A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: (2)

“Um… in that case, couldn’t you accompany us to the Markain family until then? If you protect Linda until then…”

Seeing Linda, who was powerless and turning away, Balon turned to me and said, “What about that?”

Before I could speak, Reika, perched on my shoulder, gave me a look that seemed to say I should accept.

“If it’s only as far as the Markain family… Alright. We have to pass through the Mareon Empire, though.”

“Thank you! Thank you so much!”

[As expected of Kaiyan! You did a great thing! I believed in you!]

“Ugh… it’s cold!”

[Kaiyan, you should warm up over here too!]

After cleaning up the corpses of the deceased Ogre and soldiers to some extent, they made a makeshift fire to warm themselves. If this had been a forest close to the northern border, monsters would have smelled the blood and rushed in, but this place was a relatively peaceful forest, so they had some leisure.

The soldiers, with amused smiles, couldn’t refuse the invitation and approached the fire. The man who seemed to be the captain, watching for an opportunity, approached with his buttocks raised.

“Kaiyan, if it’s not too much trouble, may I ask you a question?”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

“Well… Are you really a mercenary?”

“Yes, I am. Is there a problem?”

“No, it’s not that… It’s just that your skills are too exceptional to be considered a mercenary. Even a knight would have a hard time beheading an Ogre in a single blow.”

‘Yes, I could understand why he would be skeptical from his perspective.’

Especially since he had heard about Kaiyan easily dispatching three knights with Balon.

“You can think of it as me being fortunate to have a great teacher and some special luck. No need to overcomplicate things.”

“Hmm? What… is there a problem with me?”

“Well, yes, haha… I apologize for being suspicious. I tend to be skeptical, and I was rude to the person who saved us. My name is Anton. My hometown is the Mareon Empire, but I’ve spent ten years in the Menislan Kingdom.”

Anton’s words piqued Kaiyan’s interest.

“Why did Mr. Anton spend ten years in Menislan? And if it’s not impolite, why is a child like Linda here?”

Kaiyan became quite curious about why the heir of Markain was in Menislan, not the Mareon Empire.

In response to my question, Anton, who had an embarrassed expression, sighed and opened his mouth.

“Oh, well… Whew… There’s no need to hide it now. Lady Linda is the sole granddaughter of the late Markain family lord.”

“Granddaughter… I see.”

“The reason she’s here is that her mother, Lady Gerina, settled in the Menislan Kingdom ten years ago after her marriage. Haha! We came along at that time too.”

“…But how can a child named Linda become the heir? I don’t know much about this, but isn’t the succession process in the Mareon Empire different from other kingdoms?”

Skipping over the lord’s children and passing the title to the grandchildren was something Kaiyan had never heard of. Even if it were possible, would the lord’s children stay quiet about it?

“Well, it’s not like that… In the Markain family, Lady Linda is the only heir left.”

“What? What do you mean…”

“The Markain family lord had two children, but one of them passed away in an accident with the lord, and the other, Lady Gerina… she also suddenly passed away due to illness. So, the Markain family sent knights to bring Lady Linda back.”

All three of them dying in accidents and illness was hard to believe, but what was even more unbelievable was…

“No, then who on earth is trying to kill this child named Linda? When there’s only one official heir left.”

This was different from the cases of Baran and Jansen.

In a situation where there was no competing heir, someone was aiming for the official heir.

Anton, with a stern expression, bit his lips in thought.josei

“…We don’t know either. But according to what Balon told us, the knights said they wanted the Markain family in chaos.”

“So… someone within the family is targeting Linda.”

“Yes, that’s what we believe.”

While it was a relief that Linda wasn’t involved in an heir dispute, it raised questions about who would want to disrupt the Markain family to the extent of killing its nobles.

Barvan had mentioned that in an heir dispute within the family, the kingdom wouldn’t intervene, but killing nobles from other families was a major crime that would lead to severe punishment by the kingdom.

Yet, it wasn’t nobles targeting nobles, but knights targeting nobles, even their own family’s nobles.

[…This is more complicated than I thought. I’m sorry for asking you to help without knowing all the details.]

Rieka, who had fallen asleep in Linda’s arms, raised her head and apologized as if feeling guilty. In response, Kaiyan secretly nodded to Rieka, assuring her that it was okay.

At first, it felt like taking on an annoying task, but now it seemed the situation was becoming quite interesting.

Considering it wasn’t a typical heir dispute but someone scheming to take the life of the true heir, Kaiyan wondered if he could get involved in Linda’s affairs without any issue.

“It’s not an heir dispute; it’s hidden individuals aiming for the heir’s life. This could be quite something.”

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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