Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 242 Risk It All For Your Tribe

Chapter 242 Risk It All For Your Tribe

"if the dilemma that is troubling you related to your adverse effect when exposed to sunlight, then I have a way to fix that for you, or at least, I think I have a way".

The four Trolls including their leader were filled with surprised, and an expression that I am not able to properly convey as it is one I have yet to feel.

They were astonished and short of words for what Orun just said.

Their inability to reside in the sunlight, is a problem that has been troubling their specie for as long as they can remember.

They were forced to live underneath the ground, and to never be able to soak in the natural pleasure provided for by the sunlight.

The Trolls had to watch as every other race gets a choice on what habitat they want to choose, while they were forced in a single file decision, a decision that has them dying beneath the earth surface.

Orun nonchalantly voicing out that he has a remedy for their long-time problem, is a statement that they find very hard to believe.

And if truly he does have the cure for their problem. Before them, Orun will no longer be viewed as just an ordinary monster, but as a savior to their specie, an entity that has taken it upon himself to help them break the curse that have been placed upon their ancestors since the beginning of time.

Orun will become a being to be worshipped and praised by them.

"this matter is a very important subject to I and my people. I plead you to not get our hopes up for no reason".

The Troll chief still found it very hard to believe, and harbors doubt about what Orun has said.

Over the years, their ancestors have tried all that they know, just to see to it that their curse is broken, but their efforts have proven to get them nowhere.

Orun just coming out from nowhere, with promises of curing their long-term worries like it was nothing. And in return that they join him on their mission.

Orun's words, portrays him as how the politicians of earth act. During campaign, they sugarcoat their words, making all sorts of promises to the people, but once they get what they want, they forget they ever uttered out a promise, neglecting the same people that brought them to the position they are.

The Troll chief was not going to let himself be blind folded by Orun's sweet mouth and promises that have yet to come to pass.

"i understand how hard it is for you all to believe me, but I can assure you that what I speak of, is nothing but the truth".josei

Orun's words shined a ray of hope within the Troll chief, and he was forced to want to believe his words as the truth.

"do forgive me for my rudeness, but how do you intend to break this curse that have been inflicted on my kind".

The Troll leader wanted to hear what Orun has to say, to know if the method he has in mind is one that his ancestors have once tried before and ended in failure.

"i am going to help you out of it by bestowing upon you a name".

The Troll chief was partially disappointed and half excited by what Orun said.

Sure through naming, they will evolve to become a better version of their old self, but that is all evolution does.

It grants them access to being an higher specie but still under the evolution tree of their original specie.

In other words, if they were to evolve, they will evolve into another higher form of Trolls, but they will still be the same troll kinds who are affected by the effect of the sun turning them into solid rocks.

Orun's plan does not help in curing them, but only in helping them get stronger, and that aspect, is what made the Troll chief get more excited.

"you sound disappointed. Do you not believe I can cure you of the ailment that has been troubling your kind all this while".

Without even trying much, Orun could already hear the doubting heart of the Troll chief.

"i believe what you are proposing, is not enough to help change our reaction to the sun. All it does, is get us stronger than our current self".

Orun stared silently for a while, unable to come up with a word to counter the Troll chief with.

What he said is true, and not even he knows if his theory will turn out successful or end up in failure.

If the heat from the sun is what is causing the Trolls to turn to hard stone when exposed to it. Then surely, his theory is bound to work.

But, if it is not the heat that is turning them into stone, but just the sun itself that is against their nature, then his theory would not work, and that could end up endangering the life of whatever troll is bold enough to allow Orun to test his assumptions on him.

"okay Troll chief, you speak the truth, so here is an offer for you. I need only one of you, the bravest of you to come out, and prove me right or wrong".

The four Trolls looked at each other, contemplating on which of them will willingly sacrifice their body for Orun.

Surely, they were not going to let their chief be the object of sacrifice, it had to be one of the seven that guarded the chief.

Three are currently unconscious, and it is left to the four that are still conscious to pick which one of them will go.

"just one is all I require, the bravest one among you".

Orun had his hand up, with the four fingers rested down, and only one finger standing, indicating what he meant.

"i will do it. I will risk it!".


The Troll that singled himself out, is the same Troll that beared animosity toward Orun after his abrupt appearance.

Orun wasn't too shocked by his action, as he already had an idea of how reckless he could be from his earlier reaction.

"okay brave one, ready to risk it all for your race?".

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