Always Been Yours

Chapter 765

Chapter 765

Chapter 765

Chapter 765 Learned It From His Father

“That’s good to hear, but you still have to take proper care of your hands on a daily basis,” said Scott, and Tessa listened patiently. Following that, the two started talking about music again.

Every question Tessa asked, Scott would explain them all and would even demonstrate it, leading the other members of the orchestra to be envious of her, for they wanted Mr. Brooks’ guidance too.

“Mr. Brooks is so nice to you, Tessa! I wish he could give me a pointer or two as well.” Mona skipped to Tessa after Scott left and spoke with envy.

Tessa smiled in response. “Mr. Brooks is really nice. You can also ask him any questions you have the next time he comes over.”

“Really? He won’t ignore me, right?” Mona was surprised yet slightly worried.

“Relax, Mr. Brooks isn’t that kind of guy. He’ll teach you as long as you guys ask.” Tessa put in a good word for Scott, who had no clue about this.

He had intended to leave after visiting Tessa, but at the thought that Kathleen had something to do with Tessa’s injury, he decided to have a talk with the woman.

Of course, the woman was in seventh heaven when she learned that Scott was looking for her.

“Scott.” She jogged to him with a bright smile and a gaze with unconcealed love.

However, Scott was impassive to it. “I heard you had something to do with Tessa’s injury from last night. I hope you won’t do something like this again. You’ll gain nothing from harming others,” he advised gravely.

At that, Kathleen instantly tucked away her smile.

“Is this why you wanted to see me?” She looked angrily at Scott, her voice laced with indescribable bitterness. “You’ve come to stand up for Tessa too, eh?”

“I’m not here for that. I just want to advise you,” Scott explained plainly.

However, Kathleen wouldn’t listen anymore and was even getting hysterical. “All of you and your pieces of advice! What have I done wrong? I only have a crush on you…”

Kathleen’s words stumped Scott and also made him a little uncomfortable, for he thought her feelings would gradually fade away if he didn’t reciprocate her love. However, who’d have thought Kathleen still couldn’t get over it?

On the other hand, the woman got a little anxious when she saw him staying silent. “Is there nothing you want to say to me?”

“I’ve already said everything I want to say, and I already made it clear to you the last time. You’re the one still clinging to it.” Scott looked at Kathleen with an aloof gaze. “Also, this is also not an excuse for you to hurt Tessa.”

“If it weren’t for her, would you not have liked me? It’s all because of her! She showed up and stole you away!”

Scott frowned with disapproval and persuaded, “I’ve said that you can’t force love. This is between you and me, and it has nothing to do with anyone else. Even if Tessa isn’t in the picture, I still have no feelings for you.”

Tears pooled in Kathleen’s eyes upon hearing his words, crushed.

Even so, Scott was still impassive. “I hope this is the last time, or we can’t even be friends,” he said gravely before walking away.

Kathleen’s hatred for Tessa intensified as she watched Scott’s retreating figure with gritted teeth.

Why?! What’s so good about that woman?! Why does everyone desperately seek justice for that b*tch?!

However, the person in question knew nothing about this.

She had already gone home after rehearsal was done.

Though her arm was okay, she still didn’t want to overuse it.

After returning home, the family of three shared a pleasant dinner.

“Mommy, you should eat more.” Gregory sensibly scooped some food into Tessa’s plate, and she thanked him with a smile.

Meanwhile, Nicholas deshelled some prawns for Tessa.

After dinner, the family spent some time in the living room, and this was Gregory’s favorite time since he could interact with the baby and tell him stories, or as he liked to call it—prenatal education.

Of course, he had learned this from his father.

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