A Story of Evil

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Midnight Confrontation II

The four emperors acted immediately. Each of them attacking the entity that came out of nowhere. However, Jubilee didn't come unprepared. He casted the same infinite black space he used against Kingsley. Imprisoning them just in time to get several stabs on his body.

The king immediately crumbled away. Vanishing and, reappearing on another area. Yet as soon as he did, he felt a pat on his shoulder. Damian was there. Breaking all of his bones instantly using gravity magic. Making Jubilee scream in pain as he once again appeared on another area.

This continued five more times. With King Jubilee being completely overpowered by his opponents. Yet he wasn't planning on winning. In fact, he wasn't even planning on fighting. 

His goal was realized when Damian finally made his allies halt.

"Damian what gives?"

"We're not getting anywhere with this method. He probably has a way to continue resurrecting so we should stop while we still have the upper hand." King Jubilee smiled at this. With the leader of the emperors giving his full attention to the human as he began:

"To show up in our midst. You are either brave or a fool. So, which is it?" Damian  floated above all the other emperors. His abyss black wings giving the Void King chills.

"I'm neither. It's good to see that you're well." Jubilee said, talking directly to Damian. Surprising the other emperors.

"What's the meaning of this? Are you related to him?" Aeolus asked, getting the sharp gaze of their leader which made him back away.

"Are you guys retarded? How can I be related to one of our enemies?" Damian stated.

"Come on now, there's no need to fight among yourselves. I just came here to talk with you and try to reach an agreement." Jubilee interrupted. With Damian talking with him again.

"What makes you think we'd make an agreement with you?" The emperor asked.

"I don't but, you should at least hear me out on my offer." Jubilee said in a tone that dictated he was on equal grounds with the emperors. Something which Damian didn't like but permitted for the moment.

"And what would that be?" Damian inquired.

"Lay off your hands on the second generation and, I'll give you the method to restore a monsterized humans."

Aeolus began laughing at that point. The other emperors were just the same. With Damian the only one staying silent at that time. His head in a sort of pain that he couldn't explain.

"That must be the stupidest bluff I've ever heard! Not even one of the Seraphims we ate even knew that! And here you are claiming that you can forcefully reverse the effects?" Aeolus said, his words sounding logical.

"The only reason why the Seraphims you ate didn't know it is because, they didn't even try to understand us humans. And yes, I can forcefully reverse it." Jubilee said in reply. His tone unwavering a big factor to Damian's decision as he said: 


The other emperors got their eyes widening. They weren't gullible enough to believe something said by a complete stranger. Yet their leader, the one they respected for his intelligence, permitted the human to continue speaking. Getting Aeolus to question this decision as he asked:

"Damian are you seriously considering his offer?"

"Yes. I can see right through this person. He won't lie. Or rather, he can't lie to me. Not with [Root of All Evil] active." Damian said, staring at Jubilee again.

"My only question is, why would you entrust something like that to us?"

"Because we've broken the vow. There are no more Cullings." Even though Jubilee was calm in delivering this. What he said was something unspeakable. 

"YOU WHAT?!?" Aeolus exclaimed. A sentiment shared by every other emperor in their heads.

"Ahhh this arrogant second generation toddlers. Why don't we just kill them right here and now? That would end our misery." Aeolus was preparing to attack at that point. However, Damian disabled his skill, shaking his head as the Void king continued speaking.

"With the Culling abolished, the Seraphims would be enraged and, would probably go down one by one. That's why we need a force that could deter them altogether."josei

"So you're basically using us?"

"Yes. But your forces will also grow by accepting this offer. In fact, you may even be able to build an army that could take down our barrier and I won't mind."

It was a huge gamble on the Void King's part. If the Seraphims descend, these creatures could easily disable the barrier which Pandora set up. It wouldn't even take them much effort to monsterize the second generation.

This was King Jubilee's greatest fear. Since none of the second generation has experienced mosnterization, they were prone to it. The Seraphims knew how to trigger the mutation and, as much as possible, Jubilee wanted to prevent this.

It is only the first generation that is unaffected by this. With their bodies getting a natural resistance to mutation, they can easily ward off the Seraphims. Adding to the fact that these humans actively feasted on the divine creatures.

"What stops us from just forcing it out of you?" Damian asked. Increasing the amount of bloodlust and pressure he poured out at that moment. Suffocating everyone, including Jubilee.

"Because I won't break. The secret will die with me. Besides, what makes you think that I don't have a means of escape?" Jubilee said, his voice shaking but nevertheless telling the truth.

Damian stared at the human for a couple of seconds. Thinking about the offer while also placing variables into consideration. This was the decisive moment and, even the Void King didn't know how well it would go. In fact, he was fully prepared to escape at tat point. Knowing that he was no match for the leader of the emperors.

That was why he felt a sense of relief as the pressure died down. With Damian deciding to hide his wings and offer his hand as he said:

"Fine. We accept."

"Damian! What nonsense are you - " As soon as Aeolus complained, Damian made the totality of his malice made felt. Involuntarily making everyone tremble in fear at the vast unknown that is, the limit of Damian's power.

"You will not question my decision. I'm not in the best of mood right now and, you'd find it in your best interest not to aggravate me any more. Do I make myself clear Aeolus?"

"Y-Yes Damian." The poor emperor replied in staggering breaths.

"Now. Now. There's no need for violence." Jubilee butted into the conversation. Snapping his fingers and materializing an [Image Core] right in front of him.

"That contains everything you need to know and even more than what I promised." King Jubilee began deactivating the black space, with his body being covered by dark runes.

"If you try attacking me, that [Image Core] will also disappear." The Void King added, taking away any threat to his life at that moment as he finally bid his farewells. Looking one last time at Damian.

"It was nice seeing you. Ciao."

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