A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 245

Chapter 245: I love you too

245 I love you too

Liu Wei watched through the pictures cheerily but when he felt Liling stir, he quickly dropped the phone back on the ground. Clearing his throat, he pushed her hair behind her ears;

Liling slowly opened her eyes.

''Are you through? ''

She asked with a faint smile.

''Yeah, ''

''Are we going now?''

''Yeah, ''

Liu Wei helped her sit upright and helped her put on her shoes which she had taken off.

He handed her phone to her and Liling stared at him_ suspiciously.

He pretended he did not see her glare and walked back to the office table, picking up his jacket, keys and phone, he walked back to her.

''Let's go now.''

In the car, Liling kept glancing at Liu Wei. Liu Wei could not tell what was on her mind but he felt that she was staring at him because she felt he looked through those pictures.

''Did you look through my phone?''

She asked after a while. Liu Wei kept his eyes on the road and quickly shook his head/

''No, I didn't. Is there something you are hiding there?''

A faint blush colored Liling's cheeks.

''No! Not at all, I just asked.''

''Okay, it feels as though you are hiding something, pictures of me or something…''


Liu Wei burst out in a fit of laughter as Liling's face colored red.

''It's good to know that you have a collection of my pictures in your gallery, I have yours too. ''

He remarked handing over his phone. Liling took it and double clicked. josei

''Uh? What's your password?''

She asked when she saw that it was locked.

''Liling… I'll add your fingerprint when we get home. ''

''Yeah, I know, but what's the password?''

''I just said it_ Liling.''

Liling turned to look at him, who was smiling but still transfixed on the road, a surprised expression in her eyes. She quickly typed in her name and the phone unlocked.

The first thing that caught Liling's eyes was her picture which was his wallpaper.

In the picture, she was smiling and staring at something, but she could not remember when that was.

''When did you take this picture? ''

She asked, showing him the phone.

''When we went to the movies ''

Liu Wei replied, taking a glance at the picture.

''Oh, so I'm not the only one stealing pictures, ''

She laughed and clicked on his gallery.

Her mouth fell open as her eyes met a gallery full of only one person's picture__ hers!

''Liu Wei…''

She whispered as she tapped on one of the pictures and started swiped through them.

''God! How did you take all these pictures and I didn't know?''

Liu Wei laughed;

''Liu Wei! Even when I'm sleeping! Jeez I'm so ugly when I'm sleeping! ''

''That's not true; you're pretty all the time. ''

Liling whined as she continued looking through the pictures.

''You really love me too much! ''

She remarked with a confident smirk.

''Yeah ''

'' Don't worry, I love you too! ''

Liu Wei laughed,

''I know ''

Two months later…

''Miss Xin, it's your turn''

Xin Yong, who was lost in thoughts staring outside the window smiled faintly.

She looked around the people in the room, who were all looking at her with smiling faces. Each one of them was suffering from one terrible illness, mostly cancer. Hers was depression.

To those who knew her, she was physically unrecognizable.

She had cut her hair short_ low-cut. She looked pale and had lost a considerable amount of weight. After she left home, Xin Yong travelled to Sanji, a village in Chengjiao in northwestern Fujian province, where she was sure no-one could locate her.

She had a distant aunt, a widow who lived alone. Her aunt was kind enough to let her stay. Although Xin Yong was far away from home and anything that looked like him, she still saw him in her dreams which slowly turned to nightmares.

She couldn't sleep__ afraid that when she closed her eyes, he would be there. She heard him sometimes, in her head and no matter how much she screamed; it wouldn't go away.

Three weeks after she had left, she walked into a green light__ unconsciously and got hit.

She was in coma for two days and when she woke up, she was told she lost a baby, a few weeks old.

To think she had felt the worst pain.

At that moment, she didn't know how to feel. She had been so sad that she didn't even know how to be sadder. She didn't even know she was pregnant until the accident, but she always used protections… except for that day, the day before he left her, they didn't use any.

Xin Yong was retained in the hospital for several days because the doctors felt that something was wrong. She was not speaking to anyone, but she would eat when given food and take her medications. But there was something off.

Finally they discharged her on the fifth day and on the sixth day; they realized what had been off.

An ambulance carrying an unconscious woman drove into the hospital, there she was, closed eyes and dry lips.

Her aunt had discovered her soon enough, else she would have long been gone. She had taken an overdose of her medications, in a bid to end it all/

When she woke up after several days, she saw her aunt and her parents sitting beside her bed. They looked sad and hurt, and that was when she realized that she had acted foolishly.

She wanted to end her life without thinking of her loved ones, how they would feel. She broke down in tears. Although he had ruined her life, that did not mean she could not pick up the crumbs of her life.

She had a life before she met him and it was blissful too. She was not going to end her life for someone who didn't even care if she existed or not, that was stupid.

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