A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Estraea's Creation

He first thought that the lifeform should be beautiful. Like the lily he liked. However, the end creation would still be a humanoid figure with no features. The lily was a reference, an influence to the end result.

It was hard to imagine what he wanted because he had never created humanoid figures. Back then, even languages didn't exist. There wasn't even a word to describe 'humanoid'. He just knew the gist of what he favored and wanted to create.

He felt like the face was the hardest thing in the process. As the reference object was nothing but a flower, he couldn't accurately create features that would suit his viewpoint of a lily. He started crafting his creation with all his might. He was determined.

More than ever, this creation received a special treatment from him because of how special it was.

Even after countless brooding, he still felt like his result was a bit strange. Something was missing. Everything from head to toe was pure white because the object of reference, was, of course, the lily.

He thought of a color that would channel his vision of the perfect creation. He would treasure this creation out of everything else he had made, because it was the epitome of what his desires were.

He wanted to add color to the creation. The Absolute quite liked the color silver, so he gave the creation silver strands of hair akin to his own to the head areas. The hair, brows, eyelashes.

The creation's eyes were still blank, so it was empty. The skin was deathly white. He then proceeded to give the creation golden irises and added a touch of rose and peach colors for the skin, retaining the milky white color but making it livelier.

The creation was stark naked. He gave loose robes and wooden sandals to further pursue his aesthetic of a white lily.

He then thought that the creation needed to be decorated further. He gave her two sets of jewelries.

Earrings, and a small ring.

The creation's earlobes was pierced, and the earrings attached themselves. The ring went straight to her finger, spiralling around.

Now, the creation was still lifeless. He could move it, but since this was his first time trying to create an animated object, he became confused on how he could grant movement abilities.

Imagining a life. It was the hardest part. He had never met another life apart from himself. The plants he created were technically life, but it was mostly made out of his magic.

Which meant that if not for his magic, those plants wouldn't survive. If he died, his creation would all disappear.

They weren't true life. He thought back to the lily. A pure, untainted, and strong figure. The creation now had three descriptions attached.

He thought back to the colors he gave the creation. Silver, and gold. They were elegant, beautiful, and majestic. Similarly, the creation was given those three descriptions.

He thought of the jewelries. The earrings were crafted with an unbreakable material and hung the most beautiful diamond on its ends. The ring had a claw,

The creation was lifeless. It could be moved, but it couldn't move by itself.

The next part was the hardest part. Imagining a life. It had never met another life.

It thought of the lily. It was pure, untainted, and strong. The creation was given three descriptions.

It thought of the colors. Silver and golden. They were elegant, beautiful, and majestic. The creation was given another three descriptions.

It thought of the jewelries. One was the most beautiful diamond, and the other was a spiral ring with engravings. One was astoundingly clear and captivating, and the other was complicated and endlessly confusing.

It created two powers to match the clear opposites. It took power from the Origin Tree and allocated it to the diamond earring. It created a polar opposite to the power, and named it Chaos. The Chaos was sent to the ring.

Yet, the creation was still lifeless.

He wanted to hear sounds. The first desire he culminated after so long. Another's sound- a voice. He imagined a melodious tone that would lace the creation's words every single time she spoke up.

However, even after adding in that criteria, no sound was made. The creation was lifeless as ever.

He was confused. What differed this creation and the plants he had made? Weren't they all lives even though they had stark differences? Why was the concept different?

After racking his brains up, he attributed the failure to the creation's complexity. Because the features he gave it were too complicated to all go smoothly.

Sighing, the Absolute found no concrete clue on how he was supposed to create his wish.

He desperately prayed for it to move. Constant hoping and wishing.

Then, one idea passed his mind. If the plants existed thanks to his magic, the simplicity would be lower because he was the one who controlled everything.

However, the criteria he imposed on this creation contradicted that fact. He imagined the creation to be a strong, independent one. Someone who was his equal. If so, then relying entirely on his magic would create a conflict for that matter.

There has to be something keeping the body together. He thought.

He mused on what he could use as a balancer. He then gave the creation a spherical ball of power. The energy was extremely similar to that of his Origin Magic.

Since he wanted the creation to be his equal, then let a similar power be bound to it.

The topic of Origin was closely related to that of Creation and Destruction. The two sides of the same coin that were closely bound together, yet not at all close.

Origin Magic built and held up the universe in place. Without it, the universe would have no integrity.

Thus, he bestowed upon the creation half of his power. The power of Creation now laid within the ball of energy and maintained a complete balance. He called the ball: the 'core'.

The body now moved. Life was beginning to sprout thanks to the energy he bestowed.

He began assigning her the female gender, as she was his counterpart.

And yet, that wasn't the end.

The creation's personality was nowhere to be seen. It had listed all the ideals he had, but the creation was still not in tune with what he envisioned.

He struggled for a while, wondering where it all went wrong.

Then, he realized that although the body was perfect, the mind was not. The creation was not able to think on its own without minding the characteristic he gave her.

Thus, he gave her a consciousness and attached it to her soul. A mind to think with and make decisions on her own.

As soon as he did that, the creation moved about like no other. The space was usually quiet for most of the time, but this creation ran around with glee.

"Aaaaa!" Because the creation did not know any formative language, the only thing it could muster up was delighted sounds that couldn't be comprehended.

It ran around, spun in circles, and ended up entangling with the Absolute. The woman latched onto him without restraint. A childlike entity that was the purest being. The epitome of perfection, and yet she also lacked the ability to put constraints on her own actions.

That was the beginning of everything.

The day 'Estraea' graced the world with her existence.josei

The start, from which he would grow to treasure her like he treasured himself, and attend to the lovely girl without complaints.

The Goddess was carefree as heck. She favored freedom, which the Absolute willingly gave because it was a given.

After some observations, the Absolute began to realize that deviant qualities that he hadn't inserted for the creation began to appear. As such, her actions wouldn't be predictable.

In terms of emotional quality and creativity, the Goddess was a lot better than him.

Her name, Estraea, meant 'justice, innocence, and purity'. It was his vision towards the woman. It was a name that he had came up with after some consideration over her position.

She was a divine being, one that would eventually stand tall beside him and act accordingly to that status. Thus, her name was to embody that feeling.

The three main quality that she contained in her name's meaning, it would be dominant in her ways of thinking.

However, since there were too many variations in her actions, he began to think if he made a mistake in granting her too mcuh freedom.

The Absolute Being was dumbfounded. He started to rack his brains for this creation.

After countless banters with himself, he finally made the ultimate decision to just watch over it.

He would be there by her side anyway, preventing her from doing anything too harsh.

Estraea would bring life to others even after the many lives were created. She was to be a carefree and unbothered person chained down by nothing for eternity.

The Absolute had taken a short rest after the creation of Estraea because he had wanted to put his mind in ease and enjoy the ripe fruits of his hard work. Continuously creating for many years, he was bound to be exhausted.

Only, this time he had Estraea by his side. His lovable companion.

He thoroughly enjoyed her presence, even though sometimes it brought him nothing but trouble.

She would accidentally destroy mountains and evaporate rivers because of a finger slip.

"Oops," was a sound she frequently uttered because of how clumsy she was.

But him, the Absolute, was absolutely okay with it.

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