All Time Marksman

Chapter 29 - Being A Candidate

Chapter 29 - Being A Candidate

3 days have passed and all of the candidates to enter the facility have now being formed in front of the courtyard of building A-3. Jin saw a lot of people some were well built and some were not.

But the number of the opposite sex is the same as the number of men and that is really a new wave for Jin because the last time he knows most of the group squad he has met most of the squadmates were mostly men and there are only a few counts there are a lot of women. A man with a White uniform stood in front of them.

"Hello, Candidates I am Warrant officer Deng Long. As I introduced myself the gap between us widen. If you came from outside of the wall and have experience in the front don't get too cocky because in the facility you will face the enemies you have never seen outside the walls. And for those who came inside the walls that are also cocky remember you have never been outside of the wall so don't get all-knowing. Listen and follow the rules of the facility so that you will survive and if you don't. Don't expect that you are going to come out alive. Now go inside the bus so we can get this platoon on the double!"

All of them were pumped up and quickly entered the bus. Jin sat at the end of the bus and the bus drives on, a short time they now arrived at the first location the gate of the facility. Jin saw the Facility and he was surprised to see a lot of buildings.

But he was also curious why is there an underground type of way but he ignored it as it's heavily guarded. Jin and the other candidates marched towards the ceremonial ground which there are a lot of candidates that were called. An officer in a white uniform walked towards the podium.

And murmurs started to go around the line. "Is that Colonel Bai Meng one of the famous officers in the player corp and the Head of the operation and the commanding officer?" And some of the candidates continue to murmur until the colonel spoke.

"Good Morning to all of you I feel that this batch will be good to observe. I am gladly be announcing that out of this batch there will be 2 more group squad names that will be created. And to what I can say to all 200 candidates only 50 of you will get picked and the rest of 100 will be put to the main force as support. So I suggest, show your best so your instructors may not fail you. That is all…"

And the Colonel steps down from the podium and walked away and was escorted by two group squad leaders.

After that announcement, all the candidates were ordered to put down their piece of equipment on the ground and shortly they are classified into their class. In the swordsman class, there are around 50 players. In the magician class, there are around 30 players, After that in the healer class, there are 20 players. In the marksman class, there are 15 of them including Jin. After the marksman class, there is the Archer class it is also 15 players. And lastly 20 Assassin class.

"So we are all separated in our own classes and then they will begin each of the training this is going to be hard." Jin looked at the people around him and all of them were mostly in suitcases. Meanwhile, his XDR-Rifle is in the suitcase but it's a bit 2nd hand and a bit used.

And soon enough an officer in white uniform formed Jin and the others after they are formed in a military formation the officer said "So you are the new batch of marksmen, to what I can say only 3 of you will be picked and the rest will go to the main force as a support unit. Right now show me that you are one of those qualified in the 3 spots. Am I understood!"

And they all replied "YES SIR!" they all shouted and they start to get into exercise. "For now you will be doing 4 months of Physical conditioning that means we are going to be doing monthly and daily exercises for the next 4 months. So if you are out in agility you better improve it now!" the officer shouted.

After that, all of them marched towards their barracks. And they are ordered to put their belongings inside after that they are formed outside and the officer said "All of you give me 40 push-ups!" and all of them dropped on the ground and start doing push-ups.

Jin looked at the others and he saw that they were all struggling its because most marksmen focused their stats on intelligence that is why most communication officers, Intelligence officers, and other fields in technologies are marksmen because of their high intelligence attribute.

The officer looked at Jin and noticed that Jin was really picking up the phase and Jin was the first one who finished the exercises first that is why the officer a bit curious but still the officer felt it was just a coincidence.

The officer then let the whole 15 of them run in a 25km run in less than 5 hours. "Oh hell, I am already tired" Shao Quan exclaimed as his sweat is dripping. Jin looked at the people with him and he already knows that not all of them have trained physically but if they are on a battlefield and their weapon will be is their Mentally

``These people I felt they are monsters in terms of theory and intelligence. Hope they use it in terms of battle under pressure`` Jin thoughts as he is also running and conserving and keeping up with the pack. The officer looked at them and he knows that one of the 15 candidates will soon break. This is only the first day and they really had a big welcoming party.

