Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 230 You Are Nothing

Chapter 230 You Are Nothing

His voice sounded calm, conveying through it a strong sense of emotion with an unchanging expression.

"honestly, I can go on and on about a lot of things that drove me to this point, a point where you refer to me as mad, but I won't, because that is not why I am here".

"my goal might make me out as a mad man, but you are forgetting something. We are monsters, we have all gone mad right from the moment we were given birth to".

Orun got up from the thorned chair he had created, and slowly started pacing himself left and right before the Minotaur leader.

"do you not ever wonder, why were we all born with instinctual intelligence right from when we were still an infant?"

"there are race who were not born that way, so why us? The same race condemned and belittled before the other race, are the ones with an instinctual intelligence. Do you not ever question that?"

The Minotaur leader had not seen a human Infant, nor does he know how the humans are like when they are small. Not just him, but the other Minotaurs that were present, were all lost on Orun's question.

"it was made that way, so that we can learn to survive by ourselves. Our fate, was handed over to us to decide its course right from the minute we were born, not like the humans who had to survive under the umbrella of the one's they refer to as parents".

There is no complicating factor in Orun's words, what he said, and how he said it, is exactly what it means.

When a human is born, they are born weak, defenseless to the onslaught of external party.

Luckily for them, they have with them parents who are imbued with the so called maternal instinct, to look after their offspring, cater for them until they are big enough to cater for themselves. The monster kind, were not blessed with such privilege.

Unlike humans, the natural order of monsters, is to abandon their children after their birth, making their safety the number one priority over their offspring , and only a few out of the many will go through the trouble of taking it upon themselves to look after their children.

There are also some monster parents who keep their children under their laps so they could use them as vanguard, raise them as warriors with the intent of giving up their lives so that the parents can continue living.

Such is the cruel reality in the world of monsters, and what Orun seeks to put an end to with his proposition.

As monsters, it was their duty right from birth to decide for themselves how they are going to live, if they would rather die on that spot, or take it upon them to stand up and fight.

If they wanted to eat, it was their duty to go out, and hunt. They only get minutes of headstart before they are blessed with the ability to crawl, and soon walk, in search of nutrition for survival.

"do not be mistaken though. My words do not seek to overlook how humanity came to be what it is, how the children came to rely on their parents for survival".

Orun is not a fool who looks at things from only one angle. He understands that there are two sides to a coin, and makes certain to view both sides before coming to a conclusion.

"humanity just like us, they were once a race who would abandon their offspring to guarantee their own survival".

From what he has been told by the Pillars, humanity were once at the bottom of the food chain, and although they were not blessed with innate physical strength like the monster kind, they still managed to survive and thrive, raising themselves up to become one of the most formidable race, all accomplished with the help of one human.

Orun seeks to be that kind of human for the monster kind. He wants to bring them out of their misery, and raise them up into one formidable race that will be feared across the world.

"the human kingdom and systematic settings that you see today, did not just come to be in a day. No, no, no. It all started from somewhere, a root if I must say".please visit

"that root, is what I strive for you all to be for your fellow monster kind. It is okay to kill each other, harbor hate for one another. Everything is acceptable. What isn't acceptable, is being killed and looked down upon by an outsider race".josei

"i still kill my fellow monster kind till this day, and I want to believe I will still continue doing so going forward, and it is natural that things are that way. Why? Because we are monsters. It is not all of us that can be reasoned with".

"i believe there are dozens of monsters out there who seek only to cause endless destruction, for no reasonable purpose other than to flaunt their power like kids who had just gotten their hands on a new toy, and feel the need to show off with it".

"i am not like that. My strength, is something I plan to use for two things. The first is to protect myself, and the other, is to make it so that I can pave the way for those who come under me to also have the powers to protect themselves with".

The Minotaur leader raised his head up in slight admiration, with thoughts on how a monster could have such thoughts despite the horrendous environment they grew up in.

"surely you were not expecting me to say to protect those under me as the second thing I will use my strength for?"

It was true that the Minotaur leader had expected that. He has the strength, as the leader, it is only appropriate that he use it to cater for this under him.

"I am not stupid. I want to believe that there are no monsters here who will seek to rely on their leader to do all the heavy lifting for them while they slack off?"

Orun turned his back at the Minotaur leader, and directed it to the Minotaur masses who were all listening attentively to his conversation with their leader.

"as monsters, we take pride in our strength is what I believe. Everyone of you here should be ready to sacrifice, it is okay for you to be weak, it is. What isn't okay as a monster, is to want to remain weak while relying on another. I will not tolerate that, neither will the empire I hope to build have its foundation constructed under weak minded monsters".

Orun turned his attention back to the Minotaur leader, and casted his gaze on him for a while before opening his mouth to speak to him.

"tell me leader? What sort of future do you desire for your specie? It is fine if you think you have what it takes to protect what is yours, but I have proved to you that you don't".

"the strength I used in fighting against you, is the same amount of strength that was exerted by a human opponent I had the opportunity of battling with".

Orun's combat level, was brought down to Caius's level, not the Caius that fused with Ignatius, but the Caius from before that.

"there are still three of those humans left, and you can be sure that they will come for you whenever they feel like it. Why they haven't done so, is because they do not perceive you as a threat worth their time".

Orun moved closer to him, standing beside him, and sprouting out thorns from the ground beneath him to use a stool so he could reach the Minotaur leader's left ear.

"do you understand leader? The humans that you must have been looking down on for being weak, are actually the ones looking down on you as a monster not worth a dime of their time".

He said, leaning his mouth closer to the Minotaur leader's ear and whispering into it.

"but I can help you change all that. Mad? I am, and you can be too, but we won't be just mad. We will be mad and unstoppable".

"what do you say Minotaur leader? Are you with me, or are you still planning on being adamant".

Orun got down from the stool, and made his way to the front, looking at the Minotaur leader as he once again extend his hand toward him.

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