Always Been Yours

Chapter 861

Chapter 861

Chapter 861

Chapter 861 Wanda’s Plans

In the video call, Nicholas was already sitting in the office. His white shirt was buttoned meticulously, and his features were cold yet seductive. However, when he saw the two on the screen, his indifferent expression instantly softened.

“Have you eaten?”

“I have. Are you busy?” Though Tessa looked at Nicholas with a smile, she was filled with longing on the inside.

Naturally, Nicholas didn’t miss the affection in his wife’s eyes. His thin lips curled into a smile as he replied softly, “I’m not busy.”

After the two exchanged a few words of concern, Tessa told Nicholas that she had gone to meet her senior apprentices that day. From beginning to end, Nicholas looked at her affectionately and listened quietly.

Once she was done, he asked worriedly, “Were they easy to talk to?”

“I haven’t met the other three seniors, so I’m not sure about them, but Jenny and the others were quite easy to get along with, and we also exchanged our numbers,” Tessa answered with a smile, but did not mention anything about Susan.

Nicholas nodded slightly, feeling happy that his wife was able to make friends.

Then, he turned the topic to Gregory. “The home tutor is basically ready now. How is Greg’s studies? Has he been obedient?”

Upon hearing his father asking about him, Gregory pouted in dissatisfaction before Tessa could speak. “Daddy, your last question is wrong. Of course I’d listen to Mommy obediently. I like Mommy the most, you know.”

Tessa smiled happily at his words, her heart feeling indescribably warm.

Nicholas grinned before he continued, “How is your homework coming along?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve been doing all of them. My teacher even praised me.” Gregory jutted his chin out pridefully.

Falling in love with the adorable sight, Tessa cuddled him in her arms for a moment. And just like that, the family laughed and chatted with one another.

Later in the evening, Nicholas saw that it was late and urged them to rest. After hanging up, he immediately resumed his work. Although he told Tessa before that he was not very busy, he actually had much to deal with.

Not long after he began going through his documents, he found a huge problem with the project that Wanda had submitted and couldn’t help but frown. Because the two companies were going to work together on a large project, they had been discussing this matter for a few days and even revised many areas, but the proposal that was now in his hands still had many loopholes, which made him doubt Muller Group’s working capabilities. At that thought, he dialed the internal line to ask Edward to come over.

Soon, Edward knocked on the door before entering. “President Sawyer, do you need anything?”

“Send this document back to Muller Group. Ask them to take care of the loopholes in it and send it back after they’ve looked through it.”

Edward nodded and brought the document to Muller Group.

Meanwhile, after learning that Edward had arrived, Wanda went to greet him in person. “Why are you here, Mr. Jackson? Does Nicholas perhaps have any plans?”

Edward nodded as he handed the document over, saying professionally, “There’s a huge problem with this document. President Sawyer hopes that your company will revise it carefully and make another copy.”

As Wanda looked at the document that was handed over by Edward, her eyes flickered. In fact, the error in this document was deliberately made by her to increase her chances of speaking to Nicholas.

“I see. I’ll have someone amend it immediately.” She took the document with a smile, but she had other plans in her heart.

However, Edward was not aware of her thoughts and left after he had finished what he came for.

That afternoon, Wanda deliberately dressed up and went to Sawyer Group with the document.

In the office, Edward knocked on the door and entered. “President Sawyer, Miss Wanda is here.”

Nicholas frowned, but he still asked Edward to let her in. A few minutes later, Wanda followed Edward into the office in high heels.

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