Always Been Yours

Chapter 830

Chapter 830

Chapter 830

Chapter 830 Tessa’s Vow

“Grandpa, I understand that you currently disapprove of me, but that doesn’t mean that will remain permanent. I admit that I’m not of equal social status with Nicholas at the moment, but I’ll work to the best of my abilities to achieve ultimate success so that everyone will be aware of my presence. I’ll definitely become a match good enough for him!”

After Tessa said that, she bowed respectfully and turned around to leave without bothering to find out Remus’ response.

Meanwhile, he sat alone on the couch in the opulent living room and the words that she had just spoken reverberated in his ears.

“I’ll definitely achieve ultimate success and become a match good enough for Nicholas! I realize that you currently disapprove of me, but that doesn’t mean that your impression of me will remain permanent. I will work to the best of my abilities to prove myself!”

As soon as Remus recalled the tenacity, resilience, and confidence that Tessa showcased earlier, he was significantly astounded by that. Unexpectedly, he felt that this girl was very likely to succeed someday. Even if the path ahead of her was full of difficulties, she would overcome everything ultimately and fulfill her words.

As soon as he thought of that, he instantly became silent.

Meanwhile, Tessa had originally maintained a ramrod straight back, but her shoulders slumped upon walking out of the living room.

She had used up all of the courage and strength within her to say those words from earlier. After all, when faced with Remus, she could not help feeling the immense pressure well up within her.

Nonetheless, she meant every single word that she uttered.

Regardless of the old man’s displeasure toward her, she was determined to not give up easily, especially in her relationship with Nicholas. As long as he held onto her, she would never leave him.

At that moment, she instantly felt invigorated at the thought of that and she was now full of energy.

“Just keep going! I will definitely make it!” She headed toward the main door as she cheered on herself.

However, she had barely taken a few steps forward when she noticed an unexpected person standing by the main door.

Nicholas was clad in a black trench coat and he stood by the side of his car outside the door. He had a smile on his face as he kept his eyes on Tessa and there was a very tender expression on his face.

“Nicholas, why are you here?” She was significantly stunned to see him as she ran over to him with a surprised look on her face.

He was worried about her falling to the ground, so he quickly stepped forward and stopped her. “I heard that Grandpa wanted to see you and I came over as soon as I got word; I was worried that he would give you a hard time.”

As soon as Tessa heard that, there was a warm feeling that welled up within her. She lifted her head and beamed widely as she asked, “Then, why didn’t you enter the house when you arrived? It’s too cold to stand outside.”

“I noticed that you performed remarkably and you didn’t need my help at all, so I didn’t enter the house. I decided to let you have free reign.”

Nicholas lowered his head and met Tessa’s eyes. At that moment, she was nearly swamped by the tender look in his eyes.

She was momentarily stunned and she realized that he must have arrived earlier on and heard the conversation between her and Remus. However, she was not sure how much of the conversation he had overheard.

“When did you arrive? How much of the conversation between me and Grandpa did you hear?”

“I didn’t eavesdrop on you guys. I was openly listening to you guys speak, but the two of you were just too engrossed in conversation, so you guys didn’t realize my presence,” explained Nicholas.

Tessa continued to pursue the matter. “So, how much did you hear?”

“I heard someone mention that she will never disappoint me and she will strive hard to become a good match for me. She will also prove to Grandpa that she can definitely achieve all of that.” As he spoke, there were flashbacks of the scene he saw in the living room in his mind.

In actuality, Tessa had been terrified of his grandpa, but she had mustered up her courage to stand up against his grandpa for his sake. She did not cower and give up at all, so he was very touched by that.

At that moment, she felt rather shy as she did not expect him to overhear everything that she had said.

Despite her shyness, she could not help but dive into his embrace as she promised him solemnly, “I meant every single word that I said. Regardless of what happens, I will never give up on you. Unless you choose to give up on me, I will definitely remain by your side forever and ever.”

“You’re silly. I will never abandon you!”

Nicholas hugged her back tightly and spoke affectionately, “I’m very blessed to have met you, fell in love with you, and married you in this lifetime.”

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