A Story of Evil

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: The Report

With Solomon finishing up the harvest thieves, he decided to give a report to the king the next day. Surprisingly, king Jubilee wasn't within Pentagon so, the boy had to go to the streets. Making his way to the castle where the king was.

It was around eight in the morning. The people were already awake and moving about at that time. Because of this, Sol couldn't avoid encountering people. In fact, someone even noticed him right away.

"Mommy look! It's the boy who won in the Culling!" A little girl tugged on the skirt of her mother. The woman gave a quick glance to Sol before carrying her child in a hurry.

"No dear, stay away from him." The woman said in a disgusted tone. Walking away hurriedly.

"She didn't even try lowering her voice huh." Sol commented as he observed everyone that were actively avoiding him that day.

Usually, the champion of the Culling would be received proudly by his or her domain. The honor and the rewards in themselves were enough reasons for this. Yet, the reception of the champions of the Culling was a lot different in the Void. 

There was still a notable division between those that lived in the inner and outer walls. Specifically, those in the inner walls were disgusted with the outers. Their pride was deeply tarnished by the fact that, an outer was actually able to win.

Aside from this, he was also an orphan. Of course the people of the slums welcomed him openly. They all viewed him and Alice as champions and saviors. But nothing of the sort cold be said for those who live within the inner walls. This was adding also to the fact that, some still believed that he was a devil. A belief upheld by all of Bishop Baron's followers. The normal citizens who weren't imprisoned. 

"My reputation is that bad huh. I guess this place is dangerous for me then." Sol said, brisk walking towards his destination.

The boy could already see a lot of notable changes within the Void at that point. One of this was the parks created within the inner wall. Although there were already a lot of trees surrounding the place before, this was being doubled and cultivated at the same time. Children stayed on these parts; playing as they had either maids or butlers assisting them.

There was still a lot that needed to be done. The renovation of the Void was far from over and, Sol knew of this perfectly well. After all, the king showed him the blueprints on what he planned of the future of the domain. And this was not something feasible within a single month. 

They heavily lacked manpower and, the people still needed to be disciplined. It wasn't simply the exterior that needed fixing. Rather, the Void citizens themselves were more crucial. 

It was still a long way ahead but, Sol knew that it was possible for the king. Someone he would meet in a few more minutes as he finally reached the gates of the castle.

"Who goes there?" One guard said, approaching the boy.

"It's Solomon. I need to speak with the king."

"Oh it's miracle boy. Right this way." The guard said with a smile on his face.

Unlike the ordinary people of the inner walls, the people within the castle were only ones which the king trusted. Hence, the Void king's goals and, the realization of these are things which they delighted on. That is why they gladly accepted Solomon. They all knew he was the catalyst that allowed the Void to advance.

"Just go straight up. There should be someone assisting you once you go in."

"Thank you."

"Don't sweat it miracle boy." The guard said, moving back to his post. Yet instead of a helper, Sol was met by another person entirely.

"What's this filth doing here?" It was Queen Octavia and, although Sol didn't like it, he needed to act courteously towards the queen.

"I came to see the king your highness." The boy said, disregarding the fact that the queen looked like she just went through Pandora's Maze. With here eyes all red and her hair all messy. Her lips were also a bit pale. Sol even noticed some purple veins protruding from the neck of the queen.

Octavia wanted to say more. In fact Sol was expecting this. However, she has not yet recovered from all that happened and, if there was one thing she was avoiding at that moment, it was any conflict or attention with Jubilee. 

"Use the stairs, you know where his room don't you?"

"Yes your highness. Thank you for your concern."

"Just go. I don't want to share the same air with you." 

Solomon did as he was told. He went straight for the stairs and up the castle. The only time he ever went through the structure was on the first day of his appointment together with Prince Jules. He didn't have much time to inspect the castle's structure then. But at that time, he had more than enough time to do so.

He gazed at the portraits of King Jubilee's family tree. There were parts of it where he was a young boy. With a look of deep seriousness written all over his face. There were also portraits of the Void king's father. A stout man who lived off whatever scrapes the Void could provide.

The walls were painted crimson red and, maids could be seen on various areas. Sol was also able to chance upon the royal library. A place he wanted to visit as soon as it was possible. Pillars of marble adorned the area while, the painting of Seraphims fighting against one another could be seen, isolated on one wall. Alive. As if the scenery was happening at that exact moment.

"That's one strange painting." The boy noted as he went on and, finally reached the room of the king. With a bit of it being open. And it was solely because of this fact that he overheard the conversation going on inside.

"So what happened to the truck exactly?" Sol heard the king's voice.

"It was burned my liege. Unfortunately, there's no trace of whoever it was that drove it. But on the back was a burnt corpse of a man." The man whom king Jubilee was talking to was inevitably Onyx.

"Is the vehicle still there though?"

"Yes my liege. We've secured it and, my men are guarding it as we speak."

"Good. I'll go there myself once I finish all the paperwork left for me. If that is all, you may take your leave." As soon as king Jubilee said this, Sol walked back a few steps away from the door. Making it appear like he has just arrived when Onyx left the room.

"Did you hear anything we discussed?" Onyx asked the boy.

"I would if I have supernatural hearing. Why is it something top secret?" Sol asked.

"Not really." The knight patted Sol's shoulder.

"If what you'll give the king is bad news, I suggest you tone it down a bit. He's already got a lot of things on his mind."

"Don't worry, I won't." Was Sol's short reply as he finally went his way. Finding Onyx's remark a bit ironic after he himself just gave the king bad news. But he brushed this thought aside as soon as it came up because he needed to focus on his report.

The boy knocked on the door three times, with the invitation "enter" being given by the king. Sol immediately noticed the stacks of files on the king's table. There were also some machine parts and crystals lying all around. It was a lot messier than when Sol went in two days ago, making him understand why Onyx gave him that warning.

"My liege."

"Solomon, I'm guessing you have reports concerning the plantation?" The king wasn't even looking at the boy. He was reading files while he spoke with Sol.

"Yes my liege. I actually have a lot of things to talk with you about." The king decided to drop the file he was holding at that moment as, he finally gave his undivided attention to the boy.

"Okay then. Speak up boy."josei

Sol continued to giving a comprehensive report of the plantation. He told the king about the insects that were beginning to show up. He also told about the harvest thieves which were captured. As well as the current condition of the workers there.

"If possible, I request that some kind of lighting be provided for the plantation. That would lessen the confidence of the workers that, they could perform the same stunt."

"Well done. You're as impeccable as ever Solomon."

"Thank you my liege." The boy said, noticing that the king actually looked a bit unsatisfied.

"Unfortunately my son isn't as competent as you. I've been getting reports from his maids and, all the boy does is laze around in the farm."

"Is there anything I can do about it my liege?" The boy asked in genuine concern.

"At the moment, there's none. I actually have another task lined u for you after the farm so, I don't need you meddling with things that cannot be quickly fixed."

"Understood my liege." The boy said in reply, bowing to the Void king.

"Just focus on your job right now. As for the thieves, send them to prison. Felicity will deal with them herself."

"What about the insects?" Sol asked, concerned about the quality of harvest.

"Don't worry I already have something thought up for that part." 

The king was always one step ahead. Sol began noticing this in his chess matches with the Void king. Jubilee would always have plans. More than the boy could ever hope to match. He had scenarios on his head and played on these as the situation demanded. Even at that time, the king was displaying this.

Whether it was because of [S.W.] or because of the king's natural abilities, Sol was impressed either way. 

"Also, tell felicity to come meet me once you arrive at the prison."

"Of course my liege." Sol said, not knowing that he was about to get caught up in another long and winding twist of fate.

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