Always Been Yours

Chapter 719

Chapter 719

Chapter 719

Chapter 719 Tessa’s Gift

When Nicholas heard Gregory’s words, he looked down and fixed his gaze upon his son. Meeting the child’s eyes that were brightening up, he instantly understood that his son was trying to get him out of the difficult situation. “Gregory is right. Since you’re our guest, you mustn’t be troubled to look after my kid.” He rejected Wanda euphemistically by intentionally stating the differences between their positions in the feast.

In the meantime, Wanda’s smile stiffened on her face as she didn’t know what to say with her purse in her hands. Seeing the father and son walk away, she bit her lip and gently pleaded, “But, what am I going to do without you by my side? This place is a total stranger to me.”

“Don’t worry, Miss Muller. I’ll get my assistant to show you around the place right away.” As soon as Nicholas finished his words, he immediately sent for Edward.

Looking handsome, Edward walked up to Nicholas and asked, “How may I be of help, President Sawyer?”

Nicholas pointed at Wanda and said, “This is Miss Muller. Please show her around the place, would you?”

“Sure. Miss Muller, this way, please.” Edward nodded and courteously showed Wanda the way, but the latter stood still unenthusiastically. Instead, she was left behind in disappointment as she watched Nicholas walk away with Gregory.

On the other hand, the father and son soon found themselves in a place where there was no one else and sat down, whereupon Gregory struggled to break free from Nicholas’ embrace. As soon as he stood on his feet, he began to preach to his father with an annoyed look on his face. “You weren’t behaving yourself, Daddy. You promised Miss Tessa that you wouldn’t let any other woman get close to

you, yet you failed to keep your word. Did you know that you could have been misunderstood if the others had seen you with that woman? Don’t forget. You still have Miss Tessa, and she would be heartbroken if she found out about what happened. Fine, I’ll keep an eye on you for Miss Tessa in her absence.”

While Nicholas was amused by the child’s lecture, Gregory frowned on his father’s smile and expressed his frustration. “Daddy, I’m being really serious with you, so stop laughing!”

Nicholas burst into laughter once again, but when he noticed the angry look on his son’s face once again, he quickly faked a cough and kept a straight face. “Alright, I heard you, Boss.”

After the father and son played for a few moments, they returned to the banquet hall just when they were greeted by Remus, who was irritated by their disappearance. “I told you to keep Wanda company, but you left her to your assistant instead. What kind of gentleman are you?!”

“You can’t blame this on Daddy, Great-grandpa, because I wanted Daddy to play with me.” Gregory stood up for his father, playing on Remus’ sympathy by acting coy. Meanwhile, Remus’ heart melted in front of his adorable grandson as the sour look on his face was instantly replaced by a bright smile.

Later that night, the feast went on as usual, ending with a session in which the Sawyer Family members and guests presented their gifts to Remus. Soon, Tobias and his wife presented an ancient painting to Remus as his birthday gift. “We wish you a long life full of happiness.”

“Thank you so much.” Remus smiled happily and told Ian to keep the present. Later on, Nicholas and Kieran both gave their grandfather a valuable gemstone and a vintage antique, which put a huge smile on Remus’ face, whereupon Ian was told to receive them on his behalf as well. While Nicholas was supposed to leave the stage with Kieran and make way for the others to present their gifts, he surprisingly stood still in place.

“Is there anything else, Nicholas?” Remus asked.

Nicholas nodded and produced a sophisticated-looking gift box, which he handed over to Remus. “This is a present Tessa prepared for you. She knows you have a liking for classic literature, so she bought you this.”

Although the book caught Remus’ eye when he first laid his eyes on it, he pretended as if he didn’t like it when he knew the gift was from Tessa. In the meantime, Tobias and his wife also knitted their eyebrows while everyone else couldn’t help wondering who Tessa was. As the atmosphere in the banquet hall started to stiffen, Gregory seemingly sensed Remus’ dislike for Tessa’s present and scurried toward him. “Great-grandpa, I thought classic literature had always been your favorite. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and accept it.”

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