Always Been Yours

Chapter 894

Chapter 894

Chapter 894

Chapter 894 Stole the Show

By then, Tessa was fully immersed in her own music. The audience was deeply captivated by her music which was full of emotions. Timothy looked at her proudly as he recalled how Tessa gave up on her dreams just for him.

He was delighted to see her get through every step of the way and become outstanding while getting a step closer to her dreams. Nicholas also had his attention on her throughout the performance and felt that she was a shining star.

Just as everyone was admiring Tessa’s performance, Susan was exasperated, and her gaze darkened. “Darn it, since when did this b*tch become this good?” She was extremely jealous of Tessa and hated her to the core.

Initially, Susan was confident about her solid foundation and believed that she would be able to steal the show after adjusting her performing style in order to grab Sofia’s attention, but nothing came out of her effort. Instead, Tessa, whom she had looked down on, became the talk of the night. As she looked at Tessa, who was performing confidently on stage, she felt threatened by her. “Indeed, I won’t be able to succeed with this b*tch being around.”

After the song ended, thunderous applause and praises for Tessa could be heard in the auditorium.

“As expected of a protege of Miss Sophia’s. It’s amazing how she has improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.”

“She is indeed outstanding. I have watched her perform previously, but it was flawed in many ways; however, this time round, it is perfect. Although there are some minor flaws, those could be disregarded.”

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“I heard that she composed her own piece.”

“I remember that she doesn’t have experience in composing. It’s amazing how she could come up with this piece in such a short time frame.”

Nicholas felt proud of Tessa as he listened to the praises.

Gregory couldn’t contain his happiness and exclaimed, “Miss Sofia, my mommy is great, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she’s amazing. Let’s go see her.” Sofia nodded.

A few of Sofia’s protegees all praised Tessa. “Tessa is amazing!”

“There’s no doubt. I’m envious of her talent too. Hodgson, you’ll have to work harder, or else your junior is going to outshine you and put you to shame.” Jenny teased Hodgson, but he dismissed it with a smile.

On the other hand, when Tessa got off the stage after her performance, the first thing she did was to go see Sophia, who was sitting in the audience. “Miss Sofia, how was my performance?”

Sofia was pleased to see how studious Tessa was and complimented, “You did great.”

Hearing that, her seniors who were sitting on the side started praising her for her performance, and Kellen gave her two thumbs up.

Jenny nodded in agreement and smiled as she said, “Tessa, I believe that you’ll be on Hodgson’s level if you take a few more lessons from Simon. By that time, we won’t have to rely on Hodgson if we need a new song.”

“Ditto. We had to do him favors every time we asked him to compose a new song for us.” Another two seniors chimed in, complaining about Hodgson.

Hodgson was rather frustrated when he listened to the other members’ rant. However, he sincerely admired Tessa’s talent. Seeing that she was able to achieve so much after taking lessons from Simon for a short while, he believed that she would achieve great things in the future.

“When we have time, we can exchange ideas about composition.”

“Definitely. I hope to get pointers from you by then.” She was more than happy to do so.

Knowing that Hodgson was already a well-known composer within the industry, it would be beneficial for her to learn from such a talented composer. Sophia was also delighted to see her protegees getting along harmoniously.

After a while, when Tessa was done chatting with the other members, Sofia asked her to the side to give her some constructive feedback. “Tessa, although your performance tonight is great, there were some silly mistakes that shouldn’t have been made.”

Upon hearing that, Tessa was surprised and immediately paid attention to Sofia’s advice.

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