An Owl's Rise

Chapter 231 231 Planning With Otis

Chapter 231 231 Planning With Otis

After Evelyn, Bylur, and Rehni had finished their tour of the burrowing owl's improved home, Otis led them to a fairly large room that had been set up to welcome them.

"We have prepared the best fare that we can for you and your friends Lady Evelyn. While we prepare a chamber for you, please feel free to have whatever you like." Otis said, directing them to a large flat slab of raised earth that was acting as a table.

It had been perfectly created to fit Evelyn's height, making it slightly too tall for Rehni, and far too short for Bylur.

"Here allow me to make it more comfortable for the two of you." Otis said.

He then used his earth magic to create a slight rise in the ground for Rehni and created a deep depression for Bylur.

However, while what Otis did for Rehni was well executed, for Bylur he had made a simple hole that would barely fit him.

"Please, go ahead and enjoy yourselves." Otis said, giving Otis another smirk when no one else was looking.

Naturally this only made Bylur even more angry, and he was already planning on dealing with Otis in the future when he had the chance.

He also stepped around the hole that Otis had made and instead simply bent down to pick things off the table. Even if it was a bit annoying and made him stand out.

"I see you have prepared quite a bit for us. Thank you, Otis. And why don't you join us? There is something else I wish to discuss with you." Evelyn said once they were all settled.

"Understood Lady Evelyn." Otis said without hesitating.

Swiftly he created a platform of earth right next to Evelyn and brought himself up to the height of the table.

Once there a few other burrowing owls moved around on top of the table and began serving the meat and magical plants that had been prepared.

It was rather lackluster than what Evelyn usually ate since it was only raw ingredients, but the quality of what had been brough was fairly good, so it was enjoyable enough.

"Now Otis, it is clear that you are close to reaching the peak of the awakened rank and after that comes the tyrant rank. Do you already know what materials that you need to evolve?" Evelyn asked, broaching the topic she wanted to discuss.

Almost immediately Otis' happy demeanor from being able to talk with Evelyn plummeted. He had not been expecting this subject to come up and knew that his answer was unfavorable.

"I am sorry Lady Evelyn, the materials necessary to evolve to the tyrant rank were only disclosed to the leader of our flock and their heir. As I had many older siblings, I was not privy to that information. And when my father was killed by the Osprey's while undergoing his evolution, and my brother who was poised to be the next leader after him died in the ensuing battle, that information was lost to us. After I reach the peak of the awakened, I will have to search out the items on my own." Otis said, a sorrowful expression on his face.

He then explained that normally the leader of the burrowing owls upon reaching the tyrant rank would immediately leave. The Velinis Desert, even with access to the magic spring, was no place for a tyrant rank beast to continue to grow. As for other members, once they reached the peak they would stay for a while to protect the flock and leave once a new member had reached the peak of the awakened rank. Only the leaders were allowed to use the spring to reach the tyrant rank.

"I see, so it could take a while on your own. However, we may have an easier time finding out what catalysts you need to evolve. I mentioned to you briefly that I am from an organization that is full of owls. It is called the Roost and they had detailed information on the necessary requirements to evolve for a large majority of owls. We may be able to find out what it is you burrowing owls need to reach the tyrant rank." Evelyn said.

This brought hope back to Otis' eyes and he thanked Evelyn in advance simply for trying to help him. Even if she was ultimately unsuccessful.

"I would almost like to say that you should come to the Roost yourself, but I need you to stay here and protect the spring." Evelyn said, to quash any request to follow her back to the Roost.

"Of course, this is my home and I have no intention of leaving it until I am sure that my brethren are strong enough to protect it without me. And for you as well Lady Evelyn. I must make sure that the magic spring is safe for whenever you wish to use it." Otis said with a confident smile.

Bylur, who had been holding his breath through this entire exchange let out a long sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Otis might worm his way into joining the Roost. Which would be an absolute nightmare since it would give him ready access to get close to Evelyn.

Yet his relief was short lived as what Evelyn said next practically shattered him. josei

"Once you have reached the tyrant rank though it will be best if you do join us at the Roost. It will be the best environment for you to continue advancing and we can work together to get stronger."

"That sounds great Lady Evelyn. I will be happy to join the same organization as you once I reach the tyrant rank. Now I am more motivated than ever. I shall stive to boost the power of my fellow burrowing owls and reach the tyrant rank so that I can join you as soon as possible." Otis said, practically beaming.

In contrast Bylur looked dead inside. It seemed that his rival in obtaining Evelyn's affection was going to catch up to him and soar past him all in one fell swoop.

'No! I cannot let myself get down. Evelyn certainly only thinks of him as someone that is useful to her. We are already friends while Otis is practically just her subordinate. I only need to win her over before that little rat with wings comes to the Roost. It will likely take him several years yet to reach the tyrant rank. I still have the far greater advantage.' Bylur thought. Pumping himself up.

He had no intention of losing to Otis and was going to go all out to win over Evelyn.

While Bylur was off in his own world, planning how he was going to woe Evelyn, the others were busy discussing their plan for while they stayed with the burrowing owls.

"You are right that there are other spots in the desert that contain rare and valuable resources, Miss Rehni. But the ones that us burrowing owls know about are guarded by equally powerful groups. Taking them would be difficult and there is no doubt that our magic spring is the greatest resource in the desert." Otis said in response to Rehni's question about other places in the desert that might be of interest.

"Hm, I still think it might be worth checking out these locations to see if we can take the resources from them. What do you think Evelyn?" Rehni asked.

She had figured that since they were going to be here for a couple more days waiting for the spring to become active, they might as well gather some materials in the from desert.

After mulling it over, Evelyn ultimately decided that their time would be best served trying to gather rare items than simply sitting back in the burrowing owl's homes.

"I would ask that you show us to the nearest location that you know of that has rare materials. We shall rest for today and head out early tomorrow so take that time to prepare."

"Yes Lady Evelyn, I will make sure to gather a contingent of our best to guide and guard you. But I do ask that you please only scout the place out and refrain from attacking it until you return, and my subordinates can report the situation to me." Otis said, his concern for Evelyn obvious.

"Sure, that is fine. I would come back anyway to gather what strength we need. No point attacking if we cannot guarantee a win." Evelyn said, agreeing to Otis' request.

It was as they were in the middle of their discussion that another burrowing owl flew into the chamber and began speaking to Otis.

"It seems that the room for the three of you has been prepared. Would you like to go and see your accommodations now?" Otis asked.

"That sounds good. I am starting to get a bit tired from our journey here. We can continue discussing our plan for tomorrow on the way. Let us go now and see what you have prepared for us."

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