All Time Marksman

Chapter 30 - Silver Rhino Simulation

Chapter 30 - Silver Rhino Simulation

``What did I just… that was very different, maybe I am really tired and exhausted. As if my body was giving up from the intense pressure of this training.``

the Instructor already has given Jin a warning and if Jin receives another warning he will need to forfeit his position and enter the support unit.

"I need to survive and I will survive" Jin whispered as he stood up, after that Jin always performed well in the training.

"Well done! I congratulate all of you on succeeding in our intense 4-month of Physical conditioning training. Those training will really help you in gaining much knowledge in the field. I expect the next training the squire phase will help you boost your coordination with your future Name squads."

All of them were in their formal uniform as a new squire candidate, as all of them listened to what Colonel Bai Meng have to say to all of them. And Jin was one of those who are listening to the Colonel, even though all 13 of their old members were dropped in the training.

They form a bond and because of that bond Jin pursues to become one of the Name squads. But there will be a long way before he will be able to be part of the Name Squads.

After the Colonel steps down an officer in beard steps forward, the Officer is with the rank of Major. "My name is Major. Su Delun and I are the Commanding Officer and Head Instructor for Squire Training, I am the one who will create the best from all of you" And the Major assisted the Colonel in going down the stage.

After a middle-rank officer stood in front of the formation and said "Well, now that all 150 of you are entering the squire candidate there will be a cut of that only 25 of you people will be put to the Main task force in short term Name Squads, and the other 50 will be put to the Letter Squads or the second Task Force. josei

If you as a squire performed well… maybe a Squad leader from a Name squad pick you. But still, the squire phase will be tougher than you thought it will. This is a full-on exam, you are not only graded as an individual but also as a team. All of you will be formed into 5 teams because all of you are 150 there will 30 teams."

And soon enough Jin was put into a squire Squad. "Ru Jin 3rd Squire Squad" The officer shouted. Jin quickly runs towards the location where 3rd squire squad was being formed. And when he arrived he noticed that in his squire squad there is a Swordsman because of the dual sword.

The main tanker swordsman with a shield and a single long sword. A Healer because of the white robe and a red cross. And a magician that has two wands at the same time.

And then the officer spoke once again. "As of now all of you candidates are in your squire squad you have 30 minutes to get to know each other and get a well-rounded introduction after this we will move into the 1st Training Mission".

All of the candidates were in shock that after they were put into different people and they then move into a training mission.

"My name is Cheng Duyi I am a swordsman my future subclass is a Slayer" He then unsheathes his two swords that were sheathed earlier at his back. "I rather want to nominate myself as a leader." But after he said that the Magician introduces herself.

"My name is very peaceful and blessed I am Feng Lingling, and I don't want you to be the leader I nominate this handsome knight" the magician girl then clings herself to the other swordsman who has a shield. "Hey don't entangle me with your arms geez… My name is Tian Yingjie" he then fixes his glasses.

"I nominate myself as the leader of the 3rd Squire Squad," he said in a calm manner. "Tch… why would I vote for you" Cheng Duyi exclaimed he then look at Jin. "Hey, you gunner want is your name?" Jin replied with

"I am Ru Jin I am a marksman and I don't wanna nominate someone." Jin then slings his XDR-rifle. "Tch what a baby…" Cheng Duyi said as he turned around and goes back to his place. And then lastly the shy healer girl that is near the magician woman that is still clinging herself to Tian Yingje. And as she started to speak she keeps stuttering because of shyness "My-y name-e is-s Xi-e Ro-ng I-am th-e He-ale-r O-f th-e-e sq-ua-d"

"Now that all of us is acquainted shall we go into planning for our first-ever mission training?" Tian Yingje steps forward as he said those words. "Well then if you are the leader let me hear your good plan or else I would not rather follow it. capiche?" Cheng Duyi exclaimed as he sheathed his dual sword.

Jin steps forward so that he can hear what Tian Yingje will say. "Well-" When he was about to say something the officer then began to speak. "I want all of you to listen here. The First training mission will be a Boss Monster fight. Each squad will have its turn to be able to fight the Boss Monster and if you are going to fight a Boss Monster you need a plan.

All Squad leaders go to Sergeant so that you will receive the briefing information and intelligence about the monster. The First squad that will enter will be none other than the First Squire squad."

"Well, now that it said I think this will be by order" Cheng Duyi whispered. From the back of Jin who was standing in front of him. After the officer gave the first instructions Tian Yingjie walks towards the sergeant that was waiting at the front of the podium to hand out the briefing information to the squads.

Tian Yingje grabbed one and goes back to the position where the 3rd Squire squad is. "So the Boss monster we are fighting is level 25… I guess all of us here are around level 19 right? Who is above 19?" No one replied to Tian Yingje when he asked that "So all of us here is around the level of 18-19 Am I correct?" And then all of them responded with "Yes"

"According to the report of the monster name is a Silver Rhino it is the same level with the outside Armored Rhino but its strength cannot be compared to a middle-tier Boss in a specific portal rift. So our main power will be coming from both of us swordsmen the gunner will be for support damage after the Magician cast its spell. I will take the full aggro of the Silver rhino while Cheng Duyi will be responsible for attacking the Silver Rhino at the back and doing critical strikes. And for our healer, main healing is directed at me, and don't let me die. You are the source of the heal here am I understood in our plan for now? The battle can change so better adapt quick."

After their meeting, all of them were waiting for their turn. And for Jin, he was watching the telecast on how the 2nd Squire Squad is getting squash by the Silver Rhino.

``that enemy I never have seen that kind of enemy from outside of the walls. I guess it was in a different place. Because most of the monsters in this city that I have seen are Type 1 and Type 2 Ghouls, Volcanic Minion, Lone Spiked wolf, Trolls.``

Jin watched carefully on how the agile archer got easily killed by the rampage of the Silver Rhino. Most of the officers that were spectating already expected that almost all of the Squire squad were going to lose because a Silver Rhino is a test exam for a Letter Squad before being sent to the front lines to be able to do missions.

"Look at these candidates you can see into them that they can't handle the pressure by the Silver Rhino. This is just on a level 1 scenario there is still a level 4 scenario." One Officer said as he controls the action of the Silver Rhino.

"Take it easy they will learn soon this kind of mission will give them insight on how to win next time. And they are still learning, so give them much pain increase level to 2"

And the officer who is controlling replied "Aye, Sir" soon enough the Silver Rhino goes into a level 2 rampage. Jin saw how it was so painful to get flown away from the place you are standing and then the next thing you see you slammed your body on the wall.

Jin saw like the Squire squads became a test bug for the silver rhino. And then a speaker notification, "Prepare 3rd Squire Squad, You are next. Prepare 3rd Squire Squad, You are next"

Jin stood up and walked towards the location of the team. He saw Cheng Duyi in battle armor same with the other.. After that Jin also wears his new uniform for the training mission, it was a battle suit with a number 3 logo on the shoulder and a helmet.

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