Always Been Yours

Chapter 718

Chapter 718

Chapter 718

Chapter 718 Nicholas’ Savior

“You’re too kind,” Remus humbly responded although he was proud of his grandson deep down.

Seeing his old friend’s reaction, Horace smiled in embarrassment and said, “Anyway, you must be delighted now because Nicholas is the most outstanding kid among our grandchildren.” He went on to express his envy for Remus and added, “The Sawyer Family is in luck to have someone as exceptional as Nicholas as its descendant.”

Upon hearing his friend’s words, Remus couldn’t agree more with him. After all, the Sawyer Group had been thriving better and better over the recent few years under Nicholas’ leadership, which far exceeded his expectations. When the two older men talked about that, they went on to reminisce about their old times together since they hadn’t met each other in a while.

In the meantime, Nicholas and Wanda silently stood beside the two old men as the lady couldn’t stop peeking at the man bashfully. A few moments later, she finally mustered the courage to make the first move in greeting Nicholas. “Hey, Nicholas. Long time no see.”

However, Nicholas only nodded indifferently without any intention of speaking after a brief pause, much to Wanda’s disappointment. At the same time, Remus witnessed what was going on and thought of something that might help him with his plan. “Nicholas, Mr. Muller and I have some catching up to do, so I’m going to leave Wanda to you.”

When Nicholas heard his grandfather’s response, his face darkened because he knew why Remus left Wanda to him. Although he couldn’t reject his grandfather, he intentionally distanced himself from Wanda by remaining formally courteous all the time. While the duo took a stroll around the banquet hall, Nicholas, who was the center of the focus himself, managed to turn many heads. As soon as the other guests noticed the lady beside him, they all whispered their bewilderment and curiosity in murmurs with each other. “Who’s that lady over there? She doesn’t look familiar at all.”

“Nope, I can’t place her face. Does anybody else know her?”

“Could she be the fiancée Mr. Sawyer arranged for his grandson?”

Nonetheless, Wanda didn’t hear the gossip as she continued to follow wherever Nicholas went. Sensing the man’s indifferent attitude, she desperately sought a topic she could talk to him about to bond with him. “You’ve gotten more and more outstanding over the years. I’ve always heard about you from my grandpa.”

Nevertheless, Nicholas continued to react indifferently, but even so, his every moment still seemed graceful, like he was born naturally with that aura. Besides that, his good looks only served to make him the most eye-catching man in the banquet hall. Enchanted by Nicholas’ handsome appearance, Wanda was seen with her eyes lightening up. After all, Nicholas had been an outstanding child when he was little, but after so many years, he had grown to become an attractive man who could steal any woman’s heart with just a look.

Meanwhile, Gregory, who heard the gossipy murmurs around him, didn’t feel happy when he saw his father with an unfamiliar woman. He then pursed his lips and scurried toward him. “Carry me, Daddy.”

As Nicholas looked down, he lightened up a little at the sight of his adorable son and bent over to carry him in his arms. On the other hand, Wanda paused for a few seconds before she realized the child was Nicholas’ son. With a faint smile on her face, she gently said, “This must be Greg. I can’t believe he’s grown up so much.” She took a closer look at the boy while speaking.

With a decent-looking appearance, Gregory was an exact spitting image of his charming and handsome father. Wearing a formal suit with a black bow tie around his collar, the boy looked just like an educated gentleman trapped in a child’s body.

Nicholas nodded at Gregory and gently told him to greet Wanda. “Why don’t you say hello to Miss Muller?” novelbin

“Nice to meet you, Miss Muller.” The boy politely greeted the lady but did nothing else more than that. After doing what he was told, he turned his attention to Nicholas and asked, “I’m bored here, Daddy. Play with me, would you?”

Unwilling to accompany Wanda any longer, Nicholas decided to seize the opportunity to lose her by agreeing to play with his son. Nevertheless, Wanda didn’t feel the same way as she didn’t want to pass up the chance to spend some quality time with Nicholas. Therefore, she suggested that she could accompany the father and son. “Perhaps I could join you and play with Greg.”

Just when Nicholas was about to respond, Gregory’s reluctant voice was heard. “It’s okay. We’re good without you because I only need Daddy. You could play elsewhere instead.” Upon finishing his words, the child looked at his father once again and urged him to play with him. “Hurry up, Daddy. Our little game awaits.”

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