Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 51 - Just One Tap

Chapter 51 - Just One Tap

George was taken aback by what he just heard. However, he did not dwell into it as he just nodded his head before leading Ban towards the commotion.

Ban observed around and stared at the Monster that's raging on the street. The dog-like monster was fuming foams out of its mouth while its eyes were bloodshot.

The four men struggled to keep it down while a young boy was behind them, trying not to piss his pants.

Ban used the System to obtain and inject the knowledge of the said Monster into his brain. After a while, the complete information of the monster was uploaded to his brain and in no time, he already fully absorbed it, gaining complete knowledge about the Monster.

He turned his head towards the boy and asked, "Is that you Monster?"

The boy was younger than him and he doubted if he had already awakened.

His unreal voice made the boy jump back in fright as he somehow heard someone shouting right in front of his ear.

And when he noticed Ban's unusual get-up and the Ant Mask, the boy could not help but gulp a mouthful of saliva while nodding his head. "I-I borrowed it from my uncle!"

Ban nodded his head in understanding.

"Do you know the reason for its state?" Ban stared at the boy with a skeptical gaze, however, due to the mask's effect, the boy did not see it but instead just felt that he was somehow being interrogated.

The boy gulps a mouthful of saliva as he hurriedly shook his head in response.

"I see! Then, what was the last food you ate or gave the Monster?"

The boy thought about it and the next second, he immediately answered, "The last thing I ate was a chocolate?"

"But I did not give him any." He hurriedly added.

Ban nodded his head as he now knew the real reason for its rampage. "Even if you didn't give him, your uncle's Monster must have somehow gotten a piece of it without you knowing."

"That's mostly the reason for it, dog-type Monsters are very active and lively, and if you give them foods that might cause them to become even more hyper than they usually are, it will make them go into a rampage!"

"But, I did not give him any!"

"It's not about you giving him any, it's about him eating it."

The boy was tongue-tied and for a moment, he does not know what to do anymore.

"I'm dead, my uncle will hang me on the tree again!" He shivered at the thought of his uncle coming to him with rope on his hands.josei

Ban ignored his words and said towards the four men who were still holding the Monster in place. "Hold him tightly, I'll calm him down!"

Beads of sweat rolled down the four men's cheeks as they hurriedly tightened their hold towards the Monster following Ban's order.

They already called help from the city guards but it seems that they won't be arriving anytime soon.

Ban squatted in front of the Monster's face and it somehow made the people around him nervous.

Even the four men could help but warn him about it.

"What are you doing? Don't stand in front of its face if you don't want your head to get bitten by it."

"Hurry, get away from there!"

The dog has the same size as that of the kid, almost reaching Ban's ribs. He thought that the kid might have used the dog as a mount to play around, and while he was eating chocolate, a piece of it might have dropped to the ground which the dog consumed without the boy knowing.

Ban ignored them and even reached his hand towards the monster's head calmly. This action even made more people worry as they started distancing away from them one after another.

Fortunately, the four men still held the Monster down, or else it might have already gone and pounced on Ban.

The dog Monster saw his approaching hand and it growled with its fangs out as a warning.

However, Ban did not stop and just as the dog was about to bite his hand, a sudden gaze suddenly landed on it which made it stop its action.

The dog moved its head a little and traced where the gaze was coming from.

It was from a humanoid ant monster that was sitting like a queen on the human's shoulder.

And while the Monster was occupied by Eva's gaze, Ban did not waste the chance as his hand reached towards the area below its chin.

The four men look in disbelief as they witness the strange occurrence.

The four of them were just passing by earlier when they noticed the rampaging monster, they are just X-Mortal Rank people and even their Monster were on the same level as them and were not that suitable for fighting. But even then, they still decided to help the poor boy who was stuck at the back of the Monster at that time.

It was not their first time seeing a rampaging Monster and they knew quite well the strength of one. It was to the extent that it needed four of them at X-Mortal Rank just to pin down a Monster that also had an X-Mortal Rank.

And somehow, this person who appeared out of the blue, just reached their hand without worry and the Monster somehow also allowed it?

'What the hell is happening?' The four of them have the same expression painted on their face.


The dog growled for a second before passing out after Ban tapped the area below its chin forcefully.

It was a method provided by the Book of Techniques. By tapping on a certain point below its chin, it will create a shock that will make the dog monster pass out. However, this trick only applied to rampaging dog monsters as every monster has different weak points as per what the book had said.

Ban gained the knowledge about it completely so he was able to locate that certain point quite easily with just a mere second of feeling it.

"You can let go of it now!"

The four men notice the change on the Monster and they could not help but stare at each other in surprise as they slowly loosened their grip on the passed-out monster.

However, the young boy almost peed on his pants when he saw the monster was no longer moving.

"W-what did you do? I'm dead! I'm even more dead!" He keeps blabbering around as he pointed his shaky hands towards Ban.

"Don't worry, he just passed out and will wake up in a minute. However, before that happens, we need to extract the chocolate it ingested so that it won't rampage again after waking up!" Ban responded calmly.

"You four, rotate the dog's body and let it lay on its back!"

The four nodded their head as they did not dare disobey him after witnessing the scene earlier. With a tap of his finger, the rampaging monster immediately passed out. No matter if he used trickery or not, they still did not want to get into his bad side.


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