Always Been Yours

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

Chapter 459 A Pleasant Dinner

Hayley smiled when she spotted a strikingly handsome Nicholas standing by the side of the street at a glance, but the smile froze on her face before she could drive over to greet him. As it turned out, she hadn’t noticed Tessa standing side by side with Nicholas earlier due to the angle.

At this moment, Nicholas suddenly took a step back. Not only did Hayley see Tessa as a result, but she even saw Tessa holding Nicholas’ arm and leaning her head on his shoulder!

Hayley looked at Tessa as if she wanted to devour Tessa at this very moment. Never did she expect that Tessa would come back. In an instant, rage welled up in her chest.

Meanwhile, Tessa and Nicholas didn’t notice Hayley at all; they didn’t wait long before Edward drove the car over. After getting into the car, Tessa nestled in Nicholas’ arms and said with a smile, “Let’s go pick Greg up. I just texted Tim and told him to wait for us at the restaurant.”

Nicholas nodded before telling Edward to drive to Dynasty Gardens.

When Gregory saw Tessa afterward, he was overwhelmed with excitement. “When did you come back, Miss Tessa?” After trotting toward Tessa and flinging his arms around her, he stared at her without blinking, his dark eyes glittering beautifully as though they contained the starry sky.

Tessa bent down and held the little boy in her arms before kissing him affectionately on the cheek. She replied with a smile, “I came back this morning. Did you miss me?”

“Yeah, I did! I missed you so, so much,” Gregory replied in a childlike voice that melted Tessa’s heart; he nodded vigorously while wrapping his arms around her neck.

Nicholas watched their interaction with a faint smile without disturbing them, knowing that Gregory had been in low spirits these days because he missed Tessa.

As a result, Gregory latched onto her the entire time after that, and she allowed him to do what he wanted.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Timothy was already sitting in the private room. While they were having dinner, he asked, “How long are you gonna stay here this time, Tess?”

The instant he said that, Nicholas and Gregory turned to look at Tessa as well.

She replied with a faint smile, “I can stay here for a week.”

“That’s great!” Gregory clapped and cheered happily beside them. “Miss Tessa, can I stay with you every day?”

“Sure.” Tessa affectionately tickled the little boy’s sharp nose.

Nicholas was smiling as well. Then, he said in a tender voice, “Well, I’ll find as much time as I can to keep you guys company.”

“Okay.” Tessa’s smiling eyes fell upon him.

As the couple gazed at each other affectionately, a sweet scent seemed to emanate from them.

As Timothy looked to the left and to the right, he suddenly felt that he was being forced into watching his sister and brother-in-law’s public display of affection again without being prepared for it. He interrupted the couple’s eye contact with a cough before saying, “Tess, Nicholas, I know you two are a lovey-dovey couple, but could you please consider my feelings as a single man? And besides, Greg is here. Don’t be a bad influence on him.”

To his dismay, as soon as he said that, Gregory covered his eyes with both hands and contradicted his words. “I didn’t see anything. Miss Tessa, don’t worry about me. Just keep doing what you’re doing with


An astounded Timothy looked at Gregory with a look of distress before noting, “Greg, your mind has been corrupted.”

Gregory laughed at the sight of Timothy’s theatrics.

After this, merry laughter was continuously heard from the private room, and the four had an extremely pleasant dinner.

At last, Timothy asked about the performance. “Tess, will you be performing during your orchestra’s performance this time?”

“Nope, I won’t. I’m only here to chaperone the orchestra this time,” Tessa explained, though her voice carried a note of unconcealable disappointment. “And besides, how could I have the opportunity to perform? I’m not considered a full-fledged violinist yet.”

When he saw Tessa’s feigned cheerfulness, Timothy felt somewhat sorry for her before he encouraged, “Well, you don’t have the opportunity now, but it’s okay. I believe that by honing your skills little by little, you’ll definitely be able to amaze the world with your performance in the future.”

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