Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 915

Always Been Yours Chapter 915

Always Been Yours Chapter 915

Chapter 915

Although that was what Tessa said, the members were still curious about that day, so they kept holding onto her and asked about it.

With her good temper, she answered them one by one patiently.

Just then, Suan just so happened to enter. When she saw that the members were treating Tessa as though she was a celebrity, jealousy burned in her eyes.

Of course, she heard about the fashion show, but she just felt that Tessa got lucky and obtained this chance to show herself off.

Her expression turned disgruntled when she saw the others surrounding Tessa.

She couldn‘t help but go over to mock her in irony, saying, “It is definitely great to have a good husband, getting such a good opportunity when you just went there to travel. I hope I can find such a rich and capable husband too.” In fact, she was mocking Tessa that her fame was a result of marrying someone as influential as Nicholas.

It was certain that Tessa understood the hidden meaning of her sentence. She frowned unnoticeably and looked at Susan, puzzled. I don‘t think I did anything to this woman. Why do her words sting?

At this thought, the smile on her face turned faint, and she replied, “My husband is certainly good. I wish you good luck in finding your own prince charming.”

Listening to her emotionless reply, Susan was exasperated, but she couldn‘t show it because she had an image to maintain.

However, the others didn‘t realize the underlying meaning in their conversations. The topic diverted from Tessa to boyfriends and marriages. So, Tessa didn‘t plan to participate in this conversation anymore.

After she informed the members, she went to look for Sofia.

Meanwhile, Susan looked at Tessa‘s leaving figure from the back while grinding her teeth. This b*tch! I‘ll let her be proud for some time now and return all these humiliations to her a thousand times worse in the future!

Of course, Tessa didn‘t know what was on Susan‘s mind. She brought Gregory to Sofia‘s office and entered the room after knocking. “Miss Sofia.”

“Miss Sofia,” both of them greeted Sofia at the same time.

When Sofia saw them, she let them sit on the couch politely and asked, “When did

you come back?”

“The night the day before yesterday,” Gregory answered. “We prepared a present for Miss Sofia.” As he said that, he took out the present as though he was showing her a treasure.

Sofia‘s heart was melted by his adorable look. At the same time, Tessa was sitting at the side, looking at the little guy‘s actions with her face full of affection.

Of course, there was not only a present for Sofia but there were presents for other members of the orchestra as well.

After the three of them charted happily for a while, Sofia changed the topic and said seriously. “I saw the news two days ago. Good job, but you need to keep your focus back here from now on and start practicing.”

Tessa nodded, indicating that she understood.

For the following days, Tessa returned to her busy practicing schedule, while Gregory‘s schedule was the same as usual. He would go to orchestra practice in the morning and go home for home–schooling in the afternoon.

The little guy‘s results were improving by the day, and perhaps Nicholas could claim some credit because he had been by the child‘s side during this period of time.

In the blink of an eye, Tessa was already four months pregnant.

That night, when she came out of the shower, she noticed that Nicholas wasn‘t in the room. So, she went out to find him subconsciously. As soon as she left the room, she heard Gregory‘s frustrated voice coming from the living room downstairs. “Wait, I take back the move.”

“You‘re retracting your move again?” Nicholas looked at the little guy in front of him resignedly.

It turned out that Gregory couldn‘t sleep, so he asked Nicholas to play chess with :him. However, no matter how he played, he still couldn‘t beat Nicholas. In the end,

the competitive Gregory couldn‘t help but start to cheat by retracting his move.

When Tessa came downstairs, she saw the little guy arguing with Nicholas to retract his move with justified reasons.

“Daddy, I‘m still a small baby. You should cherish the young and let me win.”

“I remember someone told me that he was a little adult already.” Nicholas teased the little guy. Hearing that, Gregory had no comeback, merely staring at Nicholas angrily with an accusatory gaze.

Just then, he saw Tessa coming in their direction from the corner of his eyes. An idea came into his mind, and he jumped down from the couch at once.


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