Always Been Yours

Chapter 457

Chapter 457

Chapter 457

Chapter 457 Poker Face


Tessa nodded. She knew that her brother had the intention for her to spend time alone with Nicholas.

With the ring of the elevator signaling to the passengers that they had arrived at their destination, the elevator doors opened.

Tessa followed Timothy out of the elevator and noticed Edward waiting for their arrival outside.

“Mr. Jackson, long time no see.” Tessa greeted him quietly.

With a blank stare on Tessa, Edward asked in surprise, “Miss Reinhart, when did you come back?”

“Shhh!” Tessa immediately gestured for Edward to quiet down the moment he spoke in a slightly loud voice.

She took a glance at the office behind Edward before continuing in a whisper, “I’ve just arrived this morning. I’m planning to surprise Nicholas with this.”

Although he was still reveling in the shock, Edward immediately understood Tessa’s underlying intentions.

Smiling, he said, “If that’s the case, then hurry on inside. President Sawyer has been beside himself with worry ever since he couldn’t reach you last night. He couldn’t even get any work done today because of this.”

Tessa felt a slight tinge on her conscience as she rubbed her nose in embarrassment. Without further delay, she walked toward the office and found that the office door was ajar.

She gripped the door handle with both hands with slight excitement.

After taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open and entered the office in the next instance.

In the office, Nicholas had been awaiting Timothy’s arrival for some time.

Upon hearing the doors opening, he turned around and asked, “Tim, what’s going on? Shouldn’t you be on a flight to Vienna right now? Did something happen to your sister?”

It was only after he finished posing the countless questions did he realize that the person in front of him was the person he was worried about the whole night before.

Tessa, dressed in a sky blue lace waisted dress that highlighted the details of her beautiful figure, looked slender and graceful as she stood by the entrance of the office.

“Tessa?” Nicholas cried out in shock.

Tessa, on the other hand, was pleased with Nicholas’ reaction and opened her arms cheerfully. “Surprise!”

She then rushed over and embraced Nicholas. While hugging him, she raised her head and smiled at Nicholas. “Surprised? Were you surprised?”

For a moment, Nicholas was still processing the scene before him, but managed to compose himself after a while. Pulling Tessa away from himself, he asked with a solemn look, “What’s going on here?”

Tessa stuck her tongue out before explaining in an embarrassed manner, “Didn’t I mention to you before that the orchestra had a performance planned in the country? Since the date for the performance was set, I followed the orchestra back here to give you a surprise.”

“Surprise?” With his dark eyes on Tessa, he feigned anger. “This is more like a bombshell than a surprise!”

In truth, he was already over the moon by the fact that Tessa was here. However, he wanted to teach her a lesson after recalling how worried he was from last night until now.

Naturally, Tessa was unaware of Nicholas’ intention. She thought that he was seriously angry about this, which was why she quickly put on a smile and acted coquettishly to appease his anger. “Alright, don’t be angry. I know I didn’t really think things through with what I did, but you’ll have to admit that my intention was good, right?”

Nicholas’ expression remained stern, as he intentionally stayed silent.

Tessa persisted by shaking Nicholas’ arm. “I’m just learning from you, you know? Didn’t you also go to Vienna without telling me before?”

“How is that the same?” Nicholas cast an unamused glance at Tessa.

He was a man and was accompanied by his assistant.

But, it was different for Tessa. There was no one else for her to rely on besides herself.

Understanding Nicholas’ worries, she smiled at him. “I know you’re worried about me, but relax. I’ll have you know that I care about my life a lot. Plus, since you gave me so many surprises, I wanted to give you some as well.”

Nicholas was so touched by her words that his poker face was starting to crumble.

The change in Nicholas’ expression did not escape Tessa’s notice, which prompted her to pat herself on the back in her mind.

“Alright, alright. Stop nitpicking over the details. I’ve missed you so much. Did you miss me?”

Saying that, she tiptoed and surprised him with a kiss on his pink lips.

The warm sensation had Nicholas’ inky eyes turning even darker.

With his eyes lowered slightly, he gazed at the delicate girl in front of him before he vehemently lowered his head and returned the kiss back to the girl’s retreating lips.

“I’ve missed you too.”

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