Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 274 Disperse Into The Atmosphere

Chapter 274 Disperse Into The Atmosphere

The wind elder fired two more shots of her wind arrow in Orun's direction.

Orun moved himself while in the sky to evade the arrow's trajectory.

He did not resort to using the vine as a shield because it slows him down and only creates room for the other elders to take advantage of.

The wind arrow he thought he had evaded was not actually gone as it still followed Orun.

As the representative of the wind, it wasn't hard for the Elven wind elder to control the wind and also the trajectory of whatever she sets free to the air.

Using the five wind arrow to trace Orun's tracks wherever he goes, the wind elder released even more wind arrows to block off Orun's path.

Orun with his two hands raised up on each side of him, leading to his creation of arrows made out of flame with the numbers enough to match with the wind arrow heading his way.

Orun gave the flame arrows their orders to intercept the wind arrow while he moved to attack the Elven elders.

The flame arrows made their movement along with Orun who vanished from where he was floating and in the next instant, he had appeared in front of the earth elder.

"You ability is really troubling, therefore I will be incapacitating you first".

Orun said after he grabbed the earth elder by the neck and using it to raise his feet off the ground so he won't use the same ability he used earlier on Orun.

He crafted the vines out from the ground and made each of them grab a hold of the earth elder's four limbs.

One vine on his right hand, another on his left hand, his right and left leg was also made the same.

While he was doing this, the fire elder had made his way to Orun, attacking him from above.

Orun from his own spinal cord, sprouted out wings made out of fire, four fire made wings like the one he had made the first time he wanted to fly.

He never had a need for the fire made wings to aid him in his flight, but rather he did it out of fascination and a need to show off before Wildria and the rest of the Wyvern pack.

When he had sprouted out the four fire wings from his back, Orun changed their design from wings to the shape of arms with wide palms.

He now had four wide palms protruding from his spinal cord like a spider with several legs except he does not have the need to walk on that extra legs.

Orun used two of those hands to prevent the fire elder from disturbing or interrupting what he is about to do to the earth elder.

He had all four of his artificially made fire hands to keep the fire elder and the rest of the elders who would try to stop him at bay.

The earth elder was now dangling above ground with all four of his limbs stretched out by the vines attached to them.

Even though the fire arms were attached to Orun's back, their movement was as if they had a mind of their own, intercepting the Elven elders that tries to get closer to Orun while he focuses on the earth elder.

"This will keep you from disrupting me when I get to the ground".

Orun said, turning his attention away from the earth elder that has been tied down by the vines.

Orun had finished his business with the earth elder and now turned over to the rest of the Elven elders who were still battling the fire arms.


With the earth elder all tied up and his feet not on the ground, Orun was no longer restricted from having his feet on the ground.

He got down and immediately went after the three elders, but did not just charge at them directly.

He first used his forest ability to grow up tall trees in the arena, robbing the Elven elders of their physical vision.

What Orun did next was to release his mana into the atmosphere, making it look like he is everywhere at once and messing with their inner senses.

Doing that deprives them of both their physical and inner senses to rely on.

Where is he going to be coming from? How is he going to make his attack? And when does he plan to attack?

Are the questions Orun assumed is going on in the minds of the three Elven elder who have been deprived of the two ways meant to aid them in discerning anything.

"I should put an end to this now".

Orun has taken control of the duel's flow by having the elves stranded inside the mini forest he made in the arena grounds.

He has their location mapped out in his head unlike how they cannot physically see him or pinpoint his presence due to how he spread his aura in the surroundings.

Orun moved from where he was and headed toward the water elder. When he got there, all Orun saw was the mirage of the water elder and not the real deal.

Just like how he hid his presence from them by dispersing his aura into the atmosphere, so can they hide their presence from him through other means.

Orun looked around to see if he could see the real image of the water elder.

The trees were standing in the way and blocking his view from getting any real image.

He did not bother himself with going after the other elders because he suspected that they might also not be there just like the water elder.

To confirm if he was right or not, Orun controlled the trees, sprouting out branches from the trees bark, and in the location where he sensed the presence of the wind and fire elder.

Orun used the tip of the branches he had sprouted out from the trees bark to pierce through the bodies he sensed from where he was.

As he thought, the moment the branches got into them, their presence was quick to disperse into the atmosphere like the water elder's body had done.

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