A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Genesis

The Absolute Being. He was titled so because he truly ruled over the entire universe. Once, that is.

Now, only the remnants of that said title existed.

When the universe was still empty, nothing but nothingness existed. From within that same element, The Absolute Being was born from none. It existed before anything was formed. Nothing created it. It was connected to a tree holding all the Origin power. Alas, it was alone, because the tree didn't have an alive consciousness.

'It' didn't have any physical figure. It didn't have any gender, features, or anything. The Absolute Being was just a lone consciousness that had power over the whole world due to the Origin elements.

It thought that it should get a physical body. That the decision would be better and much more convenient.

After constant rounds of imaginative thinking, the Absolute was able to formulate a body for itself. It was quite hard to imagine the vassal. Because the being had no basis or inspiration on how a vassal is supposed to look like.

However, it was easy to create and make the wish into realization.

Due to it possessing the [Origin] elements, the Absolute was able to create and manipulate the entire universe to its liking.

However, one thing had to be noted down. The Absolute Being wasn't the universe's owner. It was the universe's strongest being that stood above all.

The universe had no owner, as opposed to realms, which could be assigned an owner.josei

The universe was endless.

At first, the space was only a blank white canvas with the Origin tree carefully positioned in the middle. The space was endless, but nothing was there. Only the tree, which had no means of communication, and itself.

It was dry and silent.

On a whim, it utilized his powers to create things out if its imagination.

It thought that the world shouldn't be all white. It created the concept of colors in a blink.

The concept was that, there had to be light in order for one to view colors. Upon being reflected by light, shades of color would appear.

The universe was filled with nothingness. It was a blank white space, but it wasn't light that shone into the space. Similarly, there was no darkness.

The Absolute Being thought for a while and snapped its fingers.

After experimentation, it was able to create to elements. Light and darkness. Two opposites.

Spectrums of color soon appeared and painted the space. The colors were messy as they mixed and matched with each other. To handle the chaos, it separated the colors into a palette which it would then use as a guide in the future.

It had successfully created the first concept- Color.

Then, it went on to assign specific terms to the world's components. It categorized itself, who now had a physical body, and the Origin Tree as 'solid'.

The second concept- State of Matter. Although it had only thought of solid, one of the components, it still counted as a great improvement.

It then created four elements. Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth.

The fire would be colored with spectrums of red. It created an Eternal Flame, which would never go out no matter what the situation was. It provided the fire with features of heat.

Unknowingly, it had created a new concept- Temperature. Because it wanted to feel warmth, the setting of temperature was made.

Next was water. Colored with spectrums of blue. The Absolute made a sphere of water float in the air. The new element could be manipulated as one willed it.

This would mark the addition to the second concept. The state of liquid. Yet, the Absolute who created everything out of order wouldn't pay attention to the ranks.

It went on. The third: wind. The Absolute assigned this element with the color green. Wind was unable to be seen. Yet, the Absolute twirled it and added high velocity to it. Instantly, the wind warped into a small tornado.

Another concept was made- Velocity. But as always, the being continued on without recognizing these small differences between how the objects it created acted, because it was only interested in experimenting and creating what it wanted to.

This element was also actually the third state of matter that was about to come- which was gas.

Last element was earth, with the 'earthen' color it created from a mix of red and green. It named the color yellow. 'Earth' was shaped to be rubble that could pile up to a concrete rock.

The third recognized concept- the being named the concept Elements.

The Absolute found out that colors were very easy to be manipulated. They could be mixed together in a certain amount to create so many different shades. It was distracted by this new discovery and played with the colors a lot. Now, it had the knowledge and affinity with the colors.

Now that the primary elements were done, it began to think. What should it create next?

The being wanted to assign things to the powers.

The magic particles that surrounded itself was 'mana'. A type of energy.

Origin Magic, which was the magic only the Absolute wielded couldn't be abused, so it prepared to have a complete set of various magic that would coexist in one go.

It gave the previous four elements the temporary title of Magic, although it hadn't been developed yet. Magic would have to be used in accordance with mana. Without mana, you wouldn't be able to use magic.

The fourth concept- Magic Theory.

Then, it branched off to give itself an identity.

It created a separate gender for himself. The concept of living things. It assigned itself the 'male' gender, opposite to the 'female' gender.

'It' now became 'he'. However, a 'she' didn't exist yet. The being only had an inkling on what and who should be his counterpart.

He then realized that both the Origin Tree and himself were solid, and yet separation between the space didn't exist. If so, everything would be solid in theory.

Yet, there was slight differences.

With the previous knowledge of the four elements, he created land and water. It was in form of a brown, flat land. He built a stone out of the same element and mixed water.

He sculpted the land from 'Earth' and made a waterfall from 'Water'. Mixing it would create a muddy substance.

The space wasn't that silent anymore with the high 'Velocity' water flowed down the waterfall. Along with the high velocity, a strong wind could be created. 'Gas'.

(A/N: Everyone, your dearest author is only 15, she will eventually learn all the states of matter in the future but for now let's play with only these three okayy?)

He was satisfied by the progression of things. He even thought that he was quite a genius, not that there were anybody else to compare his abilities to.

He started creating sceneries, going ham with the authority he held. The whole space was his canvas. He combined the three states of matter to create objects. Decorations to the world. To make it more vibrant and lively, it decided to sprinkle the world with great aesthetics and looks.

He became invested in his creations. It was so fun. A form of excitement bubbled inside him even though he didn't know how to describe the emotions.

He assigned a set time flow. Building the world's concepts one at a time. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, to years and beyond. The concept of Time was successfully created.

In a sense, he was the inventor of all.  Building the universe with his own hands from the scratch, the 'canvas' being the only thing gifted to him to start with. Just as he was the ultimate Creator.

But remember, he wasn't the universe's owner. He was ultimately just a dweller who had more authority than his creations, but it wouldn't make him the owner.

He spent all his time creating things. Thousands of years being the only living thing surrounded by the infinite realm.

Beautiful landscapes and different parts of the world. His world was endless. His canvas would always stretch out farther and further, giving him more space to work with. But ultimately, no matter how beautiful his creations were, he was still alone.

Thousands of years of creating turned into millions. He was still alone. Nothing could disturb him, because he was the sole existence.

One day, a vision came to him. He was in the middle of creating a garden. The garden would be filled by plants it named lilies. Lily was categorized as a flower, and those beautiful white petals were his favorite. It resembled the space's first look.

Pure and untainted. Blank like his canvas. He wanted to spread color to the plant, but the pure sensation was exactly what made it special. Because within the colorful world, the flower would always stay upright and untouched.

Suddenly, his mind went awry. He started imagining another lifeform that could move about just like him. A humanoid figure. But this time, he wanted to create life. Someone that would talk to him.

He thought about the design. The lifeform should be a 'she', in alignment with the gender concept he had thought of a while ago.

Besides, the world was already running smoothly when he was thinking about this. He had the liberty to create the lifeform at this point.

The world was lively, but it wasn't truly alive. It was made out of purely inanimate objects.

With this in mind, he began to think about how much sense it would make if the world hosted other lives.

Determination rose up in his heart, the desire to create a 'life' arising within his heart.

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