Always Been Yours

Chapter 895

Chapter 895

Chapter 895

Chapter 895 A Big Challenge for Tessa

“I’m not aware of my mistakes. Could you please point it out for me?” Sofia was pleased with Tessa’s humble attitude and pointed out each and every one of the mistakes that she had made during the performance.“When you entered the second phrase, I remembered that it was a three-and-a-half-beat vibrato on your violin score. After that, it will transition into an allegro; however, at this point, your bow speed wasn’t fast enough, resulting in a half-beat delay. Although it’s not a big flaw, it is a silly mistake that professional musicians shouldn’t make.”

“I will practice more.” Tessa nodded.

Following that, Sofia raised a few minor issues which would affect the overall feel of the music, and they were all noted down by Tessa.

By then, the concert was still ongoing. After the solo performances came to an end, it was followed by an impromptu performance. The emcee was warming up the crowd and asked them whom they’d love to see them perform together. It was no surprise that the crowd wanted Sofia’s protegees to perform.

Tessa and her seniors had no complaints after knowing that they were asked to perform on stage. They then went backstage to get ready.


As Eunice looked at Tessa, who was ready to perform, she smiled. “Tessa, since this is your first time performing with us, do you feel nervous?” She couldn’t help teasing this new junior of hers.

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“Would you like to know how I really feel or the opposite of how I really feel?” Tessa blinked her eyes and asked.

“I want to know the opposite of how you feel,” Eunice replied cheekily. The others smiled as they looked at them.

“Of course I’m nervous,” Tessa replied.

Her answer was out of their expectation which surprised them.

“Tessa, are you that confident?”

“Suddenly, I’m looking forward to our performance.” Hodgson looked at Tessa in awe. She really knows what she’s doing.

“I’m anticipating it too. Good luck, Tessa. Let’s see whether you can blend in with us.”

Upon hearing that, Tessa smiled but didn’t comment further. Since a few of them had been performing together for many years, they were well synchronized and could perform well together. However, Tessa was the recent new addition whom they didn’t meet before the performance, let alone perform together. The upcoming performance was actually a big challenge for Tessa.

Very soon, they walked onto the stage after the emcee announced their names. The auditorium was filled with thunderous applause when they appeared. As Nicholas and Timothy looked at Tessa, who didn’t seem inferior while she stood among talented musicians, they couldn’t help but feel proud of her. Gregory, who looked up to her, clapped hard.

Soon, the performance started, but Tessa didn’t play immediately. Instead, she stood aside while listening to the melody. The audience looked at her with admiration when they saw how calm she was. Sofia was especially impressed by her calmness, humility, and her ability to access her own abilities. If Tessa maintained such a disposition, she was on the right track to success and could possibly outdo

her seniors. It was unknown to Tessa that she had scored extra points with Sofia because of the calmness that she exhibited on stage.

Just as they started playing the second phrase, Tessa finally started playing and joined in. As everyone held their breath and watched her intently, they realized that she was in perfect harmony with the group. It didn’t look like it was her first time performing with them at all.

“Unbelievable. That’s amazing.”

“I’m impressed. She is so talented.”

“Oh my, it’s impressive that she could keep up with Marjorie and the other seniors.”

At once, everyone was shocked at how Tessa, a newbie, could blend in seamlessly with a few of the maestros, as it wasn’t easy at all. Sofia, who knew that Tessa had a vast repertoire, was pleasantly surprised as she had never thought that Tessa could improve by so much in such a short time frame and was able to keep up with the older members.

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