A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: (1)

The knight’s expression soured at Kaiyan’s words.

“If this were the Mareon Empire, their heads would have been chopped off with a single stroke!”

“But this is Menislan, isn’t it?”

“Grr… We’ll see. If the Markain family…”

“That’s not going to happen!”

Kaiyan closed the distance with the knight who was slowly backing away, and he panicked, exhaling a roar and swinging his sword.

It was a strike sharper than the already dead two knights, but not enough to play with a low-tier Aura Expert.


With a swift movement, Kaiyan plunged his sword into the knight’s heart, and he spat out blood as he fell to his knees, glaring at Kaiyan briefly before slowly collapsing to the ground.

Kaiyan turned his head to Balon, who was standing nearby, and he looked at him with astonishment, his mouth wide open.

“Mr. Balon? I would like to hear the situation.”

“Uh… well… ah! Please, help us!”


“Please save our captain and comrades! I beg you!”

“What’s going on?”

From Balon’s expression, it was clear that something was wrong. He urgently pointed in the opposite direction.

“They’re fighting Ogres and our comrades are over there! If this continues, everyone will die! Please help us!”

“Sir! Please, help us!”

The child who had somehow caught up with them was tugging at Kaiyan’s outerwear and pouring out tears.

It seemed like the large monster’s presence that was initially sensed was actually the aura of the Ogres fighting against their comrades.

“Kaiyan, please help! The child looks so pitiful!”

“Sigh… Alright, it seems urgent. I will go ahead.”

Glancing at Balon and the child who wanted to follow, Kaiyan dashed towards where he could feel the energy. There, he saw an Ogre roaring and four soldiers barely standing in front of it, covered in blood.josei


“It’s… it’s over. But Balon took Lady Linda with him…”

The Ogre seemed to know that the fight was already won, as it scanned the remaining soldiers one by one with a malicious gaze.

It probably thought of Kaiyan as additional prey.

“This is unpleasant. Activate Aura.”

Though Kaiyan wished he could leisurely turn the Ogre’s face into pulp, it seemed there wasn’t enough time for that, given the soldiers barely holding on, likely due to excessive bleeding.

As Kaiyan activated Aura, a surge of power coursed through his entire body. Using that power as a foundation, he charged towards the Ogre.



“Clean up that ugly face!”

With overflowing strength in his hands, Kaiyan swung his sword down upon the Ogre’s face without any finesse.


A single strike split the Ogre’s face in two, spraying dirty green blood in all directions. However, what Kaiyan hadn’t anticipated was…

[Ugh! There’s blood on my fur!]

“…I should have used Blaze Armor if I knew this was going to happen.”

The amount of blood splattering in all directions was staggering, considering the Ogre’s massive size.

As Kaiyan flipped the sticky monster’s blood, memories of the battlefield came flooding back. Back then, he used to flip monster blood as if it were a badge of honor.

Turning his head towards the soldiers, they were horrified by his blood-soaked appearance.

“W-Who are you?”

“That’s a good question. What should I call myself?”

“Huh? What is this…”


Just as the soldier was about to say something, Balon and the child emerged from the bushes, and the surviving soldiers looked extremely surprised when they saw the two.

“Balon! Lady Linda! Wait, what’s going on?”

“Captain! You’re alive! We’re truly relieved!”


The self-proclaimed captain looked at Balon and the child in astonishment, then quickly composed himself and nodded.

“Thank you so much for your help. I’m not sure how to express our gratitude…”

“It’s okay. But why is the Markain family targeting a young child?”

“Huh? Well…”

Seeing the captain’s uncomfortable expression in response to his question, the child in his arms spoke up.

“I’m the heir of the Markain family! They don’t seem to want me to become the lord!”


Both the captain and Balon were shocked and tried to cover Linda’s mouth. However, Linda pushed their hands away and approached Kaiyan.

“Mister! Thank you so much for saving me and the others! If it’s not too much trouble, may I ask who you are?”

“Well… I’m not exactly a mister… I’m a mercenary.”

Upon hearing the word “mercenary,” Linda’s eyes lit up as she looked at Kaiyan.

“In that case, I’m really sorry, but… Can you help us, or take on a request, if you will? I heard mercenaries take on requests.”

“Linda, we don’t know this person’s identity…”

“It’s okay, sir. Besides, if it weren’t for him, I would be dead by now. It’s not like my status as the heir of the Markain family is a secret.”

“…I understand.”

After the captain and Balon stepped back, Linda looked back at Kaiyan with hopeful eyes.

“Is it possible?”

“I don’t usually take requests related to succession disputes.”

Kaiyan was tired of such disputes. The constant fighting over who would inherit what, and whether they did a good job or not, didn’t suit him.

In response to Kaiyan’s reply, Linda wore a disappointed expression. It seemed like she had intended to request help with the succession conflict.

“…I see. Alright, I understand. Thank you very much for helping us,” Linda said, nodding her head slightly and looking down at the ground, watching the child who was retreating.

‘It’s heart-wrenching, but I have no right to take another person’s life for their sake.’

If Kaiyan had helped Linda, and the situation on the other side had been similar? If, as it turned out, young Linda had been scheming to kill another successor in the same way?

The issue of the succession conflict was not something he could intervene in unless it was as clear-cut as in Barvan’s case, where he could judge the situation directly with his own eyes.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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