Always Been Yours

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Remus looked on as Nicholas left in anger.

At this time, Tessa didn‘t know anything about what was happening in the country.

As there were several consecutive performances to follow, she had become very busy, and her daily training schedule was packed. After several days of intense training, Tessa was quite exhausted, and she had no appetite for food.

One day, Mona accompanied Tessa to dine at the dining hall of the orchestra. However, Tessa put down her cutlery after taking two bites which prompted Mona to frown worriedly as she looked at Tessa‘s lunch, which was barely touched.

“Tess, you haven‘t eaten much, so eat more.” She tried to persuade Tessa, thinking it was unhealthy to undereat. Yet Tessa really had no appetite, so she shook her head and said, “I can‘t eat it anymore; you can have mine if you want.”

“But you haven‘t eaten well for several days, and your body will collapse if you go on like this.”

“No, I will take good care of myself.” Tessa wasn‘t lying. As there were so many shows next month, she had to be at her best. For this reason, in addition to taking care of her physical condition, she also trained late every night. All her efforts were clear for all to see.


During the break, everyone talked to Tessa.

“Tess, you work too hard. Every day after we leave, you still stay and continue to train.”

“Yeah, yeah, it makes me feel embarrassed to leave every time.”

Tessa smiled and said, “Then you stay and train with me.”

“Of course not; I have to go back to accompany my darling.”

Hearing this, many members shivered at the cheesiness of the statement. Then, everyone burst into laughter, and the topic turned to Kathleen.

“I heard from the other group that Kathleen‘s condition is horrible now, and she‘s not as good as Tess.”

“How so?”

“I heard that Kathleen has a problem with her state of mind.”

“As far as her arrogant and self–righteous temperament is concerned, it would be strange if there is no problem with her state of mind.”

Many members had complained about Kathleen‘s bad temper and other issues about her.

On these topics, Tessa did not participate. Even so, Kathleen, who was standing outside the door, blamed these things on her.

Two days later, Scott‘s arrival at the orchestra ignited Kathleen‘s anger to the extreme.

“Although your fingering is good now, your joints will be sore after a long time. I suggest you. change this habit.” Scott guided Tessa as usual in the practice room.

“I see. I‘ll try out your method later,” Tessa said, slowly getting used to the new finger position taught by Scott.

Indeed, after this, her fingers felt less sore.

The two chatted from practice techniques to musicality, then chatted about the recently released sheet music while laughing.

Kathleen looked in from outside the door, her eyes filled with resentment, and her mood was even worse.

She gripped her hands against the wall so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

“Tessa, how dare you seduce Scott! I‘ll make you regret it!”

At this moment, she hated Tessa to the extreme. She felt that since this woman appeared, many things around her had changed.

The man she liked and her mother, who used to love her, now thought that Tessa was better than her!

That night, Kathleen, who was in a rage, quietly approached the practice room where Tessa was. At this time, only the two of them were present as she listened to the sound of the piano from the practice room with chilling eyes.

“Tessa, you brought this all on yourself!”

She gritted her teeth and locked the door of the practice room, then quietly left. But before leaving, she did one more thing. She turned off the heating in the practice room, then turned on the air conditioner to set the temperature to the lowest!

After a while, Tessa finished practicing and was about to leave, only to find that the door was locked when she came to it.

Usually, this door isn‘t locked, so why is it locked today?

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