Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 798 Story of Weng Lan-Strong Sword

Chapter 798 Story of Weng Lan-Strong Sword

Chapter 798 Story of Weng Lan-Strong Sword

When Weng Lan was in university, she liked to study astronomy and joined the astronomical society.

So when Baichuan Wulong mentioned the word "singularity", some ideas began to flash in her mind.

The term "singularity", more broadly interpreted from astrophysics, is nicknamed "singularity of spacetime" or "singularity of gravity". It was first proposed by Hawking in 1970. Because the concept is more abstract, it is difficult to give a clear definition.

According to the black hole theory, there is a singularity with infinite density and mass at the center of the black hole, so the singularity must be defined before defining a black hole.

To borrow Einstein's rubber membrane analogy, if an object's energy or mass is large enough, it will pierce a hole in the rubber membrane, which can be called a singularity.

Since we can prove the existence of a black hole and determine that the center of the black hole is a singularity, we need to start from the black hole to define the singularity.

Obviously, light cannot escape from the black hole, which means that the gravitational acceleration and surface escape velocity of the black hole are superluminal.

Existing theorems regard the matter that hits the singularity as "disappearing". In fact, when an object approaches the singularity, it will be accelerated to the speed of light very quickly. According to some existing theories, if it exceeds the speed of light, it will jump to another spacetime. Therefore, the singularity is actually a broken point in the existing spacetime. In other words, the singularity should be the entrance to the space-time tunnel. If he could endure the tidal force caused by acceleration, he could go from here to another space-time.

From a physical point of view,

The singularity refers to the point at which space and time begin to bend infinitely. Since the singularity exists at the center of the black hole, a single singularity could be the starting point for how the universe began from the Big Bang.

Time and space, Einstein says, are illusions that people recognize. Time is because of the change of everything in the universe, making people have the concept of time. At the singularity, with the birth of the universe, there began to be changes. It was the beginning of the universe.

Classical general relativity predicts the existence of singularities, but existing human theories are ineffective there, that is to say, there is no quantitative method to describe what is at the singularities.

From a cosmological point of view, most scientists believe that the singularity is the point at which the universe was formed from an explosion at the very beginning. It has the potential energy of all matter. This potential energy is generated by the Big Bang and then transformed into the mass and energy of matter in the universe. It can be imagined that the singularity is an inconceivable existence with no fixed shape and no volume.

As the beginning of a world, it should indeed have all the potential energy that forms all matter in the universe, and this potential energy is precisely what humans call energy. Scientists before the apocalypse can imagine that energy is an invisible thing, so the singularity should also be invisible. At the same time, scientists can imagine that at some point the balance of potential energy at the singularity of the universe is disrupted, so that accidentally, energy is constantly converted into matter, and over the years our universe-the symbiosis of matter and energy-is formed.

Of course, based on human knowledge of the universe, all of this was just a deduction. Whether the singularity really existed in the universe was basically inconclusive.

Was the singularity that Baichuan Wulong was talking about the moment the one he knew? Weng Lan had this question in her heart. She could see Qin Qicai's side face behind him and realized that Qin Qicai did not seem to understand. So she whispered what she knew to Qin Qicai, hoping that he would know.

Baichuan Wulong was not in a hurry to make a move. He actually moved a chair and sat to the side. His gaze moved back and forth between Weng Lan and Qin Qicai. Basically, he looked at Weng Lan for ten seconds before looking at Qin Qicai for one second.

To be honest, Weng Lan gave him a very special feeling.

This woman's beauty was not stunning, but the slightest touch of her could make her smile deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Baichuan Wulong is thirty years old this year and is considered a person of the post-apocalyptic era.

In the apocalypse, although there were schools in some large gathering places, the courses they taught were incomparable to those in the pre-apocalyptic schools. The knowledge of astrophysics was not taught in the schools at all, because it seemed meaningless in the apocalypse. Who cared about the things in the universe? People in the apocalypse are more self-centered and more practical.

Hence, hearing Weng Lan talk about the theory of singularities, Baichuan Wulong was a little surprised. He couldn't imagine how this woman, who should look the same age as him, would know about these things.

After Weng Lan finished speaking about what she knew, Baichuan Wulong smiled and said,

"Singularities do exist in the universe. Scientists on the Sword Spirit Star, or Sword God practitioners, have studied them.

(The following statement about the universe is purely fictional.)

First of all, the human speculation that the singularity is the gate of space and time is actually very accurate! It was wrong for them to say that the singularity was the starting point of the universe!

I once talked to my Parasitic Sword God about this.

