Always Been Yours

Chapter 860

Chapter 860

Chapter 860

Chapter 856 Still Not Enough

Hearing this, Jenny and Daniela voiced their thoughts separately.

“It’s clear that Susan is skilled if she is able to successfully play Introduction and Variations on Nel Cor Piu Non Mi Sento. Secondly, she has a very good control of rhythm. At her current age, it’s quite impressive for her to have such capabilities.”

“Jenny said what I was thinking as well. She is highly accomplished in music. If she is taught properly, I’m sure that she’ll have a bright future.”

Upon hearing the praise from the two, Susan was extremely proud, but she didn’t show it on her face and replied modestly, “Thank you for your praise. However, I think I still need to work harder.”

As she spoke, she secretly looked at Tessa, wanting to see what her expression would look like.

Unexpectedly, she saw that Tessa was frowning. Did this woman have any opinion on her performance?

As a matter of fact, that was not the case. Tessa only frowned because Susan’s style of playing reminded her of Kathleen, and she realized that the two played very similarly.

Just then, Sofia noticed Tessa’s strange expression and asked with a smile, “You’re frowning, Tessa. Did you notice any problems?”

Tessa jolted in surprise as she realized that everyone was looking at her. Hurriedly, she shook her hand and replied, “I didn’t find any problems.”

Her words confused Sofia, and she looked at Tessa curiously. “If there weren’t any problems, why were you frowning?”

Susan stared intently at Tessa as well with a dark gaze, wanting to hear what she would say.

Naturally, Tessa couldn’t tell the truth, so she found an excuse instead. “I frowned because I saw that Miss Susan was already such an accomplished musician even though she had just graduated and had no formal performance experience or professional guidance. I felt that I should work harder or I would be left behind by the younger generation in the future.”

Sofia nodded in approval, her impression of Tessa improving even more.

“Not bad. That’s what you should be thinking. All of you should learn from your junior as well. You should keep your guard up at all times.” She took the opportunity to lecture her other three students. “Although you’ve established a reputation in the industry, there is never a shortage of outstanding talents. Jenny, I haven’t seen you make progress for a long time. I know you’re busy, but you have to take some time for yourself.”

Jenny humbly accepted the criticism, while the others agreed with Sofia’s words. If they didn’t constantly improve themselves, they would eventually be left behind.

Seeing that the air was getting somber, Tessa hurriedly drew the conversation back to its original topic. “It’s quite impressive that Miss Susan is already this skilled even though she’s just graduated.”

Although Susan felt that Tessa was putting on airs, she smiled sweetly on the surface. “Thank you for your praise, Miss Tessa.”

Tessa returned her smile without answering.

Just then, Sofia turned her gaze back to Susan and nodded. “Since you’re quite skilled, you should train her well, Kellen.”

Although she didn’t mention anything about being a concertmaster, Kellen still understood that Susan’s current abilities weren’t enough to satisfy Sofia.

“I understand. I’ll do my best to train her,” he replied before leaving with Susan.

Susan was also aware that she had failed to satisfy Sofia, and she was furious. Of course, she was not angry with herself; she was furious at Sofia. She thought that Sofia was not only blind, but also deaf. So many people had praised her for being skilled and talented, but this old woman still wanted her to train even more!

Sofia didn’t know this, and soon left with Tessa. On the way back, Tessa was still struggling with the feeling she had gotten from Susan. Was she just overthinking it? However, something felt off about Susan. But all things considered, it was her first time meeting Susan that day, and it wasn’t too good to speculate about her like this.

After returning home, Tessa personally cooked some dishes that Gregory liked to eat as it was still early. Once they finished their meal and washed up, they gave Nicholas a video call.

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