Always Been Yours

Chapter 764

Chapter 764

Chapter 764

Chapter 764 Seeing Tessa

Hathaway was so exasperated with Kathleen’s answer that she thought she would have a heart attack. She even believed that her daughter’s behavior was becoming increasingly unconscionable.

Meanwhile, on the road to the hospital, Nicholas held Tessa in his arms while asking repeatedly, “Did you really slip by yourself?”

Tessa reiterated as she looked at the doubtful man, “I did slip by myself, but it was because of Kathleen.”

With that, she recounted the incident briefly, causing Nicholas to turn grimmer by the second. “Thank goodness you’re okay, or I won’t spare that woman if something really happens to you.”

Nicholas was frothing at the mouth, especially when he remembered that Kathleen had repeatedly bullied Tessa. “Does Kathleen think I can’t do anything about her because she has her mother shielding her? Well, I won’t be merciful anymore if she dares lay a finger on you again!”

The man’s rage touched Tessa.

“Kathleen has indeed gone too far.” She nodded in agreement, then comforted his raging mind by saying, “We won’t forgive her anymore if she dares to make another move, and you shouldn’t get angry either. It’s not worth getting all upset over people like her.”

Nicholas looked down at the young woman in his arms and thought she was right.

He shouldn’t be mad over people like Kathleen. However, if that woman still dared to mess with Tessa, he would not let her get away with it again.

As he thought about it, he tucked away his hostility and asked worriedly, “Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else?”

“No, not at the moment. Just my elbow.” While speaking, Tessa raised her arm, but the pain got her grimacing.

Nicholas urged Edward to drive faster upon seeing this, to which the latter obliged with a nod.

They soon arrived at the hospital, and Nicholas carried Tessa out of the car.

If anything, Tessa wanted to walk on her own, but Nicholas objected to it no matter what.

In the end, she could only yield and let him carry her everywhere.

After a series of checkups, the doctor concluded that she was fine and the baby wasn’t affected. “She just got bruised on the elbow, and it’ll be gone after a couple of days. She’s all good. You can relax.”

After getting the good news, Nicholas took Tessa home.

Meanwhile, Gregory had learned of Tessa’s injury, and his heart ached for her.

“Mommy, does your arm still hurt?” he asked with concern by her bedside.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore. Don’t worry, sweetheart.” Tessa ruffled the little guy’s head with her good hand, touched that she had such a sweet little boy caring for her. “Go on, go to bed. It’s getting late.”

Gregory nodded and said, “You should rest early too, Mommy.”

Tessa nodded in reply.

The following morning, Nicholas personally sent Tessa to the orchestra after their homely breakfast.

Nicholas wanted Tessa to take sick leave and rest at home, but she gave up on the thought since the concert was just around the corner.

After learning that Tessa had arrived at the orchestra, Hathaway rushed over from her office to check up on her. “What are you doing here? You should be resting at home when you’re injured. You must take good care of your hands; you need them to play the violin.”

“Don’t worry, Miss Hathaway. I know what I’m doing.” Tessa smiled at Hathaway. “Besides, the concert is just around the corner. As the principal violinist, I shouldn’t delay the rehearsal.”

Hathaway couldn’t say anything else when Tessa put it like that, so she only exhorted, “In that case, please pay more attention to your hand. If it gets too much for you, go home and rest.”

With that, Tessa nodded and entered the practice room.

“What did Miss Hathaway want to see you about?” Mona asked when she saw Tessa coming in, curious.

“Nothing much. Let’s get rehearsing.” Tessa decided not to talk about it and took her violin out to practice.

Scott had come later in the day to see how Tessa was doing, for he thought he held responsibility for letting her get injured during his after-party.

“How’s your hand?” He looked concerningly at Tessa, who shook her head with a smile. “It’s all good.”

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