A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 244

Chapter 244: Now whos crazy?

244 Now who's crazy?

Liling's smile paled slowly. The last time she asked him this question, he had answered the same thing. What if he meant it? What if it got to the point that he had to choose between his family and her, and he chose her?

Who would take care of everything when he was the only child? That was extremely extremely selfish and Liling thinking about it, made her feel like a bad person. She quickly shook her head to get the thoughts away from her mind.

''Now you're silly! ''

She chuckled lightly, flicking his nose the way he did hers_ but this time a little harder.

''Aw! how? ''

Liu Wei asked, rubbing on the spot.

''Choosing a woman over family is what people call 'crazy', you shouldn't do that. Although I want you to be with me, if it gets to that point, you won't choose me, understood? ''

She said, placing her both hands on his cheeks and staring right into his eyes. Liu Wei stared at her face which was a bit serious now, a light chuckle escaping his lips.

''My love, what do you really want?'' His lips rose to a smirk.

''Eh? ''

''You were crying just now that I shouldn't leave you and that you want to be selfish with me, and now you are telling me to not choose you, aren't you the 'crazy' one?''

Liu Wei burst out laughing as Liling's cheeks flushed red.

''Stop laughing now! ''

She exclaimed. At that moment she didn't even know what to think. She did not want him to leave her but at the same time she could not bear to be with him if it meant that he had to choose between her and his family. In fact, she was just confused!

''You know what, it won't get to that point, let's just forget about it.''

She concluded, continued hugging him and closed her eyes tightly, shutting away the evil thoughts.

''Yeah, it won't but even if it did, I'll choose you.''

Liu Wei remarked, kissing her neck.

''You love too much, do you know that? ''

''Yeah, I just love you too much.''

''My single will be released next week. ''

Liling said after a while, she really wanted to change that toxic discussion they were having.

''That's great news! We should celebrate! ''

Liu Wei pulled her to gaze at her features, a happy smile on his face.

Liling sighed softly.

''Yeah we should, but…''

''What happened? ''

Liu Wei asked, wondering what else must have gotten her upset.

''But Xin Yong… She's not here. How will I be celebrating when I know she's out there in pains…''

Liling's brows creased as she hung her head low.

''She'll be alright, okay? ''

Liu Wei tried soothing her, but she was not buying it.

''I'm helping Jin Yue search for her, okay? And besides, she would be in contact with her parents so it would just need some underground work before we discover where she is, it won't take a lot of time. ''

''Really? ''

''Yeah, so stop worrying too much, okay?''

Her lips stretched into a sweet smile and she wrapped her arms around Liu Wei again.

''I love you! You're the best boyfriend ever! ''

The both of them laughed and Liling quickly hopped off his body.

''Okay, I've taken a lot of your work time, quickly go back to work. I'll be sitting over there.''

She pointed at a couch in the little parlor.

Liu Wei frowned;

''No, I was just about closing for the day, come on…''

He stood up and tried pulling her to him, but Liling inched backwards. josei

''That's a lie, When I came in you were busy with this file, so I want you to go back to work, okay? I'm not going anywhere, I'll just sit over there.''

She laughed and hopped away before Liu Wei could say another word.

Liu Wei, seeing that she had made up her mind, sat down back on his seat;

Liling lay on the couch in such a way that she could get a good view of him. Liu Wei soon buried himself in work, Liling knew that he had a lot to do but had kept them all aside because of her. Sometimes, she would wake up in the middle of the night to an empty bed, only to see the study lights switched on.

He would stay with her still she slept before quietly going in to continue with work. Now that she had come by, if he did not complete his tasks, it would mean that he might not get to sleep at all, so she quickly let him work.

Watching him like that, Liling suddenly had an idea.

She took out her phone and started taking pictures of him; suddenly she paused and switched to video. She filmed almost thirty short videos of him, when she was satisfied, she started watching them.

In all the videos, Liling noticed something. For every twenty seconds, Liu Wei must glance at her at least once.

A blush crept up her cheeks as the thought of him watching her filled her mind. She slowly brought down her phone to peer at his face.

''Stop distracting me…''

Liling didn't know she was staring until Liu Wei spoke up. She immediately raised her phone back up to continue watching the videos.

''Stop staring…''

She whispered but it was loud enough for him to hear. Liu Wei smiled but did not reply. How did she expect him not to stare when she was right there in front of him?

By the time Liu Wei finished what he had to do, it was already past seven. He stood up from the seat and stretched himself. Quickly casting a glance at the mini parlor, he realized that Liling had dozed off.

Chuckling lightly, he walked over to her and squatted down. He picked her phone which had fallen off her hand. She had been very busy with the phone, so he had wondered what kept her so occupied and out of curiosity he decided to check.

Liling did not lock her phone, so with just a slide, he was able to open it.

'You see this drop-dead gorgeous man? He's my boyfriend, are you jealous?'

'Awnn… he's so handsome when he's working!'

'See how he's staring? Like I'm the only woman in the world! He-he'


Liu Wei continued swiping through loads of his pictures which she had edited and added some texts. He could not stop the grin which had already stretched his lips to a wide smile.

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