A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Eleanor didn’t really get the dynamic between the two. Seeing Nina being so mature, she couldn’t help but feel a pinch in her heart.

“Nina, he

Before Eleanor could finish her sentence, she saw Nina struggling to get off her lap and opened her arms for Ethan to hold her

Ethan not only didn’t refuse, he picked Nina up immediately

Nina snuggled into his arms and waved at Eleanor

“Eleanor, you can go home without worry”

Eleanor was shocked to see Ethan holding Nina and going upstairs.

She initially wanted to fight for Nina’s custody but didn’t expect Nina to actually want to stay with Ethan.

Looking at their backs, she didn’t know why, but the more she looked, the more they seemed to resemble each other….

A thought suddenly crossed her mind Could Nina be Ethan and her sister’s child?

Eleanor was taken aback by this thought and quickly shook her head to dismiss it.

Ethan did keep his promise this time. He let Eleanor go and even arranged a private plane for her.

After reluctantly waving goodbye to Nina, Eleanor got into the car and headed to the airport.

When she was all alone flying high in the sky, Eleanor couldn’t contain her excitement.

She would soon see the person she had missed for over half a year. How wonderful.

A City had entered winter. The day Eleanor got off the plane, the sky was sprinkling with the first snow.

Dressed in a thin coat, she made her way towards the Lawrence Group.

Ethan did let her go. But he didn’t give her any money or any electronics, just let her return to her home country.

Eleanor didn’t ask for too much, being able to return safely was already a big deal.

She braved the cold wind and arrived at the entrance of the Lawrence Group. As she attempted to go in to find Bernard, she was stopped by the security guard.

“Miss, do you have an appointment?”

Eleanor shook her head and told the security guard, “I’m here to see your CEO. Could you tell him…”

The security guard interrupted politely, “Miss, many women come here every day to find Mr. Laurence. If you really know him, please show your appointment card or call Mr. Laurence to pick you up. Otherwise, I’m sorry, but I can’t let you in.”

Eleanor didn’t make it difficult for the security guard, instead, she asked him shyly, “Can I borrow your phone?”

Just as the security guard was about to hand her his phone, he heard his team leader’s voice in his earpiece, “Mr. Laurence is coming out, be ready.”

The security guard gestured quickly and the guards at the entrance quickly lined up on both sides of the entrance.

Seeing their serious and orderly appearance, Eleanor guessed that Bernard might be coming out.

Just as she was guessing, she saw a man surrounded by bodyguards step by step coming down the high steps.

He looked the same as before. Except a bit thinner…

When Eleanor saw him alive with her own eyes, she breathed a sigh of relief, but her tears uncontrollably fell once again.


She took a step forward, her voice trembling as she called out his name.

The figure suddenly halted, looking coldly at her standing at the entrance of the Lawrence group.

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