Adopted Soldier

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Alex who was finally free from the two, started to go to where he hid his weapons, but while he was walking he felt someone following him . He was hearing the slight sound of footsteps, coming a two pairs of feet . The two that were following were pretty good, and of course Alex could guess who the two of them were .

It was possible to simply let them follow him and show them were he hid all his equipment, but Alex wanted to keep the places where he hid his equipment a secret . If more than one person knows of their location the it was possible that even more people will find out . It was that moment Alex decided to escape from them .

Oliver and Matthew who were silently following Alex, saw him suddenly run . They knew that they were somehow spotted by Alex, so in the end they didn’t hide anymore and tried to follow Alex . Yet the moment they turned in one corner Alex suddenly disappeared .

In case of emergencies, Alex made some alterations in the school building . He did this, ever since Kei almost outran him, with his knowledge of the school layout . Alex instead of simply doing the same thing as Kei, and learn the comings and goings of the students, decided to alter some parts of the school, to make it easier for him to go from point A to point B . Seeing as he was able to stop Oliver and Matthew from following him, the alterations he made were working .

. . .

Once Alex was free from the two distractions he was now able to double check on the equipment he hid all over the school . While he was hiding his equipment, he also found a safe room, which was most probably Lyner’s . This gave Alex an idea to do the same thing, and so he had six other safe rooms all over the school . Granted that the safe rooms, he had other people make, wasn’t as good as Lyner’s safe room but it’s still usable and that’s all that matters .

As Alex continued walking around the school looking at the hidden places he used to hide his equipment, he started remembering what happened in these halls . Even though he has only been in school for a few months, he has experienced a lot of things . He wasn’t sure if all these experiences were good, but he was sure that these experiences were things that he would cherish until the day he dies .

The memories he had in this school were irreplaceable . It’s because of this school, that he met the girl he fell for . In this school, he gained friends . Here in this school, he didn’t need to be the S ranked mercenary the silent flash, he just needed to be Alexander Samarita . The things he gained on the battlefield weren’t as much as the things he gained in this school .

Actually it wasn’t just this school, the time he spent in this city has given him many things . A sister, a mother, his subordinates . Even the mundane things like a favorite arcade, his favorite movie house, a game shop and other things . If it was the Alex of before he wouldn’t even care about such things . Yet now all of those things, even the crappy ones, like his favorite street stall was special to him .

Still the most important thing he gained here was the revival of his emotions . The emotions he long ago pushed aside to become stronger . Alongside those emotions was the memory of the death of his parents . Alex knew that the day was closing in that the memory he had long sealed in his mind was about to be set free .

Still he needed to move forward no matter what happens, that’s what he learned from Oliver . He needed to be strong and laugh away the fear that is slowly encroaching him, that’s what he learned from Lyner . He needed to be open to feel the way he wanted to, that’s what he learned from Emily and Sayaka . He needed to show more compassion and understanding to strengthen the bond he currently has, that’s what he learned from Niel . He needed the courage to step into the unknown, that’s what he learned from Kei . He needed to persevere even through all the pain emotions bring, that’s what he learned from Evangeline and Rachel .

. . .

While ALex was reminiscing about what he experienced in his stay in this city, he was nearly done looking at all his hidden equipment . All of them seem to be functional and nothing was misplaced . Even after checking his equipment, Alex just can’t shake off this ominous feeling he was having . josei

He wasn’t sure what this feeling was, but it felt similar to the feeling he got when he did his first mission as a mercenary and was attacked by an A rank merc . This feeling was the feeling that death was approaching .

He could practically feel it in his skin, every fiber of his being was warning him that danger was approaching . He knew that either tomorrow or day after, something will most definitely happen .

’It doesn’t matter what comes, I promise I will protect those that are important to me . ’ Alex’s face distorted for a moment if anyone saw that face he made they would be scared . Even his dad has never seen Alex make that face, but it was good thing no one was present to see what kind of face he made .

Alex who was recently forced to watch a romance film, tried something he found interesting in that film . He placed his hand on his chest and mumbled .

"Please give me strength, Rachel . " After he did this, Alex slowly calmed himself down, and clenched his fist, his face now showing his resolve to die for his loved ones .

Alex who was in the silent hallway, was hearing the sounds of gun firing, the screams of pain and agony, he was hearing the sound of war . This was how Alex was hyping himself up, for the battle tomorrow, as well as his role in the play . Since both things needed this kind of intensity, Alex thought that it was alright to begin his mental preparations .

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