Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 241 The Troll Chief And Orun

Chapter 241 The Troll Chief And Orun

"is it you? Are you the one who named the Minotaur and made him into what he is now!".

The Troll leader was calm, unlike the four Trolls who were standing at his front, with their bodies stationed in combat mode toward Orun.

"how did you know he has been named".

Orun's voice was not coming from the place he fell to, nor could traces of his presence be seen there.

While the four Trolls were turning their heads around, trying to locate Orun. Monryck and the Troll leader, shifted their gaze to where they felt his presence coming from.

Monryck simply had to change the direction his head was facing, while the Troll leader had to turn his body to where he had earlier sat in.

The two of them saw Orun, sitted comfortably on the Troll Leader's supposed throne like it's his.

"it was not that hard to figure out. A single Minotaur storming so confidently into a Trolls territory? Who wouldn't be able to figure that out!".

"i see".

Orun crossed his legs, putting the right leg on top of the left leg, and placing his hand on his chin like he was in deep thought.

"i would have been mistaken into thinking that all Trolls are as smart as you are, but it appears that is not the case".

His gaze fell on the four Trolls who were still showing their bloodlusted side directed at him.

"stand down".

The Troll leader commanded the four Trolls, with hand gesture indicating for them to keep themselves in check.

"but chief!".

Ome of the Troll spoke up against the Troll leader known as chief to the Trolls.

The Troll was not in acceptance on putting their guard down before an entity that broke down the roof of their cave, and disappeared before their eyes without being noticed.

"tell me Troll".

Orun had surprisingly appeared in front of the Troll that was against the idea of letting their guard down against him.

The Troll was quick to move his body back, and reposition his stance against Orun.

"seriously, do you really think you have what it takes to fight me".

The Troll hurriedly moved his body to the side, and turned his head over to where Orun had appeared from next.

"do you not understand Troll? You don't have what it takes to stop Monryck, so what delusioned you into thinking that you have what it takes to stop me!".

Orun was toying with the Troll, disappearing and appearing in a different location to speak to him.

He was playing a mind game with him, making it known to the Troll that if he wanted, he could end him before the Troll's reflexes kicks in to stop him.

The three Trolls and the Troll chief could not interfere even if they wanted to, as not even they could follow through with Orun's movement.

Monryck just stayed silent, and watched as the Troll pace around his body trying to keep up with Orun's movement.

"i apologize on his behalf oh great one".

The Troll chief had his head slightly bowed down, knowing full well that trying to use force against Orun would only disadvantage he and his group.

The three Trolls wanted to speak against their chief bowing his head to another, but they couldn't, not when they knew why he resorted to doing that.

Orun adhered to the troll chief's apology and stopped playing around with the Troll.

He went back to his position of sitting down on the throne of the Troll chief.

"it is okay chief, I was never angry at him to begin with. I just wanted to see, how sharp the senses of my soon to be subordinate would be like".

Orun had no intention of doing harm to any of the Trolls. From his point of view, all he wanted was to teach the Troll how to make better decisions, and know what sort of opponent he should and shouldn't speak against.

You could say, that the troll was being lectured on how to be reliant on his instincts to guide him in battle, rather than just focusing on is ego.

The Troll could not speak back on what Orun had said, not after the leader already stooped himself so low before him by bowing his head.

"and, you don't have to call me great one. I am not some kind of a mystic being, or some big shot like that. I am a monster just like you are".

The way the Troll chief referred to Orun, had his head swelling with pride, and he wasn't comfortable with that.

It is good to be proud, but he does not desire for a situation where the pride gets too deep into his head.

Being called to as a lord by Monryck was sound hearing to his ears due to his goal, and what he will come to be in the future.

But being referred to as a great one, is like saying Orun is some high being like a God, and he, believes himself to not be a God.

"the only difference between the two of us as monsters, is that I seek for the glorification of all monster kind in general, while you only chase after the exaltation of your kind".josei

At Orun's words, the Troll chief had an excited grin on his face, one showing that he was happy with what Orun had just said.

"in that case, then surely, you must be planning on naming us just like you did for the Minotaur".

Orun looked at the Troll chief, and released a smile on his face, slightly shifting his left cheekbones to the sides and revealing his fangs.

"Troll chief, you amaze me with how quick you are to pick up on details. Your bright mind will serve the monster empire well, and every monster that resides within it as well".

"certainly, j will do my best to see to it that I please you. But first, I besiege you to listen to I and my tribe's worries".

The Troll chief once again bowed down his head to Orun, and this time, the four Trolls played along with him after being instructed to.

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