A Story of Evil

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Unfortunate Creatures IV

[Hell's Prison]

That is the name of the skill used by Herald at that moment. A skill which doubles all of his already insanely high attributes. It also intensifies his flames. Making it reach the heat of green flames while retaining its blue color.

Nobody who has ever seen the skill has ever come out alive. Nobody ever lived to tell the tale of what nightmare they faced inside. It was the ultimate trump card. One which Herald took pride in.

Yet, the Void King was not impressed. In fact, King Jubilee simply sighed. Removing his mantle and his crown with a snap of his fingers. Teleporting the said items out of the field and leaving only his light armor. Jubilee was also forced to keep on floating as the floor turned into lava.

"That expression on your face…You're still looking down on me!" 

"Oh no." King Jubilee began. Covering his lips with one hand sarcastically as he asked:

"Did I make it that obvious?

Herald wasted no time and summoned flame basilisks from the flames. Shooting out fireballs at Jubilee. 

The Void King dodged this by continually hovering his body in the air in precise motions. With his maxed out [Spatial Awareness], Jubilee breezed though these. Yet this only got harder from that point as, upon hitting the walls, the fireballs bounced back to their target increasing in speed and size.

The basilisks continued firing these. Adding more to the orbs which Jubilee was already dodging. Finally giving Herald a much needed confidence boost as he came out laughing once again.

"That's what you get for looking down on one of the five emperors! HAHAHA!"

With each orb dodged by Jubilee, the next one came dangerously close. With both speed and size constantly increasing, it was only a matter of time before the Void King was hit.

Herald took great joy in this. Watching with the assurance of his victory printed in his head. He even added more creatures in the offensive. Fireflies which exploded as soon as they came near their target. 

"Do you see now? This is the real difference in our strength!" Herald furthered, wanting to see despair and hopelessness on his opponent's eyes. Moving to a spot where this was possible. 

A choice he quickly regretted. 

Shivers ran down Herald's spine and sweat formed on his forehead. There was no fright on Jubilee's face. There was no nervousness. No despair. No hopelessness. No. Jubilee was devoid of all emotions. With a static expression as he glanced at his target, snapping his fingers and making all of Herald's attacks disappear instantly.

"So you can use both fire and summoning. Fascinating. How did you become a hybrid exactly?"

Herald didn't answer. He forced back his own fear as he materialized dual swords from the sea of flames. Making swing after swing as he attacked Jubilee in rapid succession. Just like the previous attacks, the Void King easily dodged all of these. However, as he got close to a corner, tentacles of flames suddenly sprang out to grab him.

Jubilee was forced to use gravity magic in order to suspend this. Giving an opening for his opponent who struck both his swords. With Jubilee getting bruised by the weapon - his armor immediately catching fire as he pushed his body away using gravity. Taking off his upper armor immediately; leaving only his black long sleeved button down to cover his top.

"Do you see the difference between our powers yet? Your chance of wining is infinitesimal!" Herald declared. Still half frightened yet able to get back his composure.

"You just keep on talking do you?"

"Do you even understand the situation you are in? There is no escaping my territory! You will continue burning and burning until your whole body catches fire! Not even your ashes will remain once I burn you whole!" Herald said, wanting Jubilee's expression to change. Wanting his opponent to acknowledge his strength.

"You're not a very perceptive fellow are you?" King Jubilee said in a flat tone. Still devoid of any emotions.

"You can play poker face all you want! You're still going to die here!" Herald replied, with the Void King sighing at him as he released the gravity that allowed him to float. Dropping to the sea of lava below him.


"Burn to what exactly?"

There was no illusion at play. The heat as well as every other sensation which Herald felt was real. Yet, what was happening didn't follow any sort of logic. His opponent's legs were dipped in the lava yet, the Void King wasn't burning.

"How are you…"

At that moment, King Jubilee was making use of [Reverse Analysis]. The advanced form of it. Allowing him to change the runes used for a spell and, change its properties entirely. At the beginning of the fight, right as the field was created, he was already making use of this skill. Although complex, deciphering it wasn't impossible and so, while fighting, Jubilee was also actively doing this part. Not even fully focusing on his opponent.josei

At that moment he was finished in his analysis. Thus, even though he was stepping on lava, it only felt like water. And it was water. Lava in appearance but nevertheless so.

There was no burn nor pain. Confusing Herald who was mentally vulnerable at that moment. Making Jubilee proceed to provocations before his enemy could catch on.

"You seem weaker than the last guy."

"Last guy?" Herald's head thought of what the words meant. Putting the pieces together after a few seconds and declaring:

"Y-you're the one who killed Kingsley?"

"In the flesh." The Void King said in a delighted tone. Taking a bow and finally showing an entertained expression.

At that moment, Herald was more afraid than anything else.  He finally caught on to the full horror of things. With his body screaming that, this person. No. This creature disguised as a human…was more of a monster than he could ever be.

Herald unleashes his full fury. Releasing every summon he could at that moment. Yet none of these came out. The flames weren't following him anymore. Putting him in even more panic as he finally attempted his escape.

However his body froze in place. Not because of fear but, because of Jubilee's gravity bind. Pulling him down and suspending him in a single spot.

"Where are you going? Didn't I already say that you're sentenced to death?" Jubilee said, flinging his opponent out of the created battlefield and into the open.

Jubilee followed soon after. Walking out of the wall of flames which immediately turned into ice and shattered.

Herald tried attacking once again. Using whatever trick was left on his sleeves as pillars of flame materialized right where Jubilee stood. 

"Hahahaha! That's what you get for being so cocky!" Herald declared, thinking that there was no way for his opponent to escape it. Yet, as soon as the pillars of flame went out, he saw not even a shadow of his target.

"Who's being cocky now?" A voice said from behind him.

Herald couldn't even turn or react on time. Jubilee tore  off two blazing wings at the same time. Making Herald scream in an ear deafening intensity as the creature crawled on the ground.

"Dammit! If only my wings weren't torn off. You would've been burned by now!" Herald declared. 

"I couldn't care less about your sentiments." Jubilee said, sitting right in font of his enemy.

"Whether you have six wings or more. Even if you can annihilate a whole domain in the blink of an eye. You will still be no match for me." Jubilee made his enemy float in mid air. Stretching out every part Herald's body more and more.

The creature screamed as this happened slowly. With him feeling his last last pair of wings being torn off. 

"N-no. P-please have mercy!" It took all of Herald's strength just to utter these words. 

"Mercy? And who are you to ask that from  me?" Jubilee said in a cold and distant tone. Finally ripping off Herald's last pair of wings. With the creature screaming even more. With blood coming out of his eyes and mouth. Panting heavily as Jubilee decided to stop the torture momentarily.

"W-Who are you?" Herald asked again. Making King Jubilee give him a nerve wrecking smile.

"Like I said…" Jubilee created a sphere of black hole. Moving it slowly towards Herald who began getting sucked in. 

The monster screamed and shouted. He moved his head like crazy as his skin began getting torn off and his other exposed body parts just the same. Little by little, the black hole consumed him and, just before his demise, King Jubilee finished:

"I am the Void King."

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