Always Been Yours

Chapter 724

Chapter 724

Chapter 724

Chapter 724

Wanda thought that her opinions just now could attract Nicholas‘ attention. However, Remus didn‘t notice Wanda‘s oddness and supported her by saying, “If you want to stay and start a business, you can stay. If you have nowhere to live, you can stay here. In this way, if you face difficulties, you can also look for Nicholas, who can also help you.”

When Kieran heard what his grandfather said, he immediately felt something was up.

Remus wants Wanda to live in the house and even involve my brother? Wouldn‘t the two of them inevitably be involved with each other in the future? When they become inseparable, Grandpa will... So, that‘s what Grandpa intends to do.

Thinking of this, Kieran glanced at his brother with incomparable sympathy. It was incredibly difficult for his brother to have a smooth love life. After sending away a vixen, here came another.

Nicholas didn‘t know what his younger brother was thinking, but he was quite calm even after hearing Remus‘ words.

“Kieran can help out with business matters. I‘m busy during the day, and I have to take care of Greg when I go home at night. I‘m afraid I won‘t have time.”

Listening to the man‘s discreet rejection, Wanda was obviously disappointed. She thought that if Remus spoke up about it, Nicholas would have to agree.

Remus felt a little disgraced at this moment, so he pressed on, “No matter how busy you are, you will still have some time, right?”

Stefania followed suit. “If you’re afraid you‘ll be too busy, you can bring Greg to me, and I‘ll take care of him.”

Hearing their justification, Nicholas frowned in displeasure.

At this time, Gregory finally realized something was wrong. “I don‘t want to be separated from Daddy.”

He pouted unhappily and made up his mind to help Tessa watch over his father. Stefania didn‘t know this, so she pretended to be sad and looked at the little boy. “You don’t want to live with me?”

Gregory hesitated, then said softly, “I don‘t want to be separated from Daddy, but I can go back to see you with Daddy.”

“Little smartie pants.” Stefania laughed and gazed at the little boy dotingly.

Seeing this, Wanda also knew that she couldn‘t insist on it, so she followed along and said sensibly, “Kieran, i‘ll have to trouble you from now on, but I will try my best not to cause you too many difficulties.”

“Sure.” Kieran nodded indifferently.

Although he took responsibility, he didn‘t mind as long as his brother was happy.

After the meal, everyone returned to the living room, and Remus and Horace began chatting.

On the other hand, Wanda was doing two things at once. While talking with Stefania, she paid attention to Nicholas. The more she looked, the more she felt that the man in front of her was her ideal husband in the future, and her infatuation deepened a lot.

Although she was cautious, Stefania still noticed something, so she smiled and calmly told Wanda some of Nicholas‘ preferences,

Instead of Tessa, she hoped the woman standing beside her son would be neck to neck with him and not someone who dragged her son down everywhere.

“It‘s getting late, so we should go back.” Later, Horace proposed to leave.

Remus nodded and instructed, “Nicholas, send Horace and Wanda off for me.”

Nicholas frowned slightly, but because of the presence of his elders, he did not refuse.

After he handed over the sleeping child in his arms to his mother, he got up

to see them off.

Wanda followed Nicholas and tried to say something several times but was repelled by the man‘s grim expression.

It was not until she finally got into the car that she mustered up the courage to say goodbye to Nicholas. “I‘m leaving; see you next time.”

Nicholas nodded indifferently, and after watching the car leave, he turned around and returned to the living room.

After returning, he looked at Remus, who was still sitting on the couch. Thinking of what happened tonight, he put on a stony expression. “I hope there will be no next time for tonight‘s events. Don‘t waste your time on this: My marriage isn‘t like buying vegetables and just choosing any that looks alright.”

After he finished speaking, he didn‘t care how angry Remus was. He picked up the sleeping child, turned around, and left.

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