He believed that the universe was multidimensional and overlapping! And every universe has its own shape. For example, there is a universe that is only about a meter in diameter but is infinite in length. It actually traverses our galaxy and even passes by the earth. However, we cannot see it, nor do we have any way to quantify it. However, it does exist. It is a different dimension from us and is not bound by the so-called galactic laws.

Among them, there are several planets with living things. These planets may only be the size of football in our eyes, but the species of living things on them are tens of thousands of times richer than Earth.

So, are these planets really so small? Of course not. If they could escape from their dimension and enter the universe that orbits the earth, they might be infinite!

Therefore, in different planes, our understanding of the size of the earth is collapsed!

One of the most important aspects of the multidimensional universe concept is overlap. How can I put it this way … For example, there are countless paintings drawn in black ink, with transparent scrolls laid randomly together. In the end, what we will see will be a patch of black, because the countless lines of each painting are all overlapped!

So, if these overlapping scrolls make up what we think of as the universe, the earth is only on one of those scrolls, and this scroll is actually what we see as the universe. Because we are in this picture scroll, we cannot know what is painted in the other scrolls. We do not even know about their existence!

So what is the singularity? As I said earlier, it is the door of space and time, allowing objects close to it to travel through different cosmic defenses. In other words, it is the junction point between the universe and the universe, possessing infinite mass and potential energy! josei

The notion that the singularity lies at the center of a black hole is quite different from what people on Sword Spirit Star define as a singularity. In the eyes of the Sword Spirit Star Cultivator, singularities were everywhere. For example, in this tent, there were actually many singularities! They also have infinite mass and potential energy, but because they are connected to other planes, we cannot sense their existence, nor do they exist on the basis of the galactic laws we know!

So, if singularities are everywhere, why aren't we affected at all? This has to do with the difference in singularities, Actually, on Earth, there are only a few singularities that can be used as gates of space and time for people to walk in the planar universe, It should be noted here that, The so-called tidal force shuttling through space and time does not actually exist, That is to say, fragile creatures like us can also travel freely through space-time tunnels, And the so-called space-time tunnel does not exist. When we come into contact with the singularities that allow us to travel through space-time, we may only need to take a step forward to reach another plane world. These worlds may be completely different from Earth, or they may be at a certain period of time on Earth, such as ancient times, ancient times, and so on.

The concept of time was originally a fiction. In fact, every point of time existed in the multidimensional universe. If one could escape the comfort of the plane, one could indeed soar through history!

Isn't it amazing? When I heard this from the Oddity Sword God, I was a little stunned.

The Sword God of Oddity, his path to becoming a Sword God depended on perceiving the existence of these Oddity!

In the end, he succeeded, becoming a God through swordsmanship and gaining five abilities.

Astral Battle Body, Escape Shadow, Distortion Potential Energy, Singularity Gate, and Sword God's Spirit Summoning!

The Universal Standing Body is a defensive ability that allows me to have a strong body.

The escaping shadow is a movement ability that allows me to have a relative acceleration state with an approaching enemy. In other words, no matter how fast the enemy moves, it is useless to me, because my relative acceleration will always make me faster than him!

The twisting potential energy is the ability I used to make that white-bearded old man self-detonate. I can create a twisting potential energy magnetic field in a local space. When countless kinds of potential energy appear in a small space, this space will be torn apart by powerful energy. There will be nothing inside!

The Singularity Gate was a random summoning ability! I can open a space-time tunnel to summon all kinds of creatures from different planes. Actually, this ability is a bit weak, because I can't control my summoning creature myself, and I don't know what I will summon! I once summoned a magical beast that looked like a wild wolf. Its combat strength was formidable. It took a month to charge into a zombie territory and kill all the millions of zombies inside. Afterwards, I don't know where this thing ran to. I also summoned an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh. Humph, that useless fellow thought he went to hell, and he's already gone crazy! This ability was a bit of a chicken rib, but it was very interesting! Don't you have four great beauties in ancient China? If one day I can summon them out, it can confirm whether the ancient people's aesthetic standards are the same as today's!

Of course, all abilities have time and frequency limitations! But even so, I am the strongest! I have never lost a battle with anyone in the years since I became the host of the Sword God! "

At this point, Baichuan Wulong fixed his gaze on Qin Qicai and said, "So … are you ready now?" The later I start, the more you know about me, the less confident you will be. Qin Qicai, I am actually a very kind person, but when facing enemies, I can become very cold-blooded! Please remember, after I kill you, I will definitely destroy Seven Swords City! Let your soul cry after you die! "

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