Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 273 Orun And The Four Elders I

Chapter 273 Orun And The Four Elders I

All three of the Elven elders once again made their way toward Orun from different angle.

The water elder was coming at him from the front, with the fire elder and the wind elder coming from the back.

When they had gotten to him, Orun did something that had them all in awe and disbelief.

He abruptly moved his legs off the ground, lifting himself above ground and hastily making his attack on all three elders.

Orun first used his hand to fend off the water elder coming at him from the front, blocking her attack and getting a blow straight in to her chest.

When he was done, he lifted his body off the ground and turned his attention to the fire and wind elder.

Orun came down on them, landing in between them and before they could react to him, he had already reached out both of his hands, simultaneously attacking them both by pushing them away from each other.

When he had separated them, Orun first went after the fire elder, getting to him and delivering several punches to his chest.

He made his way back to the wind elder and did the exact same thing he did to the fire elder.

"Torsys, what happened? Were you not supposed to keep him from moving".

After Orun's attack on them, the three elders were forced to make their retreat and give themselves enough time to take it all in, both the surprise of Orun having control of his legs and his painful fist that latched on their bodies with remains of the pain still lingering around.

Rofir the water elder turned her head toward the earth elder Torsys to ask him why Orun's feet was not incapacitated as it should have been.

"I couldn't concentrate because I was also attacked".

It was an hypothesis Orun came up with. When he saw that his leg had been glued to the earth, Orun was able to understand the reason for that has to do with the earth Elven elder.

He was standing still and looking in Orun's direction. His pose that made no movements as if he was plugged in to the earth beneath his feet.

An idea then came to Orun. If he was indeed plugged in and not moving, it could be because he was connecting the earth beneath him to the earth beneath Orun's feet.

That would explain his reasons for not moving his body, so he could focus it all on giving a direct message to the earth the minute Orun starts moving.

If that was the case, what if Orun found a way to disconnect the earth elder from the ground and have him in the air if only for a moment?

Using his vine skill to set up an underground attack was not going to work because he might be able to sense it before it gets to him.

What Orun resorted to using, is creating a needle so thin that it would be blind to the eyes of others.

He created five of them and hurled it at the earth elder the moment he threw away the body of the water elder.

Orun slipped the five needle past the water elder and aimed it at the earth elder who hastily moved himself to evade after only seeing it when it was about two breath away from his eyes.

That gave Orun the time to test if it worked and to his astonishment, it did.

He finally took control of his legs with accurate movements sent from the brain directly carried out.

To prevent the same thing from repeating itself, Orun hurriedly took to the sky the minute he completed his attacks on the elders.

"Now the show really begins".

Orun had his right hand stretched out, and from the ground he commanded the trees to grow.

It came in the form of a rope with pointy edges and ran itself to all three elders, attacking them like it was trying to wrap its body around them.

The four Elven elders also fought back hard, preventing the vines from getting to them.

The fire elder activated his fire ability and started burning down the vines before it could get to him.

Orun was amazed to see that the fire from the fire Elven elder was enough to do damage to his vines despite it having the properties of fire and a certain level of immunity against it.

The earth elder had both his hands on the ground, using it to transmit a message to the earth.

The earth adhered to his calls by shooting out earth carved like spears in Orun's direction.

Orun conjured up his vines to stand in front of him so it would stop the spears from getting to him.

Busy with fighting the spears coming for him at the front, from his back came an arrow molded completely out of wind.

Orun stretched out his other hand to create a wall made of vines to stop the arrow with.

He was however a tad bit too slow on the uptake as the arrow was able to get to him faster than he could bring up the vine wall.

It touched Orun and blasted him further back with no physical damage done to his body.josei

Orun was quick to recover from the blast and take back control of his body before it could reach the ground and once again get under the control of the earth elder.

"Well, there goes my chance of not letting a single attack from them reach my body".

Orun had decided to set a record for himself, a record that says that through the event of this duel, he is not to get touched or have his body receive a single attack from all four elders.

The wind elder however has made that record an impossible thing for him to set after getting blasted away by her wind arrow.

He was greatly disappointed in himself for not trying harder to make that record a reality by allowing an attack to get in.

But he also understood how high the ladder he is aiming to climb is, and how there are some still hoping that they have the chance to get to the range of ladder that Orun has reached.

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