Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 916

Always Been Yours Chapter 916

Always Been Yours Chapter 916

Chapter 916

“Mommy, Daddy is picking on me,” complained Gregory as he rushed toward Tessa and hugged her leg pitifully.

Although he looked unhappy, Tessa knew that he was just trying to get her to withdraw a move in the chess game for him. Thinking about it, she stifled a laugh and asked, “How did he bully you?”

When Gregory heard her words, he looked at Nicholas triumphantly as if he had found someone to back him up. Then, he started to accuse Nicholas in all kinds of ways, which was an adorable sight to see. “He wasn‘t thinking of letting me win because I‘m a child, and I couldn‘t think faster than him. He doesn‘t love me anymore,” he said.

Needless to say, Tessa saw his actions and couldn‘t hold back her laughter anymore, while Nicholas did the same.

Then, he got up and walked toward them, pulling her into his embrace. “Alright, I‘ll give you a chance. Go and take a look at where your chess should land next,” he said while smiling at Gregory, which the latter went to think about.

With that, Nicholas took no notice of him anymore and sat on the couch with Tessa. Then, his gaze landed on her stomach. After looking at it for some time, he couldn‘t help but reach out his hand and caress her stomach. However, the sensation he was feeling startled him.

Since Tessa was by his side, she noticed his peculiar reaction. “What‘s wrong?” she asked in confusion.

“Your belly seems to have gotten bigger,” Nicholas replied as he looked at her stomach.

In fact, her baby bump was showing, but it was still not quite visible. It just looked as if she was gaining weight.

Seeing the disbelief in his eyes, she laughed but felt warm inside her heart at the same time. She could see that he did care for the baby. Otherwise, he wouldn‘t have noticed such a slight change. As Tessa thought about it, her eyes sparkled, and she

giggled. “Darling, why don‘t we guess the gender of the baby?”

When Nicholas nodded and was about to say something, they heard Gregory‘s voice. “I want a sister,” he said excitedly.

It seemed that he was eavesdropping on their conversation all along.

At this moment, he didn‘t bother about the game anymore as he trotted toward them

you come back?”

“The night the day before yesterday,” Gregory answered. “We prepared a present for Miss Sofia.” As he said that, he took out the present as though he was showing her a treasure.

Sofia‘s heart was melted by his adorable look. At the same time, Tessa was sitting at the side, looking at the little guy‘s actions with her face full of affection.


Of course, there was not only a present for Sofia but there were presents for other members of the orchestra as well.

After the three of them charted happily for a while, Sofia changed the topic and said seriously. “I saw the news two days ago. Good job, but you need to keep your focus back here from now on and start


Tessa nodded, indicating that she understood.

For the following days, Tessa returned to her busy practicing schedule, while Gregory‘s schedule was the same as usual. He would go to orchestra practice in the morning and go home for home–schooling in the afternoon.

The little guy‘s results were improving by the day, and perhaps Nicholas could claim some credit because he had been by the child‘s side during this period of time.

In the blink of an eye, Tessa was already four months pregnant.

That night, when she came out of the shower, she noticed that Nicholas wasn‘t in the room. So, she went out to find him subconsciously. As soon as she left the room, she heard Gregory‘s frustrated voice coming from the living room downstairs. “Wait, I take back the move.”

“You‘re retracting your move again?” Nicholas looked at the little guy in front of him resignedly.

It turned out that Gregory couldn‘t sleep, so he asked Nicholas to play chess with him. However, no matter how he played, he still couldn‘t beat Nicholas. In the end, the competitive Gregory couldn‘t help but start to cheat by retracting his move.

When Tessa came downstairs, she saw the little guy arguing with Nicholas to retract his move with justified reasons.

“Daddy, I‘m still a small baby. You should cherish the young and let me win.”

“I remember someone told me that he was a little adult already.” Nicholas teased the little guy. Hearing that, Gregory had no comeback, merely staring at Nicholas angrily with an accusatory gaze.

Just then he saw Tessa coming in their direction from the corner of his eyes. An idea came into his mind, and he jumped down from the couch at once.

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