The whole pack finished the 25 km march and so they are given a day of break. After they went back to the facility they saw on the podium the count of candidates from 150 was down to 130. Jin observer all the other formations and he noticed that most of the candidates that were lost were from the assassins and the swordsman.

After they were given a 20 min break they then marched towards the mess hall where they were feed in a 30 count which they need to keep their form while eating in 30 seconds. Jin experienced the sensation of excitement and the pump of adrenaline in his veins.

Soon enough they were guided back to their barracks, and from there they all have introduced themselves. It first started with Shao Quan who earlier said that he was giving up but he kept fighting on.

"So my name is Shao Quan I am a dual gunner I used dual pistols and Dual submachine gun. But I focused on engineering and explosives." Shao Quan leans on the wall while looking at the others. And then it was followed by the man that was fixing his things on the bunk bed. "My name is Yan Zhiqiang and I am a sniper rifle gunner and I focused on computer intelligence. Mostly drones to scouting robots."

``Damn their intelligence is this high, I feel like I am the one that is going to be in the main support unit force if this kind of people is also in this competition, I will either fail or be a tricky rabbit that can bounce up and down and may stay on top.``Jin looked at them so he silently whispered "Open Character Sheet" and the character Sheet tab appeared in front of him.

[Name]: Ru Jin

[HP]: 1500/1500

[Level]: 19

[Primary Weapon]: XDR-Rifle

[Secondary]: Sego Pistol

[EXP]: 4.85%


Power: 34 (+50)

Agility: 50 (+50)

Dexterity: 47 (+50)

Intelligence: 131 (+50)

Vitality: 44 (+50)

[Available points: 20 ]

Water: 36 (+20) Earth:33 (+20)

Fire: 37 (+20) Wind: 29 (+20)

[Available points: 27 ]

Class: marksman

Title: Blood Bullet Heir (+50 to all stats and +20 to Elemental Resistance)

School: Akushu Technological Academy

``I am thinking of really adding further into the agility to increase my performance and then intelligence to prove my worth as a marksman but I can also increase power to add more damage as intelligence only adds the percent of critical hits. ``

Jin nodded as some of the people were introducing themselves until Jin was the last one to introduce himself to the whole group.

He clears his throat after the character sheet was still appearing in front of him but he rather ignored it and looked at the people that were waiting for him. "My name is Ru Jin and I studied in the Akushu Technological Academy until Ultima Change appears in the face of the earth. My weapon is a rifle and a pistol" After that introduction, all of them go back into preparing their stuff for tomorrow.josei

Jin tapped the plus sign that was beside the agility and increased it to 10 and the same with power stats with 10.


Power: 44 (+50)

Agility: 60 (+50)

Dexterity: 47 (+50)

Intelligence: 131 (+50)

Vitality: 44 (+50)

[Available points: 0 ]

Jin felt a sudden surge of strength because of the increase of power. ``I really felt better in that kind of added stats, another training for tomorrow I need to prepare my body.``

With the first 2 months of the daily training for physical conditioning, almost 5 of them withdraw from the training and just entered as support units. Because of the daily exercises and daily pressure, those 5 candidates withdraw even Jin almost felt that he wants to quit the training but because he wants to fulfill his goal to be a part of one of the named group squad he stayed and endured the training.

"Get down! Crawl! Crawl!" the instructor shouted to them as they crawl on the dirt. After crawling the instructor ordered another exercise, "Stand up and run towards that pole and then come back here and crawl again!" And when Jin was about to stand from his two feet he felt a sudden shock from all parts of his body.

He felt like it was surrounding his whole body with a cold wind. But the exercises continued like any other and ``What am I feeling I think my body is giving up on me`` Jin look at the others who are continuing their exercises. Jin knelt in one leg and the instructor shouted at Jin. "Are you giving up candidate 020214!"

Jin was like a small dome-like box where around him was all dark and his breathing is heavy and his heartbeat was a bit fast. Until a tap from the back by Shao Quan made him awake from the sudden shock. "Are you alright Jin?" Shai Quan was about to run but he saw that the instructor is shouting at Jin and Jin is not answering so he walk up to Jin and tapped his back.. "Yeah I am fine" And Jin stood back and goes back to his composure.

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