A Story of Evil

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: The Son

"So this is where they buried you huh? Poor king Reckon. They must've really hated your traitorous ass."

The man who called himself Kingsley went to the ruins of Sanctuary. There was a pile of rubble everywhere and, one could even notice the fierceness of the battle that went on there. With the large pillars of rock scattered all around. With traces of burning and slicing. And, with an uncanny power that the humans weren't supposed to have.

"So they're beginning to evolve on their own huh. That's not good. I wonder what that Shadoweaver have been up to." Kingsley activated his powers, scanning the area for any traces of Reckon.

As soon as he did, he went through a valley of rock pillars. Arriving at a makeshift tombstone. With the sword of the fallen king sticking at its front.

"If you think about it, they're kinda stupid for leaving you out in the open. I mean, what would they do if I can resurrect you right?" Kingsley said, removing all the earth that covered Reckon's corpse. Revealing the remains of the king. Already rotting and decaying.

"Fortunately for them, that is not part of what I can do. I'm just here to take back what you borrowed." He touched the body of the fallen king. And, as soon as he did, he was caught in a blinding flash of light.

An explosion blew away the remains of the exiled King Reckon. Burning everything in green flames and, covering Kingsley in the same elemental flames. He began laughing to himself like a madman. His voice echoing on top of the ruined sanctuary.

"So they do have braincells." Kingsley touched his chest. Immediately all the flames covering his body turned back to rune structures and, so did all the flames scattered around the area. He then absorbed them all until nothing was left.

"Man, this might actually be worth my time." He said, unsuccessful in his mission as the corpse of Reckon burned instantly. Leaving nothing but his ashes.

But one could see Kingsley with calm still written on his face. He was not bothered by what happened nor did he think it was such a decisive loss. In fact, he smiled. A crooked and twisted smiled. With a portal opening up for him as, he knew who to target next.

"Please don't disappoint me Void king."

Three days have passed since Jubilee's last announcement. Within this time period, he has enhanced the quality of the plantation which was used by the Voids. The cylinders which were being used by the king were finally given a proper name.

[Core Seal] that was the name decided upon by Lilia and the king. There was nothing too grand on what the name meant. In fact, it was already the perfect description of what the device partially was. That is, a way to seal a core. While its second and, useful feature was that of its ability to cleanse depending on the core placed inside it.

Through this, King Jubilee was able to enhance the quality of the Void plantation. All while getting enough for his people from the Fire Domain's plantation.

He didn't swap with them and, decided to give this to King Nova's domain under that rule. Of course some of the Voids were angry about it but, at the end of the day, they still followed. This wasn't a rash or idiotic decision after all.

His people were still clueless on how to handle crops properly. That being said, if the most bountiful of plantations was given to them, there were more chances for trouble to stir.

Mismanagement of crops. Excessive gathering. Watering too much. Harvesting too late. Dividing workforce. The factors all needed to be taken seriously. Effectively executing on these was crucial in order to ensure that the quality of harvest would not go down.

Hence, while the Voids learned, they were also provided for with enough food. All while finally growing plants that budded from the soil. Not in a withered yellow green color. Nor as a wilting seedling. But as lively looking plants. Able to grow within a week's span of time.

Just as King Jubilee mentioned, progress doesn't happen if he simply lazed around. That's why he ensured that everyone was functioning properly. In fact, even those within the inner walls were not spared from this.

It was finally time for him to be a proper king. The act was over and, the purging of the Void domain was only beginning. Yet even the king needed time to rest. That is why, on the third night, he played another game of chess with someone who would prove to be a challenge in his mentally exhausted state. Prince Jules.

"So why did you ask to play with me old man?" The prince coldly said.

"Nothing much. I figured we should have some quality time. You know, just you and me." The king said in reply. Sipping on a cup of tea which calmed his nerves.

"And this is your idea of quality time? Pathetic."

"Hey, you can always quit if you want. Nobody's forcing you kid."

"First of all I'm not a kid. Second, I will never back away from a chance to crush you."

"Ohhh feisty. I like that."

The two were playing within the castle. Jubilee thought that the change of scenery may be good in order for his sanity to remain. Pentagon wasn't necessarily a place you'd want to stay for the rest of your life. That is, unless you're a half dead Seraphim who powers the building as its core.

"So how is your mother?" Jubilee said, already at his fifth move at that time.

"You mean Queen Octavia." Jules said in reply, moving his pieces just as fast as his father does.

"Yes. You mother."josei

"She's fine and happy. No thanks to you."

"That's good to hear."

"Still as passive as ever I see."

"Well, she's not a game of chess. Plus…" Jubilee moved another piece as he said:


The two continued their game in silence. With Jubilee having little trouble cornering his son each and every time. Jules was keen with his moves. He knew all the moves and most of the patterns but, that was just about it. At the end of the day, he was just as normal as the genes used to create him.

He wanted Jules to be gifted of course. But the process wasn't something he could force on an ordinary person. A Genius such as Sol and, Alice who hang just at this description's border were the only ones capable of forcing the SEED to awaken. Normal people such as he and his son, need to find the path themselves.

But at that moment. The king simply savored the moment. Moving another piece as he triumphantly declared:

"Checkmate." The look on prince Jules' face said it all. That he was pissed of for loosing and, wanted to have another round right away.

Hence the two continued with their game. Over and over again, Jubilee would corner his son. Resulting in an inevitable checkmate as they restarted again. And, usually, ten would be the magic number where Jubilee stopped. But because his son insisted, they went another round. With Jubilee sighing at how persistent his son was with the concept of winning.

"He probably got that from me." The king thought looking at Jules in earnest.

In all honesty, Jubilee wanted to be a good father. When he was still a teen, he promised that to himself. That he would be nothing like his own father. Distant and uncaring. He had it all planned and, even had a woman he loved whom he planned to marry.

But all of that changed when he went on the expedition. He broke up with his lover and, was caught in a death defying chain of events. All leading to his contract with the Seraphim named Pandora and, the sudden yet crucial decisions he needed to hastily make.

He never loved Octavia, not even the slightest. She was everything that he hated. A nobility's daughter who thinks that she can have everything she wanted. But their binding was just as crucial as every part of the plan. And although Jules was a fruit of such a bland union, Jubilee loved the boy nevertheless.

He wanted to care for him. He wanted to take care of the boy. But there was an image he needed to maintain and, secretes that he needed to hide. He was distant all throughout Jules' life and, no matter how many times they played chess, he knew that the consequences of his actions were irreversible.

"Checkmate." He said again, moving another piece in the board.

"Wait, how did that get there?"

"Are you even paying attention to the game?" Jubilee said, taunting his son was only growing more agitated by the minute.


"Come on, do you even know what time it is?"

"You're the one who invited me to this game. It is only fair that I get to decide how many matches we will have."

"Are you being serious right now?"

"Yes. Now, another. My temper is running thin with you old man."

"Where oh where do you get that attitude from. King Jubilee said in reply.

He knew it. Deep down and in his own mind he knew it. He knew that there was no way for him to bridge the gap he formed. But, that doesn't mean he stopped hoping. Even in that moment. If only for a second, he wanted his son to acknowledge him.

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