Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 50 - Frenzied Monster

Chapter 50 - Frenzied Monster


Ban stared at the gold Adventurers Badge on the receptionist's hand in confusion.

"Why is that Gold? I heard I need to start at wood or something?" He inquired as he could no longer hide his excitement. However, even still, his excited voice was completely masked by the effect of the Ant Mask, and his voice still sounded the same on the receptionist's ears.

He could not help but feel excited about it. After all, if he somehow got a Gold Rank Adventurers Badge, he would be able to accept Quest with higher rewards.

However, Ban did not get his hopes up that much as he might just be imagining things.

However, the next second, the receptionist's words clearly stated that the badge was no other than his.

"Sir Leon, you are already at the Multi Realm and there's no point in limiting your Quest to B Grade and below. That's why we decided to instantly give you the Gold Badge as the first requirement to obtain it was reaching the Multi Realm anyways."

"I see!" Ban nodded his head as calmly as possible as he reached his hand to take the Golden Adventurers Badge.

The receptionist then explained to Ban the duties and what kind of Quest do Gold Rank Adventurers could take.

She said that it may range from gathering resources from a dangerous place, escorting an important person, all the way to completely annihilating a horde of Beast.

The rewards may also vary depending on the one who issued the Quest.

After a while, the receptionist finally stopped talking. Ban kept on nodding his head all this while but it did not mean he understood everything. At this point, he just wanted to get out of the Adventurers Guild already and go to the Adventurers Market.

And as if his prayers were heard, the receptionist finally led him outside the room as she bowed and beamed a wide smile before saying, "That's all Sir Leon, I hope you complete lots of Quests so that you can ascend to the next Adventurer Rank after Gold. Happy Adventuring, and have a good day!"

Ban only nodded his head in response while Eva on her combat form sat on his shoulder with her legs crossed against each other.

Ban took a last glance at the green liquid inside the bowl before he turned around to leave the Adventurers Guild.

He wanted to check the Quests available for Gold Rank Adventurers but he noticed that it was already getting late outside. He could only endure his curiosity as he went outside the Adventurers Guild.

And the moment his figure disappeared from the Adventurers Guild, multiple Wood and Bronze Rank Adventurers could not help but release a sigh of relief.

And at the same time, a small chameleon monster suddenly appeared on the chest of the receptionist that was assisting Ban before.

"You also felt it, right?"

The chameleon nodded its head, confirming the receptionist's suspicion. "Anyways, you did not detect a lie about his Monsters, right?"

The chameleon nodded its head again in response. "You did a good job there! However, the expert must have already known about your presence from the beginning and just chose to stay silent about it."

Her summon was called Truth Chameleon, just like what its name suggested, the chameleon has a [Skill] that could detect lies accurately.

It was fortunate that the [Skill] had a long cooldown and Ban chose not to exaggerate too much or else, his ploy would be completely blown by this little chameleon on the receptionist's chest.

Ban spotted George in the distance and he immediately approached him without delay.

George saw his approaching figure and he immediately stood up from the ground to welcome him. He also noticed Eva on Ban's shoulder but chose to ignore it.

"Where to, sir?" George asked respectfully as he boarded the carriage driver's seat.

"To the Adventurers Market!"

"Right away, sir! Go, Sally!"

Ban put the Golden Badge in his pocket before he took Eva from his shoulder and put her on his lap.

Eva did not react to it and she seems to be even happy about his actions. Ban stroke her head gently and before he knew it, they already arrived at the Adventurers Market, or so he thought.

"Sir, there seems to be an accident in front of us! I'll go and check them right away sir!" George stated as he jumped off of the driver seat and went to the crowds in confidence.

"Make way! Make way! Uncle, what happened here?" George asked a middle-aged man who was standing like a log staring at the 'tea' in front of him.

When he heard George, the uncle only looked at him for a few seconds before pointing at the scene in front of them with his mouth.

George could only shook his head before turning his attention to the area the uncle pointed to.

And then, he could not help but jump in fright from what he saw.

A crazed dog monster was being held down by four men and their summons. However, due to its frenzied state, the dog monster was able to unleash strength that it should not normally have.

It managed to drag the four men who held it down for a few meters before finally stopping due to exhaustion. However, the four men did not let their guard down as the Monster was still in a crazed state, it was still trying to struggle out of their grasp as white foams oozed out of its mouth.

George hurriedly went back to his carriage and reported what had happened to Ban or Leon.

When Ban heard it, he could not help but be curious about the cause of its frenzied state.

However, after hearing that it already somehow calmed down after being pinned by four men, he no longer wanted to dip his nose to it as he waited for the carriage to move again.

A while had passed and Ban noticed that they still did not move. He could no longer endure it as he asked about the situation from George.

"Sir, it seems that the dog monster went into a frenzy again."

Ban frowned at that piece of news. He thought about the [Book of Techniques] All About Them, and the never ending knowledge about Beasts And Monsters that was stored inside it. 'Maybe I could help?'

After reaching that thought, Ban did not linger any longer as he went outside the carriage to see the situation himself.

"Lead the way, I'll see if I can help!"


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