Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 228 Lord Orun

Chapter 228 Lord Orun

Orun held the unconscious Minotaur leader's body by the toe, and dragged him from their position, all the way to where their base was.

Their physical exchange, had taken them far from where their base was, but he was easily able to cover the distance with his speed, not diminishing even with the Minotaur leader's body tagging along like rag cleaning up the forest ground.

When he got to their base, he called upon the attention of the Minotaurs due to the way he came unto them.

They saw Orun, and were immediately frightened by the sight he displayed before them.

Having their leader laid on the ground unconscious, was enough to convince them that he was dead, and Orun was responsible for it.

They held unto their crude weapons, despite their hands and body trembling in fear of Orun.josei

"dont worry, he is not dead. Just asleep is all".

Orun said, casually tossing their leader in their midst for one of them to confirm his condition.

One of the Minotaur was brave enough to move closer to their leader, and ascertain his body to know what condition he was, if Orun was lying or telling the truth.

"he is telling the truth. The Leader is still alive".

The Minotaur assured the other Minotaurs that their leader was still alive, by placing his head on his chest to hear his heartbeat.

"what do you want with us? Why are you doing this to us!".

After they were assured of their leader's survival, they turned their attention over to Orun and started questioning him, while maintaining an amicable distance between he and them.

"i really am not asking for much from you guys. All I want, is for you all to abandon your current homes, and follow me to a new one!".


Orun did not need to be told to understand what their expression meant.

It was only after he said it, that he himself realized that what he was asking of them, was far too much to make an hasty judgment on, or be considered as 'not much'.



"Lord Orun, is there anything more you need? We will provide whatever it is you want".

"i would appreciate it if you can provide more meat for me".

He said, stuffing his mouth full with the meat that was in his hand.

In front of Orun, is a stake where the meat of what looked like a giant snake being roasted in the fire.please visit

Evident of it being a snake, could be seen laying beside the roasted meat, composing of the rest of the skin and innards that had been washed out, before being placed on the stake to roast.

Orun was disturbed, perplexed even, to find out that the Minotaur race does not eat meat.

He thought only their outer appearance was similar to that of a bull, and not their food preferences also the same as a bull who belongs in the vegetarian category.

Although they are not into meat, does not mean they have a phobia for killing, or would hesitate to kill a creature composed of meat.

It is confusing how the scene went from them being fearful of Orun, to them buttering up to him? Well, here is an explanation below.

Orun, realizing that what he was asking of them was plenty enough, forcefully sat the Minotaurs down, and thoroughly gave them a convincing explanation on why they should come with him.

He made certain to not leave anything out, warning them of the danger that could befall them at any moment, and why following him would guarantee them freedom, a safe haven, a place where they can be themselves without fear of being discriminated against due to how they look.

Orun told them everything, and to make sure they would not have doubts, he opened up a chance for them to ask him whatever question they had or were curious about.

It took a lot of words and bubble speech I would not want to bore you with, but eventually, the Minotaur came to reason with Orun's way of thinking, and his proposal to them.

Hence, the reasons as to why he is being guestly entertained by the Minotaur, asking him for what he should be offered, and he, immediately voicing out his craving for meat.

He caught them unaware, and had them once again shaking in their boots, due to the fact that their body was composed of meat.

Orun was quick to clarify to them that what he wanted, was not their meat but a different one.

Without hesitation, a group of Minotaur came together and went out to hunt. In less than an hour, they came back with a snake, not as big as the one he hunted with the Wyverns, but still big enough to be considered as trouble.

It was apparently no problem for the Minotaurs to hunt down the snake, one of the reasons being that they are just that strong, and the other being that they outnumbered the snake both in shape, and in size five to one.

When they brought the snake to him, Orun used his forest skill to make a long stick, and dipped the stick into the snake's body before using his fire to start roasting it.

The kind gesture they were showering Orun with, and the way their attitude underwent a drastic change, should have him being on edge, and suspicious for any ulterior motive, but he wasn't at all bothered by it.

When he was explaining to them, he listened in on their heartbeat to know what they were feeling, and from it, he could tell that majority of them was in support of his ways, while they were those that were skeptical about it.

The minority had doubts in their mind, because they wanted their leader to wake up before they make any grandiose decision.

Even if they do agree with Orun, the final decision still rests entirely on what their leader chooses to do.

"oh.... Your leader is about to wake up from his slumber".

As Orun was feasting on the meat, he had his ears listening attentively to the heartbeat of the Minotaurs, and that was when he picked up the faint heartbeat coming from their leader, showing signs that he is soon to wake.

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