Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 914

Always Been Yours Chapter 914

Always Been Yours Chapter 914

Chapter 914

Tessa didn‘t know that she would obtain a little fame for helping out yesterday.

“Mommy, so many people are praising you.” Gregory looked at her with a proud face.

When she met his sparkling eyes, she couldn‘t help but tease him. “Is Mommy cool?”

“Mommy is the coolest!” His little mouth was as though it was covered with honey, giving all these sweet comments without any hesitation.

Tessa was ecstatic after his sweet talk. Meanwhile, Nicholas stood beside them, listening to their conversation with an extremely gentle expression. After that, he went up to pull Tessa, who was tired from laughing, into his arms and asked, “Did you rest well last night? Are you still tired?”

“I‘m good. Not very tired.” Tessa knew that he was worried about her, so she shook her head with a smile. However, Nicholas still planned to stay for another day.

Hearing that, she was in doubt. “Don‘t you think this will hold you up?” After all, the return time was delayed because she agreed to help Linville. Now that he was delaying it again, she was afraid that it would stymie him again.

“Never mind. It‘s just one day.” He didn‘t mind at all.

Hearing that, she didn‘t say much more. Later that day, after the family had their breakfast, Linville came to visit them with several gift bags in her hand.

“Thank you so much for my bestie‘s show yesterday. These are a little token of my appreciation. Please take them.” As she said that, she handed Tessa the gift bags in her hand.

However, Tessa felt that Linville was being overly polite, so she refused. “It‘s just a small matter. You don‘t have to give me all these. Also, you‘ve provided me with a lot of help during this period of time.”

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“I know, but this is a different matter.” As she said that, she gave the gift bags to Tessa again and didn‘t allow her to refuse. “Don‘t reject me anymore. These are just a few dresses that I have collected previously, and some are designed by my friends. They are all not expensive things.”

It was understandable that Linville was so insistent since she didn‘t like to owe anyone after all. And Tessa didn‘t accept any charges for the performance this time.

In the end, Tessa couldn‘t reject her anymore, so she could only accept the dresses. After that, they sat on the couch and chatted a little.

Meanwhile. Nicholas didn‘t involve himself with them, but he was dealing with his company‘s documents in the study room.

On the contrary, Gregory sat beside them obediently. When he heard something he was interested in. he would chime into the conversation with his baby voice.

When it was around noon, Linville left early because something had come up.

That day, Tessa didn‘t go anywhere and just stayed in the hotel to rest with Nicholas and Gregory.

The next morning, Tessa, Nicholas, and Gregory were ready to head to the airport after they had breakfast.

It was out of their expectations that they were welcomed by Warner and Linville as soon as they left the hotel. Both of them were there to send Nicholas and his family off.

When they arrived at the airport, Linville told Tessa with a smile, “You can visit me anytime you want.”

“Sure.” Tessa agreed to it delightfully.

Before long, it was already time to board the plane. Tessa bid goodbye to Warner and Linville with Gregory in her hand.

After a few hours of flight, they finally arrived in Vienna at night. Tessa rested at home for a day when she returned home, and that was how her holiday ended.

The next morning, after the family had a lovely breakfast, Nicholas sent Tessa and Gregory to the orchestra.

In the orchestra, the members went up to Tessa to greet her as soon as they saw her.

“We saw the news two days ago. I didn‘t know that our little junior was so great.”

“And so beautiful. So many people are calling her ‘The Fairy‘ now.”

“I know, right? I was shocked when I saw the video. Our junior really brought us a huge honor this time.”

Since Tessa was considered young in the orchestra and was the youngest among Sofia‘s apprentices, the members of the orchestra gradually began addressing her as their little junior.

However, Tessa didn‘t mind the way they addressed her and replied with a modest

smile, “I didn‘t think about so many things at that time. I was just there to help a friend.”

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