Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 231 Who, Is She?

Chapter 231 Who, Is She?

Orun has a hard time believing what his eyes was seeing at the moment. He clearly saw it, and felt it, but at the same time, it all seems so unreal to him.

He reckoned that if it was anybody else, they will be just as shocked as he currently is.

After he had the talk with the Minotaur leader and the rest of his crew, Orun was successfully able to persuade them into joining him and abandoning their current habitat to come with him to his own habitat.

The Minotaur leader agreed, not because he trusted Orun or because he was in support of what Orun wanted to create.

He joined Orun out of fear. He feared that which had him helplessly on his knees and sent him unconscious.

The Minotaur leader, was under the impression that if he did not do as Orun asked, he would be killed by him, and he did not want that for himself nor for the rest of his kind.

Orun was aware of where the Minotaur leader's thoughts leaned on and he, decided to leave it that way.

The Minotaur leader's reasons for not trusting him and only fearing him, is due to Orun ridiculous strength, he understands that.

He also understood that the Minotaur leader is yet to believe that what Orun is trying to accomplish, could really become a thing molded into reality.

Orun knows all that from reading the heartbeat of the Minotaur leader while he was explaining it all to him.

Orun's innate ability to discern how one is thinking through reading their heartbeat, has not extended so far to the point where he is capable of seeing through complicated thoughts like the one's listed above.

What he did to get all that, is use Oracle as an heartbeat translator, to get him through the thoughts of the Minotaur leader.

Now aware of his thoughts, Orun did nothing to change it, and does not blame it on the Minotaur leader either.

It is all as a result of the Minotaur leader not knowing his personality and how he thinks, or believing tat what he said can truly come to pass.

He intends to change the Minotaur leader's suspicion on him, not through talking, but by proving to him, that when he sets his mind on something, he will see to it that it is done.

A Monster empire, is a goal with less weight when compared to the first goal he made for himself; the power that will not make him cower in fear of any opponent!

That is Orun's first primary goal, so what is creating a monster empire in comparison to aiming for an height where he truly will be untouchable?

Such is Orun's thought on the suspicious mind of the Minotaur leader.

Orun was in a hurry to lead them out of their old habitat and into their new one, mostly because of coming into contact with any human.

The Minotaurs numbers, were in the hundreds, making it hard for them to move by land, as it would seem to any external figure, that the Minotaurs were planning on attacking, due to their large numbers and domineering presence.

Since marching was not an option for them, Orun used his teleportation ability to whisk them all to the sand desert, and all it costed him, was the use of more mana in the crafting of the teleportation circle.

The scene he was met with when he and the Minotaurs teleported to the desert where the Wyvern pack were laid to slumber, was something he wasn't expecting, or ever thought to expect.

When Orun arrived, he saw that the Wyvern pack had woken up from their slumber, and their bodies, have undergone a drastic change.

They were all slightly bigger than before, now having hints of red on their scaled dark skin, with some of them having two long horns on their forehead, while the others had one long horn at the center of their forehead.

Their wings that was once acting as their upper hand, had now gained its own independence by moving to being at their back, and the front hand now a part of its own self.

They were no longer standing on one leg, but now on two, similar to how lizards do stand, but in their case, their presence portrayed them more as a dragon like entity.

Not only their physical appearance that had changed, Orun could feel the aura surging out of their body had also increased by several shocking fold.

It was fine, things were still within the realm of believable for Orun. He had expected that they were not going to remain the same after their evolution, so he wasn't too shocked by their appearance.

What really had Orun gasping his mouth for breath, is the appearance of a maiden..... Yes, a maiden.


A dark smooth skin colored maiden with silky black and red colored hair, the left side black, and the right side is red. Her eyes glistened like the sun itself, with her pupils taking on the form of her hair in the order it is arranged in.

Het nakedness, showed her womanly like figure matching with her oval shaped face with noticeable dimples pressing down her smooth soft skin.

Her stunning, dashing, alluring appearance would have had Orun thinking of her as a human if it wasn't for the three horns protruding out of her forehead.

That was enough to tell him that the adult human sized figure before him, was not a human, but a different monster specie.

Before asking or doing anything, Orun moved appropriately like a gentleman would, by using his aura to create a blanket and approaching the woman to cover her naked body with.

He was bothered by her nakedness not because he was moved by it, but because he felt it was uncalled for.

He was on edge, but at the same time wasn't. And that was because the Wyvern pack were calm before the woman, indicating that she was not an enemy.

"who are you".

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