​ing Celes​​tial Dog Blood Essence. Although Sect Master Lu and others did not know what Yang Chen and Shi Shanshan were looking for, they had also heard that Yang Chen had found a clue from a miscellaneous book before they went.

There were two things back to back, which was enough for everyone to be interested in a miscellaneous book that Yang Chen attached great importance to. However, there was only one piece of jade slip, for Sect Master Lu, or the Elders, with the contents of millions of words, even if they were to scan it with their spiritual awareness, it was still not a complete reading.

This was a compilation of words to tell a story in order to let cultivators pass their time, if they were to use spiritual awareness to scan through all of it, then what was the meaning for it. It was necessary to read it one word at a time. This was what made it wonderful.

The problem was that the level of this book was really bad, and even the desire to read it was not there. Elder Hua just looked at the beginning and almost never looked at it again. However, she would not say it clearly. She also did not express it on her face. She only respected the lord and handed it back to Sect Master Lu, so that Sect Master Lu would take a quick look.

Sect Master Lu also felt the same. While he only looked at a small section, it felt ridiculous. Sect

Master Lu really had a feeling of not wanting to see it. But this was what Yang Chen insisted on, and could only brace on to look through it.

Among the people present at this moment, including Yang Chen, all were eager for Elder Shi to come back soon. At least Sect Master Lu was already unable to bear the ridiculous plot, poor text as well as the incoherent pronunciation. It was an invisible torture if you read more than one word.

However, when Elder Shi went, it seemed that there was something was missing. Elder Shi did not return for a long time. Sect Master Lu could only endure the discomfort, and continue to read on, wanting to see what was inside that could make Yang Chen become so solemn and serious in front of the Sect Master Lu and the two dacheng stage elders?

However, from another point of view, Sect Master Lu Zongzhu and Elder Hua were looking forward to the slow return of Elder Shi, perhaps Sect Master Lu could find some hints before Elder Shi returns.

Now that Yang Chen has revealed so obviously that the secret he found was in this book, if Sect Master Lu couldn’t find it soon, wasn’t it that Sect Master Lu was really too incompetent?

This was not only the problem of Sect Master Lu alone, but the face of the Blue Cloud Sect. You must know that this was a simple story-telling jade slip, and that Yang Chen had acquired it from the Blue Cloud Sect. The things inside were discovered by Yang Chen and the Blue Cloud Sect’s people were not even aware of it. This could only explain one point, that was that from the highest-ranking members to the lowest ranking members of the Blue Cloud Sect, there was no one who knew how to judge quality goods Ah!

If there was such a rumor, it would be a great blow to the Blue Cloud Sect ’s reputation. That there was a jade slip in the reading section of their own ancestral hall that contained hidden treasures. Their own people did not pay enough attention and couldn’t find it, instead, an outsider found it. If, after this was revealed, the Blue Cloud Sect wanted to recruit disciples, some people may hesitate.

Therefore, despite being uncomfortable, Sect Master Lu could only brace on to look down on the jade slip, expecting to find what Yang Chen discovered before Elder Shi return.

However, many times, there was a big gap between reality and ideals. Even Sect Master Lu in the late Yuanying stage, after two hours of insisting on reading the hundreds of thousands of words with the fastest speed, still could not find out why Yang Chen would so seriously bring it up to them. At this time, Elder Shi had already come back from the library building.

When Elder Shi came in, Elder Shi’s face was very unsightly. There were two reasons for this.

The first reason was his ordeal in finding this piece of jade slip, which was titled «Martial Arts Universe». This piece of jade slip contained one of the many books in the Blue Cloud Sect. This kind of simple jade slip, who knew how many hundreds of thousands or even millions there were in the Blue Cloud Sect. To find one of them, even if it was Elder Shi, had to use all the disciples of the library in order to find it after a period of time.

This was the case with them only looking at the title, if they wanted to check the contents, it was really not known when it would be found. Fortunately, there was only one such title, and the original collection was the one in the library. After Elder Shi confirmed it, it was taken away.

The second reason was basically the same as Sect Master Lu. Elder Shi had planned to delay for a while on the road, and carefully read the contents inside. Elder Shi hoped to find what Yang Chen had discovered, so that the things that Sect Master Lu had worried about would not happen.

However, after a careful reading, Elder Shi felt that being dead was better than being forced to read this script. How was this also called a story-telling book? They dared to call this an afternoon story-telling text? Elder Shi hadn’t fully read the novel, but at least the content inside could still be seen. Unfortunately, this book called “«Martial Arts Universe»” was even more sloppy and biased, and the content was ridiculous and difficult to see. After only reading a little more than 100,000 words, Elder Shi was already somewhat unbearable.

This was still the fastest reading speed. If you changed to a careful reading of word by word, Elder Shi estimated that even as a dacheng stage master, she would be driven mad. Unbearable was specifically used to describe this kind of thing.

Just reading this for a while in a rush was more than half an hour. Elder Shi also understood that they could not drag the time for too long. Elder Shi had to come to the courtyard of Elder Hua with the jade slip.

Sect Master Lu got the original text of the jade slip and gave Yang Chen the copy of the jade slip. Sect Master Lu sighed slightly and had to admit that if anything was discovered, it was thanks to Yang Chen. Even if this kind of thing had always been in their hands, it was estimated that Sect Master Lu would not be interested in taking a look at it, she was really unable to see it.

“Yang Chen, what have you found, you can talk about it.” Now that they have recognized this situation, Sect Master Lu had to face Yang Chen and let him point out the problems he has discovered.

Although Yang Chen had already been so obvious, as long as you read it carefully, it was estimated that there wouldn’t be any problems at a glance. At most it would take some time and make the person reading uncomfortable.

However, as a predecessor, Yang Chen has already raised the issue to them and he has also complied to refine the Questioning Inner Heart Pill for them, so Sect Master Lu was also content, and Elder Shi and Elder Hua were also content. There was no need to be cheeky and not recognize Yang Chen’s discovery. Simply let Yang Chen point it out on the spot, however it was also necessary to owe Yang Chen a favour in this matter.

“This is very lengthy. Fortunately, there are still chapters to follow.” Yang Chen smiled and did not claim too much credit. It was just a very casual look. Only then did he point out “Predecessors can look at it, The content of the four thousand six hundred and thirty-ninth chapter.”

Even if there were chapters to follow, Sect Master Lu went looking for the position of the 4,639th chapter, and spent almost half a column of incense, before it was found.

Yang Chen reminded him to look at the contents of this chapter. Sect Master Lu swept through it on the spot. There were not many words in this one chapter, that was, two or three thousand words. In a moment, Sect Master Lu finished reading, and in a short time, remembered it in mind and handed it to Elder Shi.

Elder Shi and Elder Hua continued to take turns to look at it, but Sect Master Lu was recalling the contents of this chapter and was very puzzled. There seems to be nothing within it that required too much attention. Like the rest of the story, it is hard to understand, and in this chapter the author of the text had actually made up a story about some wild cultivation method, which was unreasonable and ridiculous.

After thinking about it for a while, Sect Master Lu didn’t understand what was in it that was worthy of Yang Chen’s attention. At this time, even Elder Shi and Elder Hua had also read the contents of it. After reading it, they were all foggy and confused, just like Sect Master Lu.

“Yang Chen, is the cultivation location that this guy described in this article what you are noting?” Thinking about it, Sect Master Lu could only think of this possibility, and was somewhat hesitant to ask.


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