Always Been Yours

Chapter 831

Chapter 831

Chapter 831

Chapter 831 A Shuffle of Positions in the Orchestra

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Remaining seated in the living room, Remus watched the retreating backs of the duo from the window with slightly narrowed eyes. Suddenly, he instructed, “Ian, arrange for our men to Vienna and investigate the matter. Find out whether everything happened according to what Tessa mentioned.”

Ian hesitated for a moment and tried to persuade Remus otherwise, “Sir, I reckon you should trust Master Nicholas’ judgment. If Miss Reinhart is actually such a nasty person, there’s no way Master Nicholas would have been drawn to her.”

“Why are you giving me so many comments?! Just do as I say and investigate the matter!” Remus glared at Ian slightly angrily.

In response, Ian revealed an abashed look and he had no choice but to heed Remus’ words and do as he instructed.

On the other hand, Wanda also found out that Remus had met up with Tessa; she had been following up closely on this matter.

However, she realized that night that everything remained calm after Tessa and Remus’ meeting. The situation did not unfold according to her expectation, so her heart sank with that knowledge. What does Remus think of Tessa? Has he actually accepted her?

“No way. If Old Master Sawyer had accepted that woman, then he would not have allowed me to approach Nicholas.” Wanda shrugged off that notion without further consideration, but she somehow had a niggling uneasy feeling in her mind.

At the moment, she was very tempted to visit Remus and probe the situation, but she ended up maintaining a level head and stopped herself in time. She realized that if she went over too frequently, Remus—being quite perceptive—would definitely have a mind of his own, so she suppressed herself and decided to find another chance at a later stage.

After Kathleen’s lavish funeral in Vienna, Hathaway finally went back to the orchestra. At the moment, she was in poor spirits and she looked haggard. She had lost tons of weight and even getting a good night’s sleep had become a challenge.

Over this period of time, she had been busy making funeral arrangements for her daughter, so she did not have much time to deal with matters of the orchestra. There were a lot of things at the orchestra that she was forced to put a temporary halt to. However, she was determined not to lose her career after losing her daughter.

Hathaway entered her office and requested for Blaire to report back on the current status of the orchestra.

“Right now, the main problem for our orchestra is that both groups have lost their principal violinists. I reckon that we’ve got to resolve this issue first. As long as the principal violinists for both groups are sorted, then we should be able to pick up on the rest of the tasks.” Blaire briefly brought up the current situation of the orchestra.

Hathaway nodded slightly and instructed, “Inform the rest of the orchestra to gather at Music Room One for a meeting ten minutes later.”

Blaire heeded her instructions and nodded.

Ten minutes later, everyone whispered amongst themselves and discussed the situation in Music Room One.

“What do you guys reckon? Do you think that the music director gathered all of us here to select the principal violinists for both groups?”

“That should be it. After all, this is the most pressing matter for our orchestra at the moment.”

“Then, does that mean all of us here are eligible?” There were plenty of excited noises that rang out amongst the crowd.

However, a minority of them logically figured out that the current selection process of the lead violinists would not be conducted as a competition setting like before. After all, the orchestra had to restore its normal operation. Furthermore, time was critical, so there was no time to waste on such processes; it was how things were anyway.

Hathaway stood on stage and announced solemnly, “Everyone of you must be aware of the reason I summoned all of you here today. The previous incident resulted in our orchestra halting all of our performances. In order to restore operations as soon as possible, I’ve made a decision about the candidates for the principal violinists of both groups. The deputy lead violinists will be promoted to lead violinists and subsequently, each group below will be promoted as well.”

Hathaway made her announcement and there were mixed feelings in the room.

However, she was unconcerned about all this because her main priority was to restore operations to the orchestra.

However, despite the series of promotions that she had initiated, the loss of two talented principal violinists was a huge blow to the orchestra. Their reputation was significantly affected adversely and

their performances were largely reduced.

In regard to this outcome, a lot of the members of the press reported on this matter and brought up some concerns.

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