Always Been Yours

Chapter 458

Chapter 458

Chapter 458

Chapter 458 President Sawyer’s Girlfriend

Tessa was startled for a moment by the man’s affectionate whispers. The next instant, she wrapped her arms around his neck with a smile on her face.

Nicholas put one hand on the back of Tessa’s head while wrapping the other hand tightly around Tessa’s slim waist as if to become one with her. He kept deepening the kiss in a dominating way but not without tenderness.

The air in the office heated up by the minute. Sunlight shone on the couple through the window as if enveloping them with a halo; the scene was beautiful, as if it came straight out of a fairy tale.

The two could hardly separate from each other. It wasn’t until Tessa nearly passed out from lack of oxygen that Nicholas let go of her with great self-restraint.

With a smile full of happiness, Tessa leaned weakly against Nicholas’ chest as if she had been drained of all energy. “How wonderful,” she whispered while wrapping her arms around his waist.

Nicholas’ lips curved up, and he hugged her back tightly. After having his heart in his mouth for a whole night, he was finally relieved.

Even the air in the office seemed to sweeten as the couple embraced each other.

Just when the atmosphere was just right, Nicholas suddenly put up his hand and gave Tessa a noogie.

Tessa put her hand on her forehead in pain while looking at Nicholas with an aggrieved expression. “Ouch! What are you doing?”

Nicholas let out a soft snort. He said sulkily, “Good that it hurts. Don’t play such a joke again next time. Had I not been tied down here this time, I’d have flown to Vienna right away last night.”

“I got it. I promise you that I won’t do that again,” Tessa apologized again, knowing that she was in the wrong.

Seeing that she had apologized, Nicholas said nothing else. Taking a glance at the hand Tessa put on her forehead, he said tenderly, “Let me take a look.” Then, he took her hand off her forehead, and his heart ached all at once. There was a light scarlet mark on her fair-skinned forehead. “Sorry,” he said, caressing the mark tenderly.

“It’s okay. It doesn’t hurt, actually.” Tessa smiled before turning to look around. “Speaking of it, we’ve known each other for so long, but this is my first time coming to your office. I’ve got to have a good look at it.”

“Look all you want.” Nicholas looked at her fondly.

The spacious office was decorated in black and white in a simple and elegant style, but it oozed luxury and greatness everywhere. Although there weren’t many ornaments in the office, Tessa could tell that each of these ornaments was not only chosen with good taste, but also cost a bomb.

After looking around, she turned to look at the tall, handsome man standing nearby, and her bright eyes glittered in a mischievous smile. “Hmm, not bad. You’ve got a good working environment,” she complimented in front of Nicholas with a straight face and her hands behind her back, like a superior returning from an inspection.

Amused by her mischievous demeanor, Nicholas played along with her, saying, “I humbly thank you for your compliment, Your Highness.”

Seeing how the man played along with her with a straight face, Tessa laughed out loud right away, unable to contain her amusement. In an instant, her cheerful giggles filled the whole office.

As Nicholas stared at the giggling lady before him with such tenderness in his eyes that one could simply drown in them, he felt that the dark clouds that had been hovering over him these days had all but lifted. When he finished handling some urgent documents later, he stood up and picked up the suit jacket he had draped over the back of his executive chair, saying, “I’ve finished work. Let me take you to dinner.”

“Okay.” Tessa nodded. After putting away her cell phone and standing up from the couch, she left the company hand in hand with Nicholas.

When many employees in the company witnessed this, they were all stunned, and they asked each other for information in their internal chat group.

‘Oh, my God! Who was the woman walking with President Sawyer just now? President Sawyer was holding her hand!’

‘Could she be President Sawyer’s girlfriend?’

‘How is that possible? If she’s President Sawyer’s girlfriend, then what about Miss Stone?’

Tessa and Nicholas were unaware of these, though. After walking out of the company building, they stood by the side of the street, waiting for Edward to drive the car over from the underground parking lot.

Just then, Hayley drove over from the other side of the road.

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