A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Bernard stood there, staring at her, then slowly started to move towards her.

Eleanor saw him stepping out of the group and coming her way, couldn’t help but tear up, and quickly rushed towards him ‘Bernard, I

Just as she was about to call out his name, she saw him walk past her with a blank expression, not even glancing at her

Eleanor froze, and the tears in her eyes finally couldn’t hold back anymore.

She slowly turned around, staring somewhat disbelievingly at the man who was descending the stairs with a bunch of bodyguards, not looking back. novelbin

His tall and straight figure seemed untouchable, hard to approach

Eleanor gazed at that figure, as if in a dream, a nightmare she once had.

She felt like she might have died a long time ago. Because she couldn’t accept Bernard not loving her, she wove a beautiful dream, fantasizing that he loved her.

It wasn’t until the moment of reincarnation that this beautiful dream ended like a nightmare, and now is the ending of this nightmare.

She fet either tortured to the point of not distinguishing between reality and dreams, or she had gone mad, not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

She hugged her shivering body tightly, standing in the cold wind, looking at the man she missed for half a year with tearful eyes.

“All this is fake, right? Her voice was very soft, as if she couldn’t bear the blow, weak and painful.

The figure, who had already descended the stairs and was about to get into the car heard her voice and suddenly stopped.

Eleanor saw him stop but didn’t look back. She didn’t dare to approach him, but wanted to confirm for herself whether this was real or a dream.

She gathered her courage, walked to his side, extended her thin little hand, and gently tugged at his sleeve.

“Bernard, is that you?” she asked

Was this the same Bernard who had claimed he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her?

Bernard looked at her

“It’s me “His voice pulled her back from her trance.

“So it’s not a dream.” She wanted to touch the face in front of her, but he caught her wrist.

“Eleanor.” He called her name coldly, just like calling a stranger.

Eleanor’s heart was bleeding, as if a sharp knife was tearing her heart apart.

She looked up at the expressionless man in front of her without saying a word, seemingly waiting for him to speak.

But Bernard didn’t say anything, just gently let go of her hand and said to her, “Don’t come looking for me again.”

Upon hearing these words, Eleanor raised her head a little higher, she thought she wouldn’t cry this way, but the tears still flowed uncontrollably.


Her heart was about to break, but she just silently shed tears, looking at the cold and ruthless man in front of her.

He never really looked at her, so he didn’t know what he was thinking.

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