Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 229 Have You Gone Mad

Chapter 229 Have You Gone Mad

His eyelids were sluggishly forced open, with the first thing within his range of sight, being the clear blue sky, and the rays of the sun falling upon him.

"oh, you are awake!".

His bright, refreshed face turned sour when he heard the voice that had just spoken, coupled with the face that had just appeared above his eyes, blocking a miniscule part of his view directed at the sun.

The Minotaur leader abruptly sprang his upper body up, and used his legs that was on the ground to propel himself backward, away from the being who had brought him down to the state he was in.

"wow... Never thought you were going to be that terrified of me when I am only trying to help you out".

Orun found the Minotaur leader's attitude to be funny, especially how tense his face looked when he saw Orun, acting like the grim reaper had come to take his soul.

He could not help himself, and let out a sarcastic remark while keeping a straight face on, and extending his tiny hand toward the Minotaur leader.

"what do you want with me you vile demon!".

Says the Minotaur leader, slowly moving himself back, increasing the distance between he and Orun.

"not a demon, a monster. I am a monster just like you are, and I am here to liberate you from the captivity of the humans".

Orun withdrew his stretched out arm, and took on the pose of a messiah, raising both his arms up with his fingers reaching slightly above his head.

"what are you!..."

The Minotaur leader, still in panic and in a daze, had recuperated his mentality. He looked past Orun, saw how the surroundings were, then it dawned on him, that something wasn't right.

"why are you all acting like that? Why are you all looking that way?....."

He saw the expression that his subordinates had on them, and questioned their reasons for being so friendly with the monster that had almost killed him.

"i know you must be confused, but there is no reason for you to be".

Orun moved closer to the Minotaur leader who started dragging himself further away from him, by using his leg to push the ground against his body.

He sprouted out vines at the back of the Minotaur leader, to serve as a wall that stopped him from being pushed back.

"i need you to listen to me first before you start panicking".

Orun crafted out a chair for himself to sit on, while he explained everything to the Minotaur leader, with hopes that he would be able to convince him.

"i agree that I was rough on you, but that was a necessary cause in convincing you to see things from my point of view".

"almost killing me is your way of convincing?".

Says the Minotaur leader, still on edge against him.

"that phrase almost killing me, is not the same as killing you. The difference in the two, is that one of them will see to it that you are dead, and never have the privilege of uttering the words you just said. The other, it grants you the leniency to open your eyes and think; almost?"

Orun's words to the ears of the Minotaur leader, were interpreted in the form of him granting him the mercy of choice.please visit

His translation is; if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already, but I did not, and you are still alive, so why don't you thank me for that rather than sulking about almost killing you.

"what is it you want from us? From my kind, that made you resort to such extreme method".

The Minotaur leader resigned his fate in submission, knowing that there was nothing he could do to hurt Orun.

He had nothing on him that could go against his ridiculously overpowered yet tiny like body.

"how many times do I have to repeat myself to you? What I want, is for your kind to follow me, to come and be a part of my empire".

Orun said with a serious face, showing that he wasn't kidding around.

"but why?..... You have all the power there is, and easily outweigh my kind. Even if we come with you, we will be of no use to you in our state".

The Minotaur leader could not understand how Orun was thinking.

Why would someone as strong as he is, go through the trouble of recruiting under him, those weaker than him, the kind that will only serve as baggage to his strength.

"because I cherish all life".

His words made no sense to the Minotaur leader, leading him to have even more questions for Orun.

"answer me this leader. Bring two monster kind together, a goblin and an orc. Have those two stage an attack on a human settlement. When asked by another human, what attacked you? What do you think the reply would be".

The Minotaur leader had his mind deep in thought, seemingly thinking of what the answer is, or rather, what sort of answer is Orun expecting from him.

"Monsters, the monsters are attacking. Is what they would say".

Orun saw that the Minotaur leader was getting nowhere in his thoughts, and decided to give him the answer.

"the only instance where a clear distinction would be made, is if they are asked what kind of monsters? That is when they will reply with, a goblin and an orc".

He pretty much understood what it was that Orun was trying to convey through the question he asked and the answer he gave.

In the eyes of others, all monster specie are registered as one, and it is the same treatment given to a specie that will be directed to another.

"i with the power I possess, am no exception to that rule, and neither are you. Then it got me thinking? If we are treated the same despite the physical differences, what is to stop us from coming together and indulging ourselves in our ways, helping ourselves for the survival of our race against those who look down on us".

"have you gone mad? You wish to have different species living together?".

Orun had already been warned by the Wyvern leader, about how far-fetched his goal is, and the difficulty that comes with it.

He wasn't surprised to hear the Minotaur leader refer to him as mad, nor was he offended by it. If anything, he was delighted, because it shows that the Minotaur leader was paying attention to what he was saying.josei

"mad? Perhaps I am, but it is only natural that I am. I would have to be mad to think of surviving as a child who woke up to nothing but the dead cold corpse of his mother layed by his side".

"i would have to be mad to wander through the dangers inhabiting the dungeon alone, I would have to be mad to dream of getting to a point where there will be nothing for me to fear, I would have to be mad to have survived thus far, and now reached a certain point where even I do not understand to what extent my powers reach, what my limits are".

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