Adopted Soldier

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Niel who was brought to Evangeline’s home, was now in an a large empty room . This room was used by Niel and Evangeline for training purposes . Niel has been training Evangeline for quite some time now . At first he tried to see how good Evangeline’s physical capabilities were, and asked her to do some simple moves .

It was good, her physical abilities were above average, her abilities were far superior to most girls her age, but that was it . She wasn’t as extreme as the others in the Mercenary club . Her aptitude in learning fighting techniques, was pretty good as well, but to Niel it was nothing special .

Niel thought that because Alex and everyone’s level except for Kei were so abnormally high, that Evangeline who stuck close to them and was called a near perfect woman was in the same ridiculously high level .

Yet to Niel’s disappointment, though Evangeline was indeed a cut above the rest, her abilities weren’t as extreme as Alex and the others in the mercenary club . Still Niel found Evangeline’s never give up attitude, as well as her extreme perseverance, and drive to move forward to be amazing, and he admired her for that .

Yet today as he was training Evangeline in close quarters combat, Niel noticed something strange . The usual aggressiveness and passion to become stronger was missing . It was like she was now an empty husk of her former self .

Niel who had just thrown Evangeline to the side, helped her up and looked at her confused .

"Did something happen Eva? You seem really out of it today . " Niel asked really concerned for Evangeline’s well being . Evangeline on the other hand didn’t respond, it was like she was thinking about something really deeply . Her eyes were staring at an empty space .

"Hello, Eva is anybody there?" Niel started talking right next to Evangeline’s ear which surprised her, making her jump backward .

"Huh? What?" Evangeline was looking at Niel completely confused . She didn’t understand what was happening, or what she was doing right now .

"What’s happening to you Eva, is everything alright?" Niel looked really concerned as he looked at Eva’s eyes, Niel saw that her eyes that shone bright with determination were now growing a bit dimmer .

"Niel . . . It’s over, I just can’t . . . I just can’t do it anymore . " Evangeline sat down on the floor feeling helpless . She felt all her strength disappear from her body, as he heart felt even more pained .

"What’s over? I don’t understand what you’re saying . How about you try and tell me what happened . I am your senior in school, and also your mentor so you don’t have to worry about telling me your problems . Just lay it on me, and I will try my very best to help you . " Niel showed Evangeline a sympathetic smile as he said what he said . Due to Niel’s high level charisma, him showing such a sympathetic smile, made him look almost holy . Evangeline who saw this felt a bit more comfortable and started to talk .

. . .

Evangeline told Niel about how Alex had saved her two years ago, about how she fell in love with him in first sight . She told Niel about her rose colored reunion with him, about how she never gave up in finding him, and how happy she felt when he met him again .

Since the beginning her battle was an uphill one . Alex was obviously more interested in Rachel . Still Evangeline took hope from the fact they still weren’t dating, and to her it looked like Alex treated her more like sister, than a lover . This was her hope, that someday Alex’s eyes would finally fall upon her .

She struggled to become someone Alex would look at . She put all her effort into becoming better for him .

"Yet no matter how I struggle! No matter how I wished for it, he will never look my way!" In Alex’s eyes there was only Rachel, someone who he just met recently . She didn’t struggle, she didn’t do anything . It just so happens Alex fell for he instead of Evangeline .

Evangeline truly believed she had a chance, but when she was walking in an empty hallway she spotted Alex standing in one spot . He was concentrating so much that he didn’t even noticed Evangeline approaching . Evangeline who saw a chance wanted to surprised Alex, by shouting boo, but before she could do anything he heard Alex mumble something under his breath .

"Please give me strength, Rachel . "

The moment Evangeline heard his voice with so much affection, she ran away . She didn’t understand why but she ran as far as she could, and ended up in the student council room . In that room full of papers, she started weeping in one corner .

. . .

Niel who listened to her whole story was surprised . He already knew that Evangeline and Rachel liked Alex, but he didn’t understand how much they liked him . Hearing Evangeline’s story, Niel thought that her love felt more like an obsession .

"Why isn’t it me?! Tell me Niel, why can’t it be me?! Why can’t Alex look my way?! Why does Rachel get to be in his heart?! Why does she get him to speak her name so lovingly?! Why?! Did my love that I cherished for two years, lose out to Rachel’s?! Is all my effort . . . Is all my struggles worthless?! Tell me Niel, please tell me . . . How can I make Alex look my way . . . " josei

Evangeline was now crying in Niel’s chest, who for the first time in his life didn’t know what to say . He was confused by Evangeline’s raw emotions .

"Why aren’t you answering Niel? . . . . I see, so even you have no answer . . . . I knew it, everything I did was worthless . . . I shouldn’t have tried . . . From the start I was bound to lose . . . I . . . "

Smack! Evangeline’s face felt a burning sensation on her right cheek . Niel had actually slapped her . Evangeline looked at the always smiling Niel, but now saw he was no longer smiling . This was the first time Evangeline saw Niel make such an angry face .

"Is that all? . . . What the hell are you saying Eva! You’re telling me this is it! You claimed that you tried your best, but you’re giving up now, just because things got a bit harder?! You haven’t even done anything yet! Have you confessed to Alex? No, you have not! In truth you haven’t started anything, you aren’t even in the starting line, and you’re giving up? You’re just a scared little girl, that cries for what she wants, without even doing anything . I misjudged you, I was actually admiring how hard working you were, but in the end this is all you have?"

Hearing what Niel said, Evangeline looked at him in surprise . She wasn’t angry that he slapped her, or called her a coward, and basically said a lot of mean things about her . She was instead enlightened . Niel was right, she hasn’t even begun to truly fight back . She wasn’t even in the starting line yet .

"No, this isn’t all I have! I still have more to give! . . . Thank you Niel, for showing me the way . " While her eyes were a bit red from crying, Evangeline smiled a very beautiful smile . This smile of hers was actually able to captivate even Niel for a moment .

"It’s nothing much . I just did my job as a senior . "